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." I rub my head."Sorry, it’s my meds always making me sleepy.Oh, and someone was making noise." I smile at him and he sighs.He squats down next to the bed and holds my hand.He looks down at it and then back up to me.He strokes some hair from my face and he looks troubled."Luke, what's wrong?" He swallows twice and looks to the floor."She died three years ago.Bella was one.I was, well y'know…caught up in high school shit.She had…cancer, the one that, women get, ovarian.She didn't know until it was too late." He gulps and I press my lips to his forehead.He smiles softly."She was an angel, my mom.She always found the good in someone, even if all the good was evil.My dad lost it the day we all found out.He left for three weeks, went to L.A or somewhere and drank himself stupid." He shakes his head at the memory and his green eyes look unfamiliarly dark, sad."My mom still looked after us.She.she…still made us breakfast." His last word is a whisper and as the first tear falls, I jump to the floor and scoop him up into my arms.He holds me close and cries into my shoulder.I let him cry all he wants.I know that pain.The pain of losing someone who meant everything one day and the next they were gone.Vanished."Luke, you will see her again, she hasn't really left.She's here right now." He moves his head from my shoulder and I cup his cheeks.His eyes have gone a bright green, filled with raw emotion."She's here, baby, she loves you.She's helped us find each other.Two souls not destined to see any future together, but here we are." I let out a soft giggle and shrug."Loving each other." I wipe the tears from his cheeks and kiss his beautiful, soft lips carefully, as if not to break him."We're here together through our sadness.These people helped us.Call me stupid but that's how I see it.Right now, all I can feel is strength.Me and you." He looks down and his sobs come rushing back."But…Ella." He sniffs slightly and kisses my forehead."I'm leaving you.I'm going away.""Yes…but…" I lift his chin up to so his eyes meet mine."I'm still alive.Wherever we are, I'll be breathing somewhere.I won't be lost.One day you can see my face again.That's the beauty of us.You will still find me.I know you will." He holds me tightly and we fall deeper into a dream, both of us picturing the moment we see each other again.******"Come on." He whispers and pulls me to my feet."I have a surprise for you."We drive for a little while, his fingers laced with mine.Every few minutes he kisses my hand, sometimes nibbling on my fingers softly.When he parks my Mustang, we are at my bridge.I haven't been here in ages.I stare at him intently and he comes around to the passenger side and opens my door.He bows and I laugh."Now, you have to close your eyes, m’lady.""Erm, really?""Yes, Ellie, close your eyes." I comply and bat my arms against my sides."So moody." He whispers in my ear and places his hands across my eyes from behind."Follow my lead." He guides me down the steps to the tunnel under the bridge.Our first kiss.He stops and takes his hands away from my eyes."Open your eyes, baby." I open them and gape in awe.I turn to face him and laugh.I run to him and leap into his arms, my legs around his waist."It's beautiful." I squeal excitedly and let him go.He has transformed the small tunnel; it has fairy lights hanging from the ceiling and a small picnic blanket on the floor with a picnic basket.Rose petals delicately forming a small path across the concrete."So, you like it?" he asks, grinning with obvious pride."Luke, it's beautiful." He grabs my hand and leads me over to the perfect picnic he has created."Wait, how did you do this?" I ask, gently pulling away from him."Ah, well, that's for me to know and you to find out." He pulls me flush against him as his hand holds the nape of my neck."So beautiful." He whispers and kisses me lustfully.He tears himself away for a second and sighs hard, his hands still holding me tightly."Ellie, wherever I will be, believe it, baby, I will be thinking of you.I can't believe how much I love you." He stops and gestures with his head for me to look around the tunnel."This is for us, something to remember, to look back on.Anytime that we are apart, baby, promise me that when you close your eyes, you'll be here, right here with me.We will be here in this moment.I know I'm going to see you again.Just don't forget, Ellie.A part of us will always be together.My dreams of you will haunt me.They'll chase me every night until I see you again." He kisses away my tears that are dropping softly down my cheeks."Always sad, my beautiful lady, don't cry.""I'm just going to miss you." I whisper."I know, likewise, you're my sunshine.""My only sunshine." I whisper and he pulls me down to the blanket."Luckily for us, it's quite warm tonight.I've been planning on this since we had that argument." He shakes his head."Anyway." He opens up the classic wicker picnic basket and offers me a sandwich."What's in it? I ask looking down at the white bread."Well, don't get mad, but I told your parents about tonight." I stop looking at my sandwich and frown at him."Hey! No getting mad at me, I did it so I could find out your favorite sandwich…and so I could create this memory with you." I smile and take a bite of my sandwich."I'll let you off then.Well, just as always, it's made correctly.did my mom help you?""To make a chip sandwich? Are you kidding?" I giggle at him and he laughs back at me."You're so adorable.I'll miss that." He plays with his juice box and takes a sip from the straw."This isn't going to be fun.Also, did you get matching stuff for your suit for prom?" He raises his eyebrows at me."Stuff?" He asks, a huge grin spread across his beautiful mouth.He pops in a pretzel and I frown."I don't know what it's called.Bowtie? I don't know.""I got a cummerbund yes.""What the hell is a 'cummerbund'?""It goes around your waist." He gestures around his lower stomach at where it goes.I nod in agreement."You got blue, yes?""Yes, baby, I got blue." He shakes his head."So adorable."We sit for a few hours, talking, breathing, and loving each other the way we are meant to.He told me his life plans and how long he will be studying at Princeton.I told him about my life ambitions, mainly about working somewhere that involves writing.I couldn't help but watch every single gesture.Every moment, so I didn't forget.I watched the way his mouth would curve into a smile every time I touched him.How he would gently swipe stray strands of hair from his forehead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]