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.“He was the original officer on the call with me.We’re just finishing what we started.It’s turned into more than we thought.”“Are you and Alex interested in one another outside of work?” His gaze was hesitant.She had to think through her answer so she didn’t tangle herself into a mess.“Not officially.” He could take that either way.“That would help make things less complicated.” He flashed his boyish smile and got up to leave.“Are you going to take some time off to go back home for Christmas?”She lifted a single eyebrow, puzzled by the sudden mood swing.“Yeah, that’s why I’m working so hard to lighten my caseload.”“I just thought you were a hard worker.” He tapped on the door and left.Then Liz heard Margie’s footsteps pounding down the hall and knew the woman was coming to her office so she sat at her desk looking at the door, waiting.Margie flew into her office.She took a breath and put a hand to her chest, touching the pink, glittery sweater she was wearing.“Okay, at least let me show you a picture of him.” She had the church directory in her hand and flipped through to a page she had dog-eared.“See, here he is.” She pointed proudly.Actually, Ken wasn’t bad looking.He had nice eyes, and was dressed in dress pants and a button down shirt.He looked like a clean-cut, church-going guy, short cut hair and collared shirt, straight smile.“There’s got to be something.You make him sound flawless.I just want to be prepared.I don’t like surprises.”“Quit trying to find something wrong with him.” Margie dropped her hand down to her side with fervor.Liz admitted to herself she might be avoiding going out with this guy because of Alex.Her pulse quickened at the thought of being partial in any way due to the uncertain relationship they had.“All right, one dinner, but if he talks like Mickey Mouse I’m walking out the door.” Liz crossed her arms over her chest to give her decision emphasis.Margie clapped her hands.“I knew you’d come around.Trust me, you won’t regret it.” She turned on her heel and walked off.Liz sat staring at the door.What did I get myself into?****Cops have it easy.They can wear their uniforms to court, Liz grumbled to herself.She, on the other hand, had to wear heels.She’d put on her gray skirt and gray jacket with a white blouse and low black heels.She drove around until she found a parking spot with a meter.She got out and started digging in her coin purse for change.Nothing, only pennies and a couple nickels.Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone put a ticket on her windshield.She turned to protest and then saw Alex putting a pad in his pocket.“What are you doing?” She dug deeper with her hand still in her purse.“I don’t have any change either, and we don’t want to be late.” He grinned that awesome grin that made Liz happy.“Is that legal?”He put his hand on her back to get her moving.“You’re on government business, and besides, now you owe me.” He wiggled his eyebrows.Liz shot him a sharp look.“I don’t like the thought of owing you anything.”“Tough break.That, or get a real ticket.” He took her by the arm and led her forward.“Are you going to call Dixon?”He chuckled.“No, I’d write the ticket.But I like it that you owe me better.”She rolled her eyes and smirked at him as they walked to the courthouse.As they passed by the Harris’s, Liz nodded at them and said hello.Rose nodded, but Tom was leaning over with his hands on his knees and slowly looked up.His solemn face was a reflection of Scotty’s, and just as sad.He shrugged at her, and she understood his regret.An officer sitting next to him said hello to Alex and he returned the greeting.They found an unoccupied bench in the hallway of the courthouse by the courtroom they were assigned and sat down, waiting for their case to be called.Alex smiled and tapped her on the knee.“You look good all dressed up.”“Thanks, and you always look good in that uniform.” Embarrassed, she jumped up and walked toward the courtroom doors.She peeked in and saw that the previous case had finished.She looked back at Alex and motioned for him to come over and then they walked in together.When the room was situated the bailiff called out their case and started the proceedings.The judge tapped his gavel and looked over the paperwork.Judge Thomas was an older man with gray hair, and glasses on the tip of his nose.He had always been fair when she had dealt with him in the past.The judge reviewed the materials, including the information on placement, investigations and pictures.He finished reading and removed his glasses.“A report to CPS was filed because of the at-risk nature of the children.However, the client has the right of due process.Please state the problems perceived.”Alex took the stand and was asked about the threat Tom Harris made.“When I entered the room Mr.Harris was on one knee within a few inches from Social Worker Liz Adams and Mr.Harris’s son, Jimmy.In his attempt to keep his son from being taken from the home he tried by force to take the boy from Ms.Adams.”After his statement Alex stepped down and Liz took the chair.“I have given suggestions of resources available to the client for primary prevention, which is basically to get a job, counseling and detox.”The defense attorney put his hands in his pockets and leaned forward slightly on his tiptoes.“Ms.Adams, in checking into the foster home the clients are residing, we have knowledge their license is suspended.If the judge does order them to stay in placement, they will need to be removed and placed into a more suitable facility.”The blood rose in her cheeks.For anyone to say anything even close to an insult referring to the Bowies called for a rebuttal.“Mr.Flenner, I have very high standards involving placements, and I can vouch for this particular foster home as being the most “suitable” placement for Scotty and Jimmy.”The defense attorney scoffed.“You speak of these clients as if they were your own children, Ms.Adams.I sincerely hope you have retained your objectivity in this matter.” A small smile appeared at the edge of one side of his mouth.“Mr.Flenner, many of our laws are influenced by the Latin forms of government and judiciary procedures.Do you agree?”He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.“Well, yes but what does that have to do with—”“So,” Liz interrupted after getting the answer she wanted.“Consider that the Latin meaning for the word parent means, until God.And I am a licensed social worker through the state of Colorado.And these clients are wards of the state.I most certainly am in fact their ‘parent’ until further action is taken involving returning them to their home or their Heavenly Father decides to take them.”He put a finger to his lip and smirked.“Okay, Ms.Adams, so you’ve done your homework.But the fact still remains that the foster home they’re presently in is not legally licensed.”Liz didn’t dare push any further.If what he was saying were true, the boys might have to be moved.Keeping them with the Bowies only involved paperwork, red tape that she would have to push through the system, fast.“I’ll look into it immediately [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]