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.“I’ve had my eye on Daly for some time now,” Obannion said as soon as everybody was seated.“But you know that.Well, he just had quite a baptism of fire as acting platoon commander.According to all reports, he acquitted himself well.” He looked at the others; they’d all had time to study the debriefing of the members of second platoon, including that of Doc Natron.They had also seen the deposition of Lieutenant Tevedes, taken onboard the Admiral Nelson before he was put in the stasis bag, and read the afteraction report filed by Captain Emmert of the Admiral Nelson.“Can any of you think of a reason I shouldn’t ask him to put in for commissioning?”There was a moment of silence before Captain Qindall, the Executive Officer, said, “I’m not so sure, sometimes he gets pretty arrogant.That’s not a particularly good quality in an officer.”Periz barked out a sharp laugh.“Arrogance, not desirable in a Marine? Captain, arrogance is a quality that distinguishes Marines!” He leaned forward, and put his elbows on his thighs.“With all due respect, sir, Daly’s not arrogant, he’s a Marine.A lot of people, mostly the army, think Marines are arrogant.But we aren’t arrogant, it’s just that we know we’re the best at what we do—and we don’t see any reason to hide that fact.” He snorted, then continued, “Most Marines think Force Recon is arrogant.We aren’t, though.It’s just that we can do things nobody else can do, and we’re proud of it.If Daly seems arrogant to us, it’s just because he’s one of the best of us—and doesn’t see any reason to hide it.”There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, which Obannion finally broke.“He’s got you there, XO.From where most people stand, Marines are arrogant.Us more than most.”Captain Wainwright, the operations officer, chuckled.“Skipper, I can just imagine writing an operation order for a platoon-size mission for Daly.The afteraction report wouldn’t much resemble the original mission order.” He shook his head.“Not that afteraction reports are all that close to operation orders to begin with, especially for us.”“ ‘No plan, no matter how well designed, ever survives the first shot,’ ” Obannion quoted the ancient military aphorism.“But for us, they should.”Qindall looked reflective for a moment, then said, “An officer does need to be flexible.Daly’s proven that he’s capable of flexibility in stressful circumstances.”“If nobody has any further objection,” Obannion said after giving the others a moment more to speak up,“Sergeant Major, would you get Sergeant Daly, please.”Periz pulled out his personal comm and punched one button.“Skipper wants to see you.Now,” he growled into it when Daly answered.Without being told to, he got up and opened the office door.Daly appeared quickly.Evidently he’d been waiting outside the company office for the call.“What took you so long?” Periz growled.“At ease, Sergeant,” Obannion said.Daly assumed a relaxed parade rest.“You did quite a good job,” the company commander said.“Lieutenant Tevedes said you were outstanding after he was injured.So did everyone else in the platoon.And we all know how hard Force Recon Marines are to impress.” He gave Daly an expectant look.Daly didn’t know what to say, so he merely said, “Yessir.”“You’ve had a taste of being a platoon commander,” Obannion went on.“How would you like to have platoon commander be your usual job?”“Sir?” The question caught Daly by surprise.“If you would like to apply for Officer Training College, I will give my endorsement to your request.I’m sure Captains Qindall and Wainwright, and Sergeant Major Periz would add theirs as well.”“Sir, I—I hadn’t given applying for commissioning any thought,” Daly said, slightly flustered by the question.“Well, I have.And so have these gentlemen.We believe you would make an outstanding officer.Of course, we’d like for you to come right back to Force Recon after your commissioning.” He turned and looked out the window for a moment, then turned back.“I believe that when Lieutenant General Indrus reads the afteraction report of the mission, he’ll be happy to add his endorsement as well.So what do you say, Sergeant, would you like to be an officer?”“Sir, if I go for a commission, I’d become an ensign.Force Recon platoon commanders are lieutenants.I’d have to go somewhere else first.I like being in Force Recon.”“Force Recon has staff positions open to ensigns with prior Force Recon experience.And a promotion can come fast for a sharp ensign.”“Sir.” Daly was visibly dazed; he really had never given any serious thought to applying for a commission.“You don’t have to make a decision right now,” Obannion said.“Sleep on it.Go out with some other squad leaders and discuss it over a drunken night.Whatever you need to do.When you report back for duty four days from now, I’ll have an application filled out and waiting for your signature.” He stood, so did the others.“That’s all, Sergeant.Enjoy your liberty.That was a good job you did on Atlas.”“Aye aye, sir.Thank you, sir.” Daly snapped to attention, about-faced, and marched from the company office.When Sergeant Daly reported back for duty four days later, the application for commissioning was waiting for him.Endorsements from Commander Obannion, Captain Qindall, Captain Wainwright, and Sergeant Major Periz were already attached to it.So was an endorsement from Lieutenant General Indrus.Daly signed the application.That afternoon, orders arrived for him to report to Officer Training College on Arsenault.He left the next day.CHAPTERTHIRTYOffice of the Director, CIO Laboratories, Hunter, Earth The lab was busy.Anya was intrigued by what she saw going on in the main area of the laboratory, particularly a device a technician was testing, a laser gun disguised as an eyebrow highlighter.“You’ve miniaturized these things since I was in the field,” she remarked to Dr.Blogetta O’Bygne.“We thought the laser pen was the hottest new thing in defensive weapons.”Several technicians waved in a friendly way to Anya as she and Dr.O’Bygne made their way to the rear of the laboratory.“Come in here, Anya.” O’Bygne swiped her access card through the security device set into a massive door that slowly swung open to let the women into a small lab area crowded with instruments.Pieces of equipment Anya could not identify lay scattered on tables.On one of the tables were two huge flowerpots each containing a plant.Both pots contained what looked like rich, dark soil.Each plant had extended runners down to the floor and all the way to the opposite wall, a distance of perhaps six meters.One was obviously dead, its thick tendrils shriveled and brittle looking.At intervals along the tendrils were shriveled green things that looked like tiny pepper plants.But the other plant was thriving and it was obviously a cucumber plant.But—the cucumbers! They were huge!“You should water your cukes more often,” Anya remarked wryly, nodding at the dead plant.It seemed odd to Anya that O’Bygne or someone was growing vegetables in the lab, but she and her staff were known to be a bit oddball [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]