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.The rest of the night went on like this: sweet and passionate kisses, gentle touches, mind-blowing climaxes.At the end of one heck of a ride, Ty held me in his arms, naked and sweaty.I struggled to catch my breath and pulled the sheets to my chest.Ty stroked my arm and kissed my head.“Didn’t I tell you you’d like it?”“I loved it,” I said, my lids heavy with sleep now that the pounding adrenaline had ceased.“So I’m your first?”“Mmhmm.”“So that makes me special?”“Only a handful of guys can say they were my first.”He chuckled as I drifted closer to slumber.I vaguely felt him remove the sheets between us so that we were full flesh on flesh.And I barely heard him, or thought I heard him, mutter in my ear, “Damn, girl.I am so in love with you.”I slept hard.It was perhaps the best sleep I’d had in a very long time.When I awoke, Ty wasn’t in bed, but I smelled coffee and faced prying sunlight through closed blinds.I yawned and stretched.My feet hit cushioned carpet, leaving a faint trail of footsteps.I dressed and opened the blinds, unleashing the full breadth of sunshine and revealing a soaked ground after last night’s downpour.I found Ty moving back and forth in the kitchen, stopping me dead in my tracks.Reality smacked me upside the head.Holy.Freaking.Crap.I’d just lost my virginity.Ten hours ago, I had railed on Vicki to slow down and not do the deed with her boyfriend of three months who wanted to marry her, preordained by their parents.Me? I’d made love to Tyler O’Connor, the American down the hall, who wasn’t even my boyfriend, in a whirlwind moment of fear and undiluted need.I expected my inner voice to scream, “Hypocrite!” but it didn’t.My body was warm, sore, and perfect.In fact, I ached for more.This thing with Ty was my addiction.I’d fought it for so long, but now that my body had had a taste, I wanted more.I wanted everything and all of him, forever.I sniffed my breath.Rank!I backtracked into the bathroom and took care of business, washed my face, fixed my hair, and made sure no embarrassing stains or holes marked my clothes.When I was satisfied all was well, I walked into the kitchen, where Ty ambushed me with a kiss so deep he might as well have sucked the life force out of me.Good thing I’d brushed my teeth!He left his hand on my neck, which was an unbelievable turn-on, and muttered, “Slept well?”“Yes,” I panted.“Coffee and pancakes?” He led me to a bar stool where he served me.This was unexpected.Wouldn’t a normal man have asked if he could pick up where we left off and pleasure me in the privacy of my bedroom? How about some mutual gratification in the area of mind-blowing orgasms? Or, as I assumed about most men, expected me to cook breakfast for him?This was more like a relationship, one that had been going on for a long time.“Did you sleep okay?” I added half-and-half and sugar to my coffee.“You going to have coffee with your sugar?”“Har har.”“I slept just fine, thanks to you.” He sat next to me, nudged my shoulder with his, and ate in silence with one of those epically adorable smiles that said he couldn’t be happier.Ty was so stinking cute! His untucked shirt clung to muscles, and his bed head was horribly sexy.Sleepy eyes winked at me.He sipped his coffee.“So, listen.My cousin’s wedding is in a few months.Do you want to…sleep over at a hotel the night before?”I pushed around syrup into a pattern as it oozed back into an amorphous splotch.“That sounds fun.Is the wedding in town?”“Right outside Houston.”“I already found a dress.”“Bet you’ll look tasty in it.You can drool over how exquisite I look in a tux.”“Like a penguin?”He laughed.The front door rattled and opened behind us.Vicki walked in, surprised and a little scared to see us, or maybe just to see me.“Hey guys,” she muttered.Ty gave me a look.One that said my next move, my next choice of words, might determine where my friendship with Vicki ended up.I smiled, not forced or fake, but sincere because I could clearly see that my best friend had fallen in love and had probably lost her virginity, too.Vicki had been in love with Raj for a while and it pained me that she hadn’t confided in me sooner.“Breakfast?” I offered.Vicki sighed and slumped her shoulders as if the weight of the world had magically disappeared from her back.“I’ll let you guys catch up,” Ty said.He made Vicki a plate, poured a mug of coffee for her, cleaned up his mess, and washed the dishes.Well, dang, the man couldn’t get any more perfect.“Thanks, Tyler.” Vicki ate while I walked him to the door.He hugged me and kissed my jaw, making me momentarily forget we weren’t alone.“Thanks so much for sleeping over.” I played with his shirt, trying not to molest his chest.“Anytime, babe.I look forward to another ‘sleepover.’” He looked past me.“Later, Vicki.”“Bye, Tyler!”I closed the door after him, walked behind Vicki, and hugged her, rocking her side to side.“What’s that for?”“How could you think you couldn’t tell me the truth about Raj? That you were this into him?”Her face turned red.“I dunno, I thought…”“That I would judge you? Come on, we’re friends with Tulsi, and have you ever heard me bad-mouth her?”“No.”“You’re in love! Did you sleep with him?”“Well…” A giant smile spread across her face.“We did.”“How was it?”“The first time was awkward, but last night was amazing.”“How long have you been sleeping with him?”“Since the day he came over to hang at the pool.” She couldn’t stop smiling.“Oh, snap.Have you told anyone?”“Tulsi and Sunni know.They were very helpful about stuff.”“Did it hurt?”“No, because he was so gentle and…prepped me beforehand.”“Prepped you? Oh…” Yeah, I didn’t need to hear the details, although the thought reminded me of what Ty and I had done last night.That had been good prep.The main event had been even better.Vicki snapped her fingers in my face.“Are you there?”“Oh, what? Yeah.” Oops!“Did you, uh, get some yourself last night?”“Vicki!”“It’s okay if you did.You guys are so made for each other.”“No, we’re not.You know my mom has Manuk picked out for me.”“Yeah, yeah, the dentist from Dallas.Blah blah blah.You’re in love, honey buns.”“No, I’m not.He just—”“What? Makes you feel good, all hot and tingly? Makes you wanna drop your panties every time he walks into the room?”“Oh my God!”“It’s not taboo.We’re not in India, and we’re not Indians in America twenty years ago, either.If you got to know anyone at mandir or other Indians around town, you’d know they were hooking up.Indian guys, white dudes, black guys.You know in Cali [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]