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.Nan gently fingered one of the bright glass jewels.“You seem so serious.What's on your mind?"As Sadie removed her bracelet and held it up for Nan to see, Jane blurted, “Oh for Pete sakes.Tell her.Get this over with before I faint."Mr.Bakke leaned toward Jane.“I'm going back to my cabin while you ladies discuss business.""What's going on, Sadie? Are you ill?” Concern crept across Nan's face."It's not that simple,” Sadie said.Jane's voice trembled.“We're going to lose the resort.” Clutching her stomach she turned toward Sadie.“There.Now she knows.” Flicking her wrist to dismiss her sister's inability to spread the word, Jane said, “You should have been the one to tell her.Not me.""Why me? Why do I have to do everything?""Okay you two, quit bickering,” Nan said.“This resort's been in your family for years.How could you possibly lose it?""Because of that horse's ass Carl Swanson.He insists the resort belongs to him.” Sadie stood and walked to the window."What? Carl Swanson, the deputy?""That snake thinks our mother got the resort from his grandfather through illegal means.” Jane wadded her second napkin into a tiny clump."The deed is in your name, isn't it?” As the question escaped Nan's lips, another more pressing question surfaced.“What do you mean it has something to do with my work?"Sadie inched her gaze from the floor to Nan's anxious face.“Carl told us if he wins the lawsuit, he won't honor our lease with you.""What?” Nan reached for the back of the chair.“How could Carl possibly get ownership if it's in your name?""Because he filed a Constructive Trust Lawsuit.""What on earth is that?""It's complicated,” Sadie said, “but from what I understand, Carl's claiming his Grandfather told his aunt he planned to leave his estate and all his holdings to Carl's father.The aunt claims the grandfather never intended to give the resort to our mother.It's a lot of legal mumbo jumbo, but our attorney put it in simple terms so we could understand it."Processing the information, a woozy heat engulfed Nan.The statement that Carl wouldn't honor the lease grew more menacing as she realized the consequences.“Did your attorney give any indication of how the lawsuit might turn out? Will there be a trial?""There won't be a trial.It's up to Judge Kimmer to make a ruling.""Now I know why Carl's been avoiding me,” Nan said.“The last few times I've stopped by Paul's office, Carl was there.He disappeared right after I got there.And, come to think of it, the other night he backed out of going to dinner with us.That's not like Carl to turn down a free meal.""Carl's a weasel,” Sadie said.“He knows there's a dirty deed afoot and he doesn't have the balls to talk to you face-to-face.""Is this something you just found out?” Nan demanded."No,” Jane said glaring at her sister.“She's known for quite some time and put off telling you.She thought you'd be upset.""Upset? Of course I'm upset.If he won't honor the lease, I'll have to find a new location for the mortuary.I can't afford to do that.” Nan pointed toward a cabinet drawer and said, “Thank goodness that funeral home in Minneapolis offered me a job.I got another letter from them last month.They're willing to provide housing for a year while we settle in.But if I have to move, I'll never realize my father's dream.He wanted this business to be passed on to Aanders."Nan gestured in frustration.“I can't believe you held off telling me.Selling a business and relocating takes time.” Fighting back the urge to cry, she added, “What am I going to do if Carl wins the case?"Sadie watched fear cloud Nan's ability to think past the pending devastation."See.I told you.I told you to tell her earlier,” Jane said.“Talk about not having balls.""It's not a matter of balls,” Sadie said.“It's a matter of setting off an alarm when it isn't necessary.” Sadie stabbed her finger toward Jane.“If you thought she should know, then why didn't you tell her? You're just as much to blame as I am.""Someone should have told me,” Nan said.Placing her elbows on the table she buried her face in her hands.“Maybe Paul's marriage offer isn't such a bad idea.""Don't you dare think that way,” Sadie said.“He and Carl came from the same thorny bush.You don't want to get tangled up with the likes of him."The women turned toward Aanders’ bedroom door as a peal of laughter echoed from the room."Was that Aanders?” Sadie exclaimed."Yes.” Nan frowned.“I'm concerned about him.Yesterday he insisted on viewing Tim's body, but today he hasn't mentioned it once.I can hardly get him out of his room."Another outburst rang from Aanders’ room followed by a squeal of words."I don't think Paul's that bad,” Jane said.“He impresses me as someone who's always neat and polite and dresses like a gentleman [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]