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.It was only a matter of time before his feelings changed for me, and he saw me as a potential girlfriend, instead of a sex partner.That’s all fucked now.That whore has ruined it for me.After tonight, he will never give me a chance, and it’s all her fault! That interfering little bitch! I’m seething mad right now.I was having fun at this after party, at least until Jesse showed up to threaten me.Now, I just want to go home.Not to cry or wallow in my misery; I’m not that kind of girl.I will never subject myself to being that pathetic.No, I’m going home to plot how to ruin Maisie once and for all.I don’t care what Jesse said.I can handle him.I’ll find something to use against her sooner or later.I just hope it’s sooner.I don’t have time to waste.I don’t want my Jesse falling in love with anybody but me.That’s why I have to leave now and get started.I’ll just have to be very careful, especially with Jesse watching my every move.Chapter 8MaisieI woke up this morning with a ginormous smile plastered on my face, and nothing is going to remove it.I haven’t felt this happy in months, and it’s all thanks to my sexy man, my boyfriend.Yes, I said it.He’s my boyfriend! I want to scream it from the rooftops, letting everybody know that I’m in a relationship with Jesse Cohen, the guy all the girls want, but can’t have because he’s with me now.I’m currently getting ready to go out with Jesse this morning.He called about an hour ago, telling me to dress comfy.When I asked what we were doing, all I got in reply was ‘it’s a surprise’.No matter how much I begged him to tell me, he wouldn’t budge.I hate surprises, I always have.I trust Jesse, though, so I know I will love whatever he has planned.Headphones in, I start applying my make-up.One Direction’s Midnight Memories starts playing.I can’t help but sing.Loudly.I love this song; it makes me happy.A tap on my shoulder makes me turn around, screaming my head off.My eyes land on Chloe, standing there, laughing her head off and pointing at me.I take out my headphones, giving her a glare.“Didn’t your mother teach you not to sneak up on people like that, Chloe? I think I just had a mini heart attack, you bitch!” I say, holding onto my heart and waiting for my heartbeat to even out.It’s beating double time right now.“Oh, stop being a big baby.I tried getting your attention by shouting your name for the last few minutes, but you were too into your song.But your face was priceless!” she says, another round of laughter hitting her.Her laughter is infectious and, with the good mood that I’m in today, I can’t help but laugh along with her.It is pretty funny, now that the shock has worn off.“Just don’t do it again.I think I peed my pants a little.I’m going to have to go change,” I say, getting up to grab some new panties.After choosing a white lacy pair, I walk into the bathroom.“Where are you off to anyway?” Chloe shouts through the door.“Jesse’s taking me somewhere.Don’t ask where because he wouldn’t tell me,” I shout back, pulling my jeans up.As I open the door, I’m met with a confused Chloe.Yeah, I’m not surprised.I haven’t had a chance to talk to her since the football match yesterday.I have a lot to fill her in on.“Come sit down.I have a lot to tell you, but I’ll have to make it quick.Jesse’s picking me up in twenty,” I say, looking at my cell for the time.“Start by telling me why you left the game early? You were fine when you left to get a drink, then when you got back, you looked like someone had kicked your puppy.” I tell her everything that happened with Tiffany in the restrooms.“Who does she think she is? She wouldn’t have said shit if I’d have been with you.I’m sorry, Maisie.I take it you didn’t listen to her, seeing as you’re seeing Jesse today?” she asks, anger radiating from her body.“That’s the thing.I was going to forget all about him.That’s why I left early.I couldn’t sit there and watch him when I knew I had to give him up.I was going to give him a chance before Tiffany threatened me,” I say, remembering how I felt yesterday.“So, what made you change your mind?” she asks, intrigued.“Jesse happened,” I reply, a smile taking over my sullen face.Chloe doesn’t say anything, just waves her hand for me to explain.I explain about Jesse coming over after his match, me explaining everything to him, and how we ended up admitting that we have feelings for each other.The whole time, the smile on my face gets bigger and bigger.I must look crazy.“Please, tell me that you two are officially a couple now?” Chloe asks, sitting on the edge of the bed in suspense.“Yes!” I squeal, jumping up and down.Chloe joins me, her smile matching my own.This is why I love my best friend.She always shares my enthusiasm.“Thank God for that.I thought I was going to have to give you an intervention and knock some sense into you,” she shouts while continuing to jump up and down.I get a stitch, so I stop jumping and hold onto my side, trying to catch my breath.“I know, but you know I’m wary from what happened with Matt.But, you helped me see that life is too short and to live in the moment.This is me living in the moment, giving things a go.I just hope it’s worth it.”“Oh, babe, it will be.Trust me.Plus, if Jesse upsets you, then he has to deal with the angry best friend.I’ll chop his balls off, which by the way, you should have let me do to Matt!” Chloe says, putting her hands on her hips and giving me a stern expression.I just laugh at her.Trust her to bring that up now.“That’s all in the past now.However, if Jesse upsets me, you will be the first person I tell so that you can seek revenge.” Chloe’s cell phone ringing interrupts us.Looking at the caller ID, I see it’s Jake.Interesting.Chloe’s just staring at the cell, watching it ring.“Are you going to answer that?” I ask.Looking up at me, she shakes her head, chucking the cell down onto her bed.“Nope.”“What do you think he wants?”“I don’t know, and I don’t care.Shouldn’t you be getting ready? Jesse will be here in five minutes,” she says, changing the subject.Having known Chloe since I was little, I know it’s best to just drop the subject.She will tell me what’s going on when she’s ready, and I will be here to listen to her when she is.“Oh crap.Yeah, I have to finish my make-up,” I say, scrambling off the bed.Five minutes later, I’m ready and peaking out the window to watch for Jesse.It’s not normal, but I can’t seem to get enough of him.I don’t have to wait long.He’s literally coming down the road as soon as I reach the window.He is definitely the hottest thing I have ever seen, especially riding his motorcycle.My parents would have a fit if they found out, but oh well.What they don’t know won’t hurt them.I grab my denim jacket from my bed, put it on, and pick up my cell.“I’m off now, Chloe.I’ll see you later?” I ask, making my way toward the door.“Yeah, I’ll be here,” she replies, still staring at her phone.We need to have a girl’s day soon.I’m getting worried about her.My cell rings as I’m making my way downstairs.Jesse.Smiling at the screen, I answer, “I’m on my way down.”“Okay.See you in a minute, pretty lady,” he replies, then disconnects the call.I can feel my cheeks heat up from him calling me that.I know I’m not the prettiest girl around.I’m quite plain compared to most girls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]