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.We propped the large stone doors slightly open so we could keep a small fire going just inside.The room was rather simple.A large stairway led down to the heart of the temple, but it was closed off by a large stone door.We feasted on giant sandpede meat which was a little chewy, but not that bad.None of our injuries were serious-a pulled muscle here and a bruise there.Clagmir healed Jerak’s wounds and then his own.“We will rest here for the night and I’ll leave my horse inside tomorrow morning.We will tackle what is inside,” Clagmir directed as he tried to boil water for his tea.I laid back and closed my eyes.Tomorrow would be a big day.I woke up feeling sore and tired.The cold air inside the temple wasn’t something I expected.Clagmir was in a meditating position at the base of the stairs that led down into the sub-floors of the temple.“Clagmir, you think your horse will be alright in here?” asked Jerak, who was already walking around.Clagmir nodded, “My horse will be fine.He is out of the desert sun and quite safe.” I stretched and put my armor back on.“Blake… I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Clagmir quietly said as he slowly stood up.He looked at me, “I saw what you did fighting that giant beast…”Jerak chimed in, “Oh, that was the Dragon Spirit!”Clagmir shook his head and sighed, “So he controls you?”I looked at Jerak and back at Clagmir, “Actually, this time it was different.” I took several deep breaths, “I… felt scared… not just for myself but…”Clagmir put his hand on my shoulder, “So that was your will, huh?”I gave him a nod and stared at the stone floor, “I was in full control, just overwhelmed with rage.”Jerak started to pick at his ear, “Didn’t you say you were scared?”Clagmir smiled, “It sounds like to me you had more of an overwhelming urge to protect others than pure rage.” Clagmir gave me a grin and nodded to Jerak, “Let’s gear up!”We left our packs with the horse and prepared for battle.Then the three of us pried open the heavy stone doors.“It is dark,” Jerak whispered.I chuckled, “Thank you captain obvious.” The two of them looked back at me.I just shrugged.Clagmir sighed and soon his shield started to glow.Jerak and I looked at each other as Clagmir took the lead down the stairs.Jerak whispered to me, “I didn’t know his shield could do that, did you?” I shrugged and just followed.“Keep quiet and try not to touch anything,” Clagmir instructed as we climbed down into a dark hallway.The air wasn’t as stuffy as I expected but it was still very dusty.Past the stairs we reached a long hallway with rows of empty stone shelves.That wasn’t a good thing.Clagmir took out his sword as he saw why.I had never really seen the undead in action.I was not sure if those ghouls I saw so many weeks ago were actually undead or some freaky race.I was certain what I saw now were undead.Four skeletons that stood taller than the three of us walked toward us.Judging by the shape of their skulls as well as their claws and tails I concluded that they were lizard men.“Oh, man” Jerak gasped-he had never seen them either.Clagmir charged straight into them.We saw a clash of bones breaking as he smacked them with his shield.Clagmir’s fiery sword cleaved through another skeleton with ease.He took a step back to get his breath and then made another advance.The last two skeletons fell just as easily.Clagmir took several deep breaths, “It seems the rumor of the necromancers’ presence is true.” Jerak and I looked at each other.Clagmir nodded at us, said, “Stay sharp,” and took the lead again.I followed him, looking at the broken remains of the undead as I passed.I was so glad he was on our side.Jerak followed behind me and appeared to be as impressed as I was.The three of us traveled down the long hall toward a large room.“Shhh!” Clagmir whispered as he blocked our path.He crouched down low and Jerak and I mimicked him.“Look down there…” Clagmir whispered.In the large room down the stairs, there stood several figures in dark robes.The room itself had stairways leading down either side.At the bottom were at least six necromancers and several skeletons that stood lifelessly beside them.I bit my lower lip and tried to form a plan, but Clagmir stood up and shouted, “By the Celestial Fist! I will end you!”Clagmir had already charged down the stairs.Jerak raised his mace and followed him.“Dude…” I muttered.I was hoping we would at least come up with some form of plan.I sighed deeply and moved down the stairs with my two blades ready.This was going to suck… I just knew it.The first thing that came in my way was a lizard man skeleton.I swung at it with each weapon.The skeleton didn’t even attempt to block or move.My first swing scraped bone but the second hit was hard enough to break off two bones in the spine.Soon the skull and some neck bones came right off and the rest of the body went limp.That was easier than I expected.My little victory was halted as a bright light shot right at me.A bolt of lightning had been fired by one of the necromancers and had bounced off my helmet.I froze for a moment in surprise and looked back.The necromancer stood there staring at me surprised that his spell didn’t work.He drew a sword and snarled at me.I moved in and, with my left short sword, shoved his sword aside.My other blade thrust right into him.His body leaned forward and soon fell lifeless.I heaved him off my blade and readied myself for more.Two skeletons charged me at once.They raised their boney claws and swiped at me.Even though my armor was keeping their claws at bay, I could feel the strength behind their attacks.I countered with a stab which did nothing to either skeleton.I had to make a mental note that I was not fighting something made of flesh and blood.I groaned at my own stupidity and hacked into the side of the skeleton.The blade made a clean break at the torso and the top half of the body fell right off.I parried the second skeleton’s claws with my left blade and made a punch with the pummel of my right sword.I broke a few dry ribs but the skeleton didn’t even appear fazed.The other hand of the skeleton swung at me.I leaned back but still felt it strike the side of my helmet.I was so thankful of this armor! I punched with my left hand at the base of its skull, which broke off part of the jaw and made a cracking sound at the base.It helped that I was holding a solid object which made that hit much more damaging.From a distance, a few bits of bone fell at my side.I didn’t know how Clagmir did it, but his shield just shattered those skeletons as if they were made of thin ice.Jerak came into view and splintered a skull with his mace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]