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.I will call you when the results come back.If they are positive, Mr.Richards and I will arrange an initial meeting between you and Mattie.Until then, you will stay away from her.” That sounds like an order—or a warning?Mama Bear on the prowl protecting her cubs.Nancy is fierce when she wants to be.If Mr.Crane knows what’s good for him, he’ll shut his mouth and do as he’s told.“Of course,” he says smoothly in acquiescence.“I don’t wish to cause her any harm.I agree, she’s been through quite enough as it is.I only want to make things as easy as possible for her when she comes home to New Orleans.”Home? I feel my breath whoosh out.“Leave Charlotte?”There’s a blinding pain that splits open behind my eyes and I blink at the spots appearing in front of me.I have the sinking suspicion…am I close to fainting? I take several deep breaths, and focus on my breathing.No.I can’t leave Charlotte.It’s my home.Dan’s here, and Mary, and I still have to help those girls!“Non, ma cherie,” Mr.Crane soothes.“I wouldn’t force you to leave until you are ready.All the professionals I spoke with advised against pulling you out of familiar places, away from friends and family.If your foster home is a place you feel safe, I won’t make you leave.I’m buying an apartment here in Charlotte so we can spend time together, get to know each other.None of this is your fault, ma petite, and you will not be made to suffer for it.”My hand reaches out and grasps Eli’s in a death grip.Panic is hitting full force and I need to calm down.Why does the thought of being alone with this man make me panic to the point of unconsciousness?“Mattie, are you okay, sweetheart?” Nancy asks.Her eyes are full of concern.She’s never seen me react to anything like this, but then it’s not every day a girl meets her father, who I’m pretty sure is a bad, bad man.Dan’s mom said they’d taken me to protect me from him.Maybe there is some truth to it.“I’m fine, Nancy,” I say, putting more of an edge into my voice.“Just got a little dizzy is all.I hit my head when I fell at the airport.The last couple days are finally catching up to me.”“Maybe we should take you to the hospital,” she frets.“Head wounds are tricky.”“No.” I shake my head very carefully.“I’ll be fine, I just need rest.Dan, can you give me a ride home? I need to talk to you.”“Sure,” he nods.“I’ll come, too,” Eli says, smoothly inviting himself along.I roll my eyes at the hostile expression consuming Dan’s face.“Whatever.” I stand before Dan can argue.“Eli might be able to help.” Besides, I need the warmth his body gives off.He takes the edge off the cold.“Okay.I’ll find your foster family and let them know Dan will be taking you home.” Nancy sighs.“Dan, if her headache gets worse, force her to the emergency room.”“Will do, Mrs.Moriarity.”“Mattie, it was nice to meet you.” Mr.Crane holds out his hand for me to shake and I’m leery of touching him, but with everyone staring at me, I can’t not be polite.Nancy will have a seizure if I don’t.Here goes.“You too, Mr.Crane.” I grasp the proffered hand and instead of snatching it back, want to pull him to me and hug the man instead.I can sense emotions in ghosts sometimes when they’re broadcasting really, really loudly.This man is screaming his emotions.I can feel pain, grief, love, but mostly I feel joy.He is so full of joy that he’s found me.“I’m not as bad as you think,” he tells me softly.“And I’m so glad I’ve found you, my Emma Rose.”I nod and reluctantly pull my hand out of his, not wanting to lose those feelings, despite the definite impression that Ezekiel Crane is dangerous.I also know he’s my father.DNA results or not, everything inside of me shouted family when he took my hand.Maybe there is something to that old saying about blood knowing blood.“I will see you soon, ma petite,” he tells me with a reassuring smile.“Come on, Mattie.” Eli grabs my hand.“Let’s get you out of here.”I still can’t believe it.I finally found my dad [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]