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.” Whatever was on the plate smelled great.He took an appreciative sniff.“Sorry about falling asleep.I should have been helping you.”“Don’t worry about it.” Clay picked up his own dinner and blew on the food to cool it.“I think you needed the rest.” A little devil made him say, “I’ll need all my energy for tonight.”Red stained Clay’s cheeks, and he actually giggled.“I like the sound of that.”Trent did, too.He couldn’t remember the last time he’d spent an evening just enjoying dinner with someone he was attracted to, without fear of being interrupted for work or anything else.It was a heady feeling.He grinned and started to eat.87CLAY’S CHALLENGE* * *By the time they had eaten and cleaned up, night had fallen.The air, while still holding some of the day’s humidity, had grown cool.Trent checked the cut on Clay’s hand, finding the wound was healing well.His attempts to clean it gave Clay an idea.Using water Clay had heated, they sponged off the last couple of days’ worth of grime as quickly as they could.They stayed near the fire to stay warm, and to try to keep the mosquitoes away, not that the effort was entirely successful.Goose bumps popped up on Trent’s arms in the brief amount of time he was exposed to the night.It was worth the chill and a bite or two to feel cleaner, although Trent was beginning to have wistful thoughts about showers and baths.Clay shooed Trent into the tent, promising to take care of the fire.Trent ducked into the tent and stripped down to his boxers.Then he crawled into their zipped-together sleeping bags and lay on his back, folding his arms behind his head.The peace that had settled over him earlier deepened, spiced with a hint of arousal.Clay was proving to be surprising in more ways than one.Not only was he a lot better out on the trail than Trent could have predicted, but he was also giving and uninhibited during sex.The combination intrigued Trent.He had the feeling Clay would try anything once, which made him want to push his own—normally very vanilla—boundaries a bit.A few minutes later, the nylon tent swished as Clay entered.Trent watched the shadowy figure of the other man pull his shirt off over his head.The material rustled as it hit the ground, followed by his shorts.The other side of the sleeping bag lifted, and a slim, warm body slid in alongside him.88CLAY’S CHALLENGETrent rolled to his side and wrapped an arm around Clay.He could barely make out Clay’s face in the dark tent.Clay’s lips parted like he was going to say something.Suddenly, Trent didn’t want to talk.He found Clay’s mouth with his own.Clay let out a happy sound and kissed him back.The kiss didn’t last as long as Trent would have liked, but when Clay twisted his body around and took Trent’s dick into his mouth, Trent bit back his complaint.Clay’s mouth was hot, wet heaven, and he had no problem deep-throating.What Clay was doing felt so good Trent forgot he wasn’t a selfish guy for a few minutes.He remembered in time to grab Clay’s hips and bring the other man’s cock closer.He gathered enough focus to blow a stream of warm air onto Clay’s erection.Clay moaned around Trent’s cock.His rhythm faltered for a few seconds.Trent wanted to make him lose focus totally.He took Clay’s already leaking shaft into his mouth and sucked.The combined pleasures of Clay’s mouth on him and the salty-sweet weight of Clay in his own mouth conspired against Trent.His orgasm built quickly, and when he came he came fast and hard.Clay swallowed his semen down and licked him clean.Sated, Trent redoubled his efforts.He twined his tongue around Clay’s dick and brought a hand up to cradle his balls.Clay stiffened and let out a small, surprised grunt as his release took him.Trent kept sucking, gentling his touch, until he knew he’d wrung every last drop of pleasure from the other man.Trent crawled back up to Clay, who shoved him onto his back and kissed him hard.He threaded his hands into Trent’s hair almost as if he thought Trent would try to get away.Getting away was the last thing on Trent’s mind.Clay tasted like mint and cum, and Trent couldn’t seem to get enough.89CLAY’S CHALLENGEWhen Clay released him and flopped over onto his back, Trent huffed out a laugh.“Wow.What was that for?”“The amazing sex, of course.”Clay’s tone held a lightness that seemed a little…off, somehow.Trent wanted to think about that.I should ask him.Then again, it could be nothing.Trent was too tired and full of sleepy, happy post-sex endorphins to be able to tell the difference.Closing his eyes, he decided to worry about it tomorrow.90CLAY’S CHALLENGECHAPTER 11The third time Clay stumbled and nearly fell on the steep, uneven ground, he started to wonder if taking the shortcut had been such a good idea [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]