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.He attempted to live discreetly, even though the world held an extreme fascination of his every move.And the paparazzi ensured a constant view into his life from behind their stalking lens.The evening sky began to wisp in shades of navy blue as Tracy made her way through the countryside.The season of winter was defined by drab colors of the landscape and scents of crisp evening air.Vineyards dotted the scenery and clouds settled into the low ruts and dips of the land.The Levi’s private drive, visible for miles, was marked by two isolated rows of ancient cypresses.Acres of land were kept private, the estate protected by a ten foot tall wall surrounding the property.A security guard dressed in a tuxedo, complete with a bowtie, greeted her at the massive wrought gates.After showing proof of identification, he checked her name from the list and allowed her to pass.Dozens of cars overtook a small parking lot at the end of the long drive and limousines lined the narrow blacktop lane.Centuries-old oak trees sheltered the estate in silvery grey-green foliage and vines of bougainvillea, turned brown by winter, attached itself to the rock walls making its way to the top of the three-story turret.Tracy imagined how beautiful the property would look during the full bloom of summer with lush green backdrop and pops of fuchsia and lavenders.“Wow,” she whispered in awe as another man in a tuxedo opened her car door.“Good evening, Miss Mathews.” The porter welcomed in a heavy Italian accent.“Let me assist you with your luggage.”Tracy considered asking how he knew she’d have luggage, but merely nodded absorbed in every detail of the extravagant villa.Her heels clicked on the brick walkway as he escorted her from the car.Anxiety set in and her pace quickened.Her flight had been delayed and she was late.Tracy hated being late.The smell of wood smoke drifting from the chimney welcomed her as she approached the enormous wooden doors.Entering the castle, the young man graciously took her coat.“Miss Mathews, allow me to escort you to your room.”“Thank you.” Tracy’s eyes darted down a long hallway wafting her finger toward one hall then the other.“Which way?”The porter gestured down the first hall with a curt nod.“You are staying in the Chardonnay room, second door on your right.”After showing her to her room, the porter quickly disappeared.Tracy didn’t take the time to absorb herself in the magnificent furnishings, she simply threw on her espresso brown fitted sheath dress, dragged a brush through her long hair, swiped a fresh coat of nude gloss over her lips, and made her way toward the host of voices and music.Her hasty steps slowed to a crawl, taking in the grandeur of the foyer she’d passed just minutes before.Gazing toward the ceiling in awe, her mouth hung open as she stood beneath the warm glow of a three tier medieval chandelier the size of a small car.A flash of Tom in the distance caught her eye.“Hey you.”His head jerked, halting his rush.Tom ambled toward her with open arms, a bottle of wine in hand, and a smile spread wide exposing his normally hidden dimples.“Hello sweetheart! It’s about time you showed up.”“My flight was delayed.”“Lisa made a list of serious threats if you didn’t make it here on time for her very important, once in a lifetime, surprise anniversary party.” Orneriness gleamed in Tom’s dark brown eyes.He placed a kiss to her forehead and linked his arm through hers, escorting her into the party.Tracy clung to his arm for stability, gawking around, taking in the castle stylishly adorned with a twist of modern furniture.Lavish fabrics and finery were wonderfully appointed against original stone walls and wood-beam ceilings.“She really needs a bigger place.This castle is just so…insignificant.”“I told her the same thing.Not nearly enough character.Entirely too wimpy.” Tom appeared remarkably rested and relaxed, his sun-chapped complexion suited him well against his grey hair and black suit.“Well, don’t you look dashing this evening.How was your holiday in Bora Bora?”“Heavenly.” His eyes drifted shut drawing in a deep breath.“But never long enough.”Tom led her through a sea of familiar faces, some she’d met in person and others Tracy had seen on the big screen.The average person couldn’t get any more star struck than Tom Clemmins or Benny and Lisa Levi.Fans shrieked, cried, stalked, and turned speechless.Tracy had seen just about everything when it came to obsessed fans.A woman had once bared her chest during their first family red carpet event at a Film Festival in Italy, begging him to sign her vast cleavage.Tom referred to his day job as acting, but directing was his passion.He and Benny were in the beginning phases of collaborating a film together.“How’s your new film coming along?”Before he could answer, JC swooped in alongside her, latching on to her other arm.“Hey sis!”“Hi.” Tracy did a double take of her little sister.“You look beautiful.What have you been doing?”“Awe thanks! It’s the spray tan.I just did a shoot in Milan yesterday.Plus, they did my hair like this, so I left it for tonight.” She twirled her finger through a long loose piece of caramel hair framing her face.JC gently tugged on Tracy’s arm drawing them toward the great room.A dozen well-dressed guests gathered around a grand piano.Tom lifted one brow, casually guiding them the other direction [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]