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.“Since you're the Dom, and I'm just a sub…”“Why do I feel like I'm being set up?”“Can you give me suggestions on how to shut you up? You know, respectfully…? I'm just asking because you can just shove your cock in my mouth to make me be quiet.And since you're the Dom, you can do it anytime you want.” Boldly she grabbed his cock and gave it a squeeze, mindless of the other people around, maybe partially because the other people were around.“For future reference, that'll work.” He closed his hand over hers.“Stay here,” he repeated before getting out of the car.She would definitely do that again, she decided.She liked how responsive he was.The thought that she might have some power over him intoxicated her.“Get up.Get up,” Eureka said.“Five minutes,” she told him.The three male Hawkeye agents went around the back of the cabin in opposite directions before heading into the woods.Trace went inside while Mallory stayed on the porch.That five people were charged with keeping her and her piece of the project safe was sobering.Within thirty seconds, Aimee saw Mallory flash a thumbs-up.Thank goodness.Eureka wasn't the only one tired of the trip.She needed to stretch her legs, and food would be good too.The operative jogged over to the vehicle.Aimee opened her door while Mallory opened the back.“I'd like to get you inside as quickly as possible.”Mallory stayed close as Aimee grabbed the birdcage.“I'll get everything else,” the other woman said, staying behind Aimee, making sure she wasn't exposed.She carried Eureka inside, aware of Mallory behind her every step.“Where do you want me to put him?” she asked Trace.“And don't even dare consider saying the first thing that came to mind.”Mallory laughed, then turned her laugh into a polite cough and headed back outside.He grinned.For a few brief seconds, he appeared younger, more carefree.She wondered how things might have turned out if they'd met under different circumstances.Would they have even been attracted to one another? Or would it have been just as incendiary? Would it have been as intense without the element of threat? Or would it have been even better because they had time to explore each other?“The bookcase,” he said, coming over to clear games and magazines from the top.“I'll be back in less than fifteen minutes, twenty, tops,” he said.Mallory brought in the rest of the luggage.“All of it in one bedroom?” she asked Trace.He and Aimee exchanged a glance.“One bedroom,” he said.So he didn't care who knew they were sleeping together.Absently she wondered if Hawkeye headquarters had posted a side bet about how long it would be before they were sleeping together.“Please stay inside,” he said.She nodded.Trace set up her notebook computer on the kitchen table and grabbed an extension cord from a drawer.She uncovered the cage, and Eureka said, “Good morning, Aimee.”“I'm afraid your schedule is really off.”“His schedule isn't the only thing about him that's off,” Trace said on his way out the door.She refilled Eureka's water and cut up some fruit, but she left him in the cage, giving him time to adapt to the surroundings.As she powered up her computer, she was very much aware of the murmur of voices outside, with Trace's being the dominant one.He was right about his family's cabin not being grand, but he hadn't mentioned that it was cozy.Even though there was a deer head mounted on one wall, and some sort of fur on the floor in front of the wood-burning fireplace, there were plenty of female touches, from the dried flowers in a brass water pitcher to the bright serape thrown over the arm of the couch.A colorful bowl sat on the kitchen counter, and a few family photos hung on one wall, between the door and a picture window.Some of the shots looked as if they'd hung from their places of honor for years, and the frames were mainly wooden, in bright primary colors, although a couple were constructed from hammered tin.She wandered over for a closer look.One appeared somewhat recent and had been taken outside the cabin.Trace stood next to an older couple.Maybe his parents? The man's arm was across the woman's shoulder, and they were both smiling.Trace had his arm around the shoulder of another woman, who was trying to juggle a small child on her hip.“Three generations,” Trace said, coming in.“My parents, my sister, and her oldest, Ricardo.”“Oldest?”“She has another on the way, thanks be to God.Keeps Madre busy so she doesn't focus on my failure to provide her with a grandchild.”“You spend a lot of time with your parents?”“As much as I can.Mi madre, I think she'd like you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]