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.“Dr.Ragillian knows just how much pain the body can handle before it gives out and always stopped before that point,” she had to pause again.When she continued talking her voice was a soft whisper of sound that had Jayden straining to hear her words.“He was eighteen years old when he and his family were captured because he made the mistake of showing off to a girl.He lived with the knowledge that his family’s deaths were his fault.That tortured him more than anything Ragillian did to him.The beatings, the starvation, the constant pain was all he knew in the end.He did what he was told to have one day or one week free of pain.I can’t blame him.I know what it is like to be tortured.The doctors on Earth said what they did to me was in the name of science.It took a few days before I was able to understand the language enough to realize what they wanted.I was a kid.I didn’t know the answers to their questions but it didn’t matter because I couldn’t talk at first anyway.By the time I could they had started with their experiments and I was no longer interested in talking to them.”She turned her head to look at him, “If it would have stopped the pain I would have told them anything they wanted.” Her anguished expression tore at his battered heart.He caressed her face.“You were a child,” he said.“So was he.They had me for two years.He was held for seventy six years.He didn’t even remember his name anymore.” She cried out and the tears overflowed and fell from her eyes as she broke down and cried for the first time that she could remember.Jayden gathered her in his arms and held tight.He knew that she could not help but draw comparisons between herself and the unfortunate Minder.Both had been tortured in a way no one should ever be.They had both been so young when captured and in the end neither one had remembered their names.It was that one little fact that caused the tears to fall from her eyes.He said the only thing he knew to be the truth, “You gave him peace.”Blue cried for the Minder and for herself.She cried for two happy, innocent children who had their lives ripped apart by an uncaring universe and thrust into the hands of cruel torturers.She at least had gotten away after two years but that poor boy who had just wanted to impress a pretty girl had suffered for seventy six years.She hadn’t had a choice.She’d had to kill him.He was so broken that he had welcomed death.When the tears dried she repeated the vow she had made on the Ragillian ship to Jayden.“I will find and kill Doctor Ragillian no matter what it takes.He knew she meant it.He could hear the determination in her voice and knew there was no swaying her from this decision.The blood in his veins ran ice cold with terror.People from all races had been looking for the doctor for years and many of them disappeared into the unknown, never to be seen or heard from again.He thought that she might be the one person who could find the doctor with her unique abilities and that was what scared him.But he would be by her side when she did.“How did you disable the ship?” Jayden asked her.Blue pushed herself out of his arms and stood up.She didn’t want to see his face when she told him this part.With her back to him she said, “With the Minder I just.freed him.I don’t really understand everything I did.I surrounded him and entered his mind and kind of pushed him out of his body.His essence just dissolved into nothing.There was no pain from him just a relief at being free.”This next part was the hard part.She found that she needed to see his face when she told him.She needed to see his reaction.She could reopen their mind connection but wasn’t sure she could handle that much closeness right now.Feeling his emotions was enough.When she turned to face him she saw he had also gotten to his feet and stood ready to hear the rest.“I lost it.I was so angry at them for not feeling anything and standing by or even helping to torture the Minder and the one responsible for all of it wasn’t there.But they were.I entered every mind in that room and shredded them from the inside out.”Jayden’s expression never changed neither did his emotions.There was none of the horror she had expected just love and concern.“It wasn’t gentle like with the Minder.I wanted them to hurt, so they did,” she shrugged unable to explain it further than that.She braced herself for the blow.For him to condemn her as worse than the Minders.After all they could only take control of ships and he hated them.She could destroy minds.Leo must have felt some of what she was feeling because he got up and went to stand at her side.She buried her hand in the fur around his neck.Needing the connection to the one being she knew would always stand with her.He didn’t care how she had killed them only that they were dead.His view was very simple.An enemy who was dead was no longer an enemy to worry about [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]