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.I leave Parker at Starbucks and head back to his uncle’s apartment.There’s a package waiting at the front desk for me from Carl Wayward.Once I’m in the apartment, I open the box and find a smaller box inside and the final paperwork stating I’ve settled my debt with Bud.The small box is taped tightly and I have to pull a knife from the kitchen drawer to cut it open.There’s a letter on top, which I open immediately.This is from Edie.Ross and Jessica were who we played the night we first kissed.The night we agreed to our no strings attached arrangement.If that didn’t go straight to hell in a handbasket.I check inside the box again and find my tie, the red one she took from me that night and wore to the bar.I never even realized she kept it.She’s giving me a memento; something to remember her by.I know I sound like a huge pussy, but I fucking miss her.I feel like I’m going crazy without her.In this moment, I would give it all up; the job, New York; everything—to be with her.I shuffle through the papers, eyeing them briefly when an envelope falls to the floor.It’s sealed with no name, and I tear it open.Johnny,I hope your summer at my farm wasn’t too terrible.I hope Edie was accommodating and welcomed you wholeheartedly.I close my eyes.It’s a letter from Bud.And she was definitely accommodating.“I fell in love with her, you bastard!” I shout at the ceiling.I remind myself he’s dead and in no way had anything to do with me falling for his granddaughter.He didn’t even want me to look at her.“Sorry, Bud,” I offer quietly.Life is never easy.I know you loved your family’s farm.And I know when you lost your parents and discovered that things weren’t as picture-perfect as your childhood memories, it left a bad taste in your mouth.I can understand why you wanted to pursue another life.But I know I see in you what I see in my Edie Bug.You were born for the horses and racing.It’s in your blood.And just because your father failed, doesn’t mean you would or will.I’m no matchmaker, and Edie would probably dig my grave up and beat me, but I had hoped you two would find solace in each other.It’s rare to find someone who loves what you love most.If it didn’t work out, maybe you two can be good friends.Either way Johnny, I hope you find happiness in your life, and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, your grandfather would be proud of you.Take Care,BudI set the letter down and stare at it confused.The old man was trying to set me up with Edie? But he told me to stay away from her.I stare up at the ceiling and say, “Were you playing reverse psychology, Bud? Telling me I couldn’t have her because that would make me want her more?”I can’t do this anymore.I have to speak with Edie.I open my laptop and book the first flight I can to North Carolina.I can be at Edie’s house by seven tonight.If she shuts me down, it’ll hurt like hell, but at least I’ll know it’s over and I can quit agonizing over what-ifs.I’m really hoping she doesn’t shut me down.Practicing my hand at optimism, I open my laptop back up and click on Microsoft Word.“I hate you,” I mumble to Nikki as I lie on her bed.She’s perched at her desk, staring at her computer.She laughs, but doesn’t turn to me.“You had fun,” she retorts.“But now, I’m not having fun.I feel like ass.”“I hate to tell you this, but you look like it, too,” she snorts.“Don’t worry, Joey and the others are taking care of everything this morning.You’ll have to work the next two Sundays and exercise the horses to make up for it.Then they can have the day off, too.”I roll from my side to my back slowly, my head pounding as I do.“How much did I drink last night?”“I stopped counting around the sixth shot.”“I think I blacked out.What the hell? What happened?”“Well, you kissed Dierk.”I shoot up immediately.“What?” I shriek.“Yeah, you were both wasted, but Joey and I pulled you two apart before anything happened.”“I kissed him.Something obviously happened.”“Chill, Edie.It was only a friendly little kiss.You guys weren’t Frenching or anything.He asked you for a birthday kiss so you gave him a little peck.”“You know it wasn’t just friendly for Dierk.Can you stop staring at your damn computer and turn around and talk to me?”“I’m scanning Parker’s Facebook page.”“Parker?” My curiosity is officially piqued.Maybe he’s mentioned Suit.“Yeah, listen to this latest post.‘Need to take my roommate out tonight to help him drown his blues away in a bottle of whiskey.’”“You think he’s talking about Suit?”“That is his roommate,” she says dryly.I flop back down on the bed.“Why would Suit be blue?”“Oh my God!” Nikki groans.“You guys are fucking hopeless!” She jumps out of her chair, flies across the room, and tackles me on the bed.“What are you doing?” I grunt as her full weight makes contact with my body.“You two love each other! This is dumb!” she shouts as she straddles me.“Are you crazy?” I shriek as she attempts to wrestle my arms above my head.“I’m going to hold you down and knock some sense in to you!” she shouts as we struggle.I push her off of me and to the side and climb out of the bed, but tumble to the floor.Heaving myself up, I yell, “He left! He bailed in the middle of the night without a word!”“He left a letter.” She stands facing me from the other side of the bed, her blue eyes wide; her face red.“A goodbye letter,” I argue.“It wasn’t a goodbye letter, Edie.”I stare at her confused.“You read it?”“Yes,” she states simply.“While you were in the shower.” She turns and grabs her purse from her desk.She pulls out the folded piece of yellow tablet paper.“Read it.Now!” she orders me, pushing the letter at me.“I can’t,” I shake my head.“Fine,” she huffs.“I’ll read it to you.” She gives me a pointed look before she clears her throat obnoxiously, unfolding the letter, and begins.Edie,By the time you read this, I’ll be gone.I’m sorry for the way I left, but I couldn’t bear to see you cry in the morning.Leaving you is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done.Leaving you feels like I’m leaving home all over again.My life has been planned for some years now.I’ve known exactly what I wanted and where I wanted to be.Nothing would get in my way.But when I met you, my plans seemed so stupid and selfish [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]