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.” He pointed to the beer in Marcus’ hand.“What’s that, number five?”Marcus shrugged, he hadn’t been keeping count.“Emmett found out about me and Em.I mean, I guess it wasn’t ever really a secret,” he said, setting the bottle on the small round coaster.Devon stiffened.“What happened?”“She broke up with me.” Marcus shook his head.“She seemed.off, Dev.Worse, he’s sending her to New Mexico, something about an alliance with the Gulf Packs.”“He’s sending her off to mate,” Devon surmised.“Yeah.You’re familiar with the packs.Are they good people? Well protected? I can’t stand the thought of someone hurting her, whether it be the Gulf Packs, a lone wolf, or another pack.”“I’ve heard some things.Did she agree to this?” Devon asked skeptically.“She says she is okay with it.That she wants to go,” Marcus ground out as he recalled her words from earlier this afternoon.“You don’t believe her,” Devon stated rather than questioned.“Do you?”“No.”“You know more than anyone what Emmett is capable of.Do you.do you think he threatened her?” Marcus asked.His stomach churned at the thought of someone hurting Emily.Devon sighed, running a hand through his hair.“As far as I know, he’s never harmed her before.But up until a few years ago he’d never done anything to Vincent either.” Both men’s gazes drifted to Vincent.Although, he appeared outgoing and friendly, the younger wolf carried a lot of baggage that he covered up with humor.“What do we do?” Marcus asked, taking another sip of the amber liquid.“We need to talk to Em.”“I’ll see what I can do tomorrow,” Marcus volunteered.“Be careful, Marcus.Emmett is dangerous, and my guess is that if anyone’s at risk, it’s you.”“I know.But I need her to know that I’m not going away.I need her to know that I love her and that I’m going to fight for her.”Devon nodded, watching as Marcus fisted his hand around his beer.Emily was his mate, and he wasn’t losing her without a fight—even if it cost him his life.***Emily pushed to her feet, quickly stretching before snatching up her clothes from the ground.After two shifts, all physical evidence of her assault was gone.Regardless, nothing would change the fact that it had happened.Emily shook her head, willing the events away as she quickly slipped her clothes on.Wanting some more time to herself, she plopped down on a rock and absently began braiding her hair.She smiled as a squirrel scampered past, kicking an acorn through the leaves.If only life could be so simple, she mused.A crunch sounded to her left, and Emily whipped around as she shot to her feet.Inhaling sharply, she instantly recognized the approaching man’s scent.Marcus!“You shouldn’t be here,” she insisted.Marcus’ eyes met hers, sending a flurry of butterflies through her belly.“I wanted to talk to you, Em.I knew you would be alone right now,” he said, coming to a stop in front of her.“Did you make sure you weren’t followed? No one else was nearby?” she questioned, eyes darting from side-to-side.“I checked the perimeter.”Emily relaxed and fought back a grin as he took her hand in his.How can a simple touch feel so right?“I needed to see you, Em.And now that I have, I’m even more worried.What is going on?” Marcus gripped her fingers as she tried to pull away.“No secrets.Remember?”Emily averted her gaze, unable to stand his searing look.His hand reached up, cupping her chin.Emily’s eyes slipped shut of their own accord as she melted into his touch and enjoyed the warmth of his hand.“I love you, Em.We can get through this.”“I don’t want anything to happen to anyone.My dad.he insists I go.If I don’t.” she shook her head, unable to finish.A lump formed in her throat and unshed tears burned her eyes.She couldn’t keep doing this.It hurt too much, every time she saw him her heart fractured a little more.She was in an impossible situation.No matter the choice she made someone would end up hurt.“You don’t have to,” he assured.“Devon, Vincent, and I will figure this out.”Emily swallowed as her head began to spin.Oh god! Not only is Marcus in danger, but so are Devon and Vincent.Her twin brother might escape the full fury of their father’s wrath but it was no secret that Emmett and Devon weren’t close.Both Devon and Marcus could end up dead.She would have her freedom, but at what cost?Her heart skipped a beat at the realization.If she didn’t follow her father’s orders, she could lose two of the people she loved most.“Marcus-”He cut her off with a kiss, his lips melting against hers.Emily grasped his forearms, meaning to push him away, but pulled him closer instead.Her lips parted, allowing his tongue to glide against hers.She shivered as his fingers traced up her shoulders and neck before pushing her hair back.“Gosh, I’d hate to interrupt something,” Vincent called as he approached, a lopsided grin on his face.Emily jumped away from Marcus.Her eyes widened as she scrutinized their surroundings.Her breath quickened.Did someone see us?“Relax, Em,” Vincent soothed, plucking a leaf from a tree and twirling the stem with his fingers.Emily sucked in a deep gulp of air, willing her frazzled nerves to calm down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]