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.He held it for a three count.Karim screamed the entire time, even managing to spit again, this time hitting the agent.The agent sent another round of voltage through Karim.When the agent stopped after the second three count, Karim again began screaming.“Fuckers! Kill me! You think I haven’t felt this before!” He spat again at the agent, hitting him this time in the chest.The agent moved but Bismarck turned and held up his hand, stepped to the terrorist’s side.Like a knife blade, he stabbed a needle into his neck, then pushed it in.Suddenly, Karim stopped screaming.His eyes moved back into his head, and his chest and head convulsed in spasms that rocked the steel table.After a pregnant second, he screamed at a decibel level Dewey thought might crack the terminal windows.Bismarck moved to one of the monitors and looked at it for a few moments as Karim continued to wail in pain.Finally, when the screaming stopped, Bismarck moved to the prisoner.He stood next to Karim’s head.“We’re going to get along a lot better if you don’t do that,” said Bismarck.Karim panted, trying to catch his breath.He looked up for several seconds, then spat again, hitting Bismarck in the face.Again Bismarck emptied a syringe into his neck, and again Karim’s eyes moved back in his head, followed by screams that shook the terminal.Dewey stepped forward.“You’re going to kill him,” he barked at Bismarck.“We need him alive.”An agent stepped in front of Dewey.Bismarck turned.“Andreas? Is that right? Let me do my job and keep quiet or I’ll ask these gentlemen to escort you out.”Bismarck checked the monitors again.He whispered something to one of the nurses, who injected a syringe into the IV at Karim’s forearm.Bismarck moved to the table again.He picked up a small, thin syringe.“This will make you feel better,” said Bismarck to Karim.“This is something called Tocinare.It’s a psychotropic.It will not cause you pain.I don’t want to hurt you.We just want some answers.You understand?”“I won’t talk,” said Karim, strangely serene this time.“I was trained at Crimea.I have received this drug before.You waste your time.”“Trust me, you haven’t tried this one.”Bismarck inserted the needle into the IV line, at the forearm.Suddenly, Karim’s eyes shut.They remained shut for more than a minute.His body relaxed, limp on the table.Bismarck moved to the monitor, checked it.After what seemed like an eternity, the terrorist’s eyes opened.“Feel good?” asked Bismarck.“I thought you’d like that.”“It feels good,” said Karim.He shut his eyes again, this time for more than two minutes.Finally, Bismarck stepped from the monitors.He took hold of one of Karim’s ears, shook it.Karim opened his eyes.“You might have received Pentothal,” said Bismarck.“Trust me, you haven’t received what I just injected in your arm.”“Okay.It feels warm.Is it snowing?”“Yes, it is.Do you like the snow?”“No.I don’t.”“What’s your name?”“Karim.”“Where are you from, Karim?”“Saudi Arabia.Al-Khobar, near Dhahran.”“Family?”“A sister, mother.My father died in the war against Russia.”“Afghanistan?”“Yes.”“Did he work Ghawar?”“Yes.He was a petroleum engineer.”“Karim, did you help to destroy Capitana?”Karim remained silent.His arm twitched and he suddenly shut his eyes.“Karim, can you answer me? Did you help to destroy the oil rig?”“Yes.”“What about the dam? Savage Island?”“Yes, that too.”“Long Beach?”Karim shut his eyes again.“Long Beach?” asked Bismarck, a hint of urgency in his voice.Karim remained silent.“Karim, I’m wondering about Long Beach.Can you help me on that one, my friend? Did you have something to do with it? Did you plan it?”Karim opened his eyes.He looked alert.His lips quivered ever so slightly, but no words came out.“I’m going to give you a different drug, if you don’t talk.It will make the feeling from the first drug go away.Do you understand? It will hurt.It will hurt more than the drug before, the one that hurt.It will hurt a lot more than that.”“Don’t make it go away,” said Karim.“Answer me.”“Yes, Long Beach.”Bismarck put his hand on the small needle, still dangling out of the IV at the terrorist’s forearm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]