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.Then Frankfurter saw him clearly.“Son of a bitch, son of a fucking bitch!” he shouted and fired again.The man at the door fired, the bullet chipping at the wall.Then he turned, pushed open the door, and slammed it shut.“Jesus, help me!”Gleason was moaning.Frankfurter ran out of his hiding spot and knelt beside the wounded man.“Gleason, Gleason, you know who that was?”But Gleason had passed out.“Son of a bitch,” Frankfurter said, thinking that the assignment was all fucked now, that it was going to be blamed on them, that—“Freeze! Freeze right there!”Frankfurter turned, frowning, thinking of something else, intending to say, very annoyed, “I’m a fucking federal officer.”Instead, as he turned, the two Rosemont policemen, who had a total of seven months’ experience between them, saw only the gun.Had seen only horror of dead bodies in the past two minutes, including the body of a fellow officer.And here was a man with a pistol, turning it toward them, the man who had killed these people.That was what they would explain later.The policemen, Officers Daggart and Rourke, were exonerated at the hearing that followed.For firing simultaneously, in error, at a federal officer with the National Security Agency named Leo Frankfurter.The first bullet split Frankfurter’s nose, the second severed the carotid artery in his neck.He was dead as he fell on Gleason’s unconscious body.35WASHINGTON, D.C.Summary transcript of meeting of the National Security Council, briefing 35/FY1985.To be filed at Archive 13, available only to Ultra clearance personnel (Secty.rank) and downhold until AD2090.National Security Adviser: Zurich Numbers was an espionage network operated by KGB in cooperation with Warsaw Pact government, principally Poland, German Democratic Republic, and People’s Republic of Czechoslovakia.Twelve hundred fifty-six persons were processed into the network in the United States and six NATO countries over the past ten years.Principal work at the time the network was destroyed consisted of penetrating Operation Crypto, a research project for development of a new computer-based coding program usable by the armed services until the twenty-first century.R Section has provided a complete scenario of the penetration of the Numbers network by personnel from Section G (counterespionage) within Department 21 of NSA.The penetration was directed by C.J.O’Brien, assisted by H.L.Craypool.Penetration involved the appearance of a counterespionage system to misdirect information gathered by the agents of KGB in the United States.R Section was subverted in its efforts to obtain information on the Numbers network by agents of Section G, Department 21.See attached statements 1, 2, 3, and 21 by NSA, R Section, the FBI.See attached statements 4, 5, 6, 13, and 20 by special agents, FBI, assigned to surveillance of Soviet Embassy headquarters.See attached statements 7, 8, 9, 10 as well as attachments thereto, authorization of wiretap surveillance.See statement 11, summary explanation of NON repeat NON authorized wiretap surveillance of subject, Rita C.Macklin, journalist (see Dossier 1183/2/FY 81, R Section).See attached statements 12 through 19, particularly summary by C.L.Hanley, chief of operations, R Section.Recommendations:1.Deny budget year requests for FY 86 from Section G, Department 21, NSA.Recommend disciplinary action (Label E) on control personnel in G, 21, NSA.Resignation of GS-16 O’Brien is to be accepted, with prejudice.Results to be turned over to the Attorney General for further action.(Action, for the sake of security, is not recommended.)2.Commendation medal (authorization AA-21/FY 85/12) for C.L.Hanley, chief of operations, R Section; posthumous to special agent P.X.Devereaux (authorization AA-21/FY 85/13).3.Authorize (DD-879/FY85/475, Special Order 23) appropriation (contingency 39) to R Section ($2.1 million) for further investigation of Numbers network, rehabilitation, recompensation, and damages for those coerced, threatened, or otherwise injured by actions of agency Section G, 21, NSA, in UNLAWFUL repeat UNLAWFUL pursuit of NSA objective (Ultra Code 2154).4.Authorize (DD-879/FY85/476) compensation ($413,498.21) to R.C.Macklin, journalist, in exchange for completion of Form 21.44 DD/R.5.It is affirmed (sworn) that principles embodied in amendments 1, 3, 14, 15, Constitution, will be enforced vigorously by intelligence agencies operating on the soil of the United States.“What it means,” Hanley said to Mrs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]