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.'Harriet?' Isabella glanced at Nicholas, standing at the window.His face was utterly expressionless.'I.I wanted to speak to you.''To me?''To both of you, ma'am.''Then please come in.'Harriet stepped inside and closed the door.Rufus trotted over to greet her.The girl shrank back.'Rufus.' Isabella clicked her fingers.Poor Rufus, she thought, rubbing the dog's warm, silky head when he came to her.Nearly a month and she is still afraid of you.'What is it, my dear?'Harriet came no further into the room.She stood with her back pressed to the wood.'I wish to.' She swallowed.Her gaze flicked to Nicholas and away.An emotion crossed her face, too swiftly for Isabella to identify it.Fear? Revulsion?'I wish to apologise for.for jilting you, Major Reynolds.' She spoke the words to his shoulder, not his face.'Thank you, Miss Durham.' Nicholas bowed slightly.His voice was light and pleasant, polite.'And.' Harriet clasped her hands tightly together and visibly gathered her courage.'And I wish to marry you.'Isabella had the impression that everything stood still for a moment: that she stopped breathing, that the clock on the mantelpiece stopped ticking, that the kitten stopped purring, that everything was frozen.Nicholas stirred slightly, breaking the silence.'I beg your pardon?'Harriet lifted her chin.Her hands, gripping each other, were white-knuckled.'I wish to marry you.'Nicholas cleared his throat.'I.ah, I was under the impression that you did not wish to marry me, Miss Durham.''I have changed my mind.'Isabella swallowed.She forced herself to inhale, to speak through stiff lips.'Why, Harriet?''I will not be a jilt!' the girl burst out.Her face was flushed now, and tears stood in her eyes.'I want to do my duty! I want.I want to marry Major Reynolds!''Harriet.' Isabella tried to speak calmly '.there is a possibility that Mr Fernyhough will find a new preferment.He will be able to marry you--''I won't be a jilt,' Harriet said in a low, trembling voice.'I won't! I will do my duty to my grandfather.I will do my duty to Major Reynolds.''But, Harriet--''I will marry Major Reynolds!' The girl's voice was almost fierce.'He asked me, and I will marry him!'There was another endless, echoing moment of frozen silence, while dust motes spun lazily in the sunlight and the kitten purred in her lap, then Nicholas bowed.His voice was utterly expressionless.'Very well, madam.'Isabella opened her mouth--no!--but no sound came from her throat.Harriet made a stiff curtsy.She turned, fumbled for the doorknob and almost ran from the room.The snick of the door closing was loud in the silence.'Isabella--'She looked at Nicholas blindly.Her throat was tight, too tight for breath, too tight for speech.'I have to,' she heard him say.'I have to honour my commitment to her.'Her eyes focused.Nicholas was pale beneath his tan, his skin almost grey.The scar stood out starkly.'Isabella.' he said again.He walked slowly towards her, placing his feet carefully, as if he too was blinded.Isabella scooped the kitten from her lap and stood.'I will talk to her!' she said, as the little creature shook itself on the sofa and squeaked indignantly.'I will ask her to relinquish her claim on you.I will beg that she.that she--' The words stumbled to a halt on her tongue.I can't do that, and neither can Nicholas.'I gave Harriet my word that I would marry her.' His voice was quiet, his expression bleak.'Isabella, I must honour my word.'I know.Isabella bowed her head.She closed her eyes.Nicholas touched her cheek hesitantly, as if he no longer had any right to.'Isabella.''I love you,' she whispered.'And I you.' He caught her in a fierce grip, so tight she could barely breathe.For a second she inhaled his male scent, felt the beating of his heart--and then Nicholas released her, thrusting her from him, stepping back.'I must find Colonel Durham.' His voice was rough and his face, when she looked at it--Pain.He swallowed and hesitated, and for a moment she thought he would say something more, then his face tightened and he turned from her and opened the door [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]