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.And where the hell did that come from?He didn’t seem poised to continue, and that made her tense.“Aren’t I?” she prompted.She did get release from a spanking.Hell, she could also get it from a beating, but she wasn’t going to state that out loud.“I’m not saying you don’t enjoy being spanked, or even flogged.I’m just suggesting you consider another possibility.”“And that would be?” She felt like she was working hard to pull this out of him.Something she wasn’t at all sure she wanted.“Sex.”“What?” The word slipped out unbidden.He smiled.“When you submit to me, your body responds sexually, baby.I don’t hear you screaming out with any non-verbal cues that insinuate you need a good flogging.I only get the feeling you need to come.”Her body went rigid.So many thoughts raced through her mind as Gage lifted one hand from her hip to below her breast.The other he caressed up her body, past her traitorous breasts to her neck.He wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck and tipped her head back so she looked at him.Her heart beat faster.She breathed harder.And the ball growing in the pit of her stomach suddenly increased to twice the size, tightening her pussy unimaginably.Her ears were ringing, but she still didn’t know quite what he was suggesting.“Think about it, baby.” He stroked her chin with his thumb.“Last time you submitted to me you wanted me to spank you, but why?” He waited for her, as if her mouth would work to form words.She gulped as she parted her lips with no particular idea how to respond.“I like it, Gage.I like the way I can sort of leave my body and tip into a different dimension.It lets me release my stress.”“I hear you.And I’m sure that’s true, but isn’t that just a substitute for what you really want?”“What do I really want?” She shouldn’t have asked that.He leaned in closer, his lips only a breath from hers.“To come, baby.Hard.It’s a different release, and you don’t like to ask for it, but I think you’re more of a sexual submissive than a pain sub.”She inhaled sharply.Her eyes widened farther.Shit.No.It couldn’t be.She shook her head.He lifted his hand and flicked his thumb across her nipple.She buckled, her knees unable to hold her up as she moaned.She grabbed his waist with both hands to keep from collapsing, but she needn’t have done so.He had her.He knew.His knee came up between her legs, and he pressed his body into her, pinning her to the wall.His gaze held hers.She couldn’t look away.She wanted to, but something about him pinned her eyes to his just as her body was pinned to the wall.And damn, what if he was right?“It’s okay,” he soothed, his thumb caressing her chin again.“So many people are sexual submissives.It’s not as though you should be ashamed of such a thing or think of yourself as weak.”His words caressed her senses just as his thumb caressed her cheek.“We can do a pain scene if you want.I can spank you until you either come or slip into a deep subspace.But wouldn’t it be better if you let me push you over the edge with my fingers inside your pussy? My thumb on your clit? The release isn’t less.It might even be more.”She breathed heavily, her arousal not only flooding between her legs, but soaking Gage’s knee at her crotch.She wasn’t even wearing panties.Why had that seemed like a good idea?He toyed with her nipple while he watched her, his thumb drawing circles around the tight nub until all she could focus on was the need for him to flick his finger over the tip.She shivered.When she couldn’t hold his stare any longer, she lowered her face and set her forehead against his chest.Sex wasn’t supposed to be in this equation.She’d done scenes with other Doms without feeling anything close to what she felt every time Gage entered a room lately.There was no denying she needed to come.She wasn’t sure about his general assessment of her needs, but right that moment all she knew was arousal like she’d never experienced.And she would do anything to get relief.“Please,” she whispered.“Please what, baby?” He pinched her nipple then, shocking her with the unexpected.“Oh, God, Gage, I’m so aroused.When you talk to me like that…” She let her head fall back against the wall and rolled it along the cool surface.“I know, baby.Let me make you feel good.”“Yes.” She could barely hear the word and wondered if she’d even said anything, but she must have because she immediately found herself released from the pressure against the wall.Gage wrapped one arm around her and led her across the dance floor and through the crowd.She felt drunk, though she’d had nothing to drink.When she found herself at the entrance to the locker room door, Gage pinned her against the wall again and held her face.“I could make you come right here, in a public scene, or even in a private room down the hall, but I think it would be better to take you home.”She widened her gaze, her mouth falling open.He was going to leave her hanging like this and drop her off at home?He smiled.“You misunderstand.”And then she realized her error.He hadn’t meant to insinuate he would leave her, just that he would care for her in private.She nodded.“Can you get your stuff from your locker? Or do you want me to have someone else do it?”She blinked several times.“Right.My bag.Yes.I can get it.”“Good girl.I’ll give your thirty seconds.” He swatted her ass just enough to get her to move.Kayla slipped through the door to the locker room, wondering how she managed to get her legs to follow instructions.Whatever kept her upright was a miracle.She beelined for her locker and grabbed her pink shoulder bag with her earlier clothes and her purse in it.She was back at his side in less than thirty seconds.He smiled and took her hand to lead her through the crowd and out the entrance.Moments later, as though in a daze, she found herself in the passenger seat of his Jeep [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]