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.He grabbed it and pulled it out to make room for himself."It doesn't hurt that these are some of my best friends.""You made your best friends from coming to a bar? You might have a problem that we need to work on, Sadie.""Leave me alone.I am not an alcoholic.I like to spend time with my friends and have a good time while doing it.""Sounds good to me.So, I'm glad you came.""Really? What were you expecting? Me, to not be here?""I wasn't sure.But I'm glad all the same."Dave walked over and butted right in between Ash and me.He gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek."Good to see ya, girl.Anybody else coming up?""Hi Dave.Nope, I came up here to meet Ash.You met him at my birthday.He just got back from San Diego.He was in the Navy there."That changed everything.Bye bye went over protective Dave and in came, I'm the dude from Huntington Beach.They started talking about California and Tijuana, Mexico.Bryan over heard them and then he was in the mix as well.I just sat back and listened to them laugh and joke about what’s really in the tacos they ate and the beaches.Dave had to go back to work and Bryan needed to help Geoff, who was getting swamped, which brought it back to just Ash and me."Your friends seem really nice.""That's because they are.Why do you think I'm here so much, and don't even think about saying the alcohol again, smart ass.""Speaking of asses, I have to be honest, yours was all over my dreams last night.""Nice to know, you never did make an appearance in mine.Well, unless your face somehow morphed into Adam Levine's." He laughed and then called Bryan over for a shot and a beer."Wait, what shot are you getting?""Why, is there a bad one or something?""No.I will have whatever you have.As long as it’s not that stuff that tastes like black licorice.It’s nasty.""Well then, I will have the black licorice whatever it is.""No, he won't.Bryan can you please bring us two shots each of Alabama slammers.""What are you trying to do, Sadie? Get me drunk and take advantage of me? Cause I might just let ya.""Not a chance.I'm not that kind of girl."We took both shots and continued to talk and drink.Dancing came after a while, and just like I remembered, this man can move.Our hands were all over every spot we could touch on each other, without being deemed inappropriate.At one point he went to dip me to be silly and dropped me, that’s when we called it quits on the dance floor.We both were walking back to get another drink when Ash surprised me by saying, "I totally forgot to tell you.I'm going to the school tomorrow to talk about getting signed up for the fire academy."I jumped in his arms."That's fantastic! Good for you.""Thanks.I'm pretty pumped about it.That's why it’s crazy I forgot to tell you.""Not so crazy.You walked in, saw me, your mind went blank due to my beauty and then nothing was there to remember.It happens a lot with men, don't worry.There's nothing wrong with you.""Your head is going to pop you know.Like explode.""Not a chance.There's plenty of room for more compliments if you want to give them away."Ash grabbed me and spun me so my head was at his chest.My hands once again settled on his sexy abs.This time he put his thumbs under my armpits and picked me up, over his head.I felt so high.I trusted him not to drop me so I wasn’t wiggling as much as I’m sure he thought I would be.As he lowered me back down, he did it slowly while saying, "I thought I could bring you back down to reality." By this point our eyes were level and he was still holding me off the ground, not shaking at all."But I think you might be right after all.You are that beautiful." He pulled me close enough for his mouth to reach mine.His lips felt smooth, the kiss was so soft and then he pulled back and it was over.He set me back down and grabbed my hand to pull me back to our seats at the bar.I was having an amazing time.We talked and laughed for hours until the bar called out last call.I looked up at Ash in shock.We closed the bar.How did we do that?"You ready to get out of here?" He asked."Yeah, let me grab my stuff." I grabbed my phone and put it in my purse.I threw a couple $20s on the bar for a tip but Ash immediately grabbed it and shoved it in my purse."You will never pay around me.Don't argue.I can see it in your eyes."I closed my mouth.He threw a $100 bill down and took my hand to leave.I thought about telling him I drank for free.But then I would have to tell him how and why.Those were things I didn’t want to share yet.So I continued to walk with him outside the bar.When we reached the parking lot, he lightly pushed me until my back was against the wall.Ash put one arm on the wall behind me and the other one around my neck.He used his thumb to tilt my chin up enough for him to kiss me.And oh, did he kiss me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]