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.“Tre please let me know what to do.” she screamed again.Suddenly a big smile came across her face.Just that quick, Tre had answered her request.She knew what she had to do and exactly how to do it.“Charisse!” Brianna yelled loudly.“Charisse, Charisse.!”Charisse came running into Brianna room.“What is it sis, is something wrong?” Charisse asked, trying to catch her breath.“I got it, we about to get this nigga, just me and you.”“Huh?” Charisse asked confused.Brianna ran the whole plan down to Charisse.It took two hours of back in forth strategizing before both girls were satisfied that the plan was perfect.Hakeem would not know what hit him and he would always remember the Campbell sisters.This, they were sure of.Brianna took a deep breath and hit send on her phone.Hakeem picked up on the second ring, “Yo what’s up shawtey?”“I’m glad you hit a nigga, because I don’t want what’s going on between my man and your sista, to fuck up what we got going on.I got real love for you shawtey and.”“It’s all good Hakeem, let’s just move on,” Brianna spoke cutting Hakeem off.It was all she could do just to speak to him.There was no way she was going to hear this love shit from him.Love was something she knew was lost when she buried Tre.“Yea you right shawtey, let’s just move on.” Hakeem agreed with her statement.“Well, beyond that, the reason I was calling you was because that work is coming in tomorrow morning and I want to make sure everything is still a go?”“Hell yea, ain’t nothing change, we got to get this bread babe.”“Well I have twenty plates laid to the side for you, so you can pick them up tomorrow after 1pm; you still have the code to the storage right?” Brianna asked.“Yea babe I’m all good on that, but when can I see you, I got a hard on waiting on you?” Hakeem spoke with a slight laugh.Just a few days ago Brianna would have loved to help Hakeem with his hard on.Now she wanted to throw up at the thought.But she knew she had to act like everything was normal.Brianna put on her sexy voice and whispered, “Well you hold that hard on until tomorrow, and after you’re done with work, I’m going to put in some real work.”Hakeem smiled at the thought.“Ok, bet I will see you tomorrow fo sure.” Hakeem hung up the phone and looked into the rear view mirror at himself.“Damn nigga you the man!”The next morning Hakeem rolled out the bed, he looked down at the stripper he had met the night before at Club Onyx.He pulled the covers back to reveal her phat smooth ass.He thought about getting back in the bed and getting another sample of it, but then remembered he had to tighten Brianna up later.So he shook her leg.“Shawtey get up, it’s time to go.” The thick light skinned young woman eased slowly out of the bed and began to get dressed.Once Hakeem had got her out to her car and gave her some breakfast and gas money.He went back in to get ready for his day.He threw on his so called work uniform, which consist of all black everything.That meant black tee, black jeans, black shoes, black fitted cap, and black Gucci shades.‘I guess I will go low key and take the Honda Accord out,’ he thought to himself.When he got to the storage unit, he put in the code and the gates rose up.He looked at his phone to see what the storage room number was.Once he got to the matching number on the door.He grabbed the key to unlock the bolt.Inside he took a count of the drugs that were left for him.He counted again, to make sure he was correct.Indeed it looked like Brianna made a mistake.He was counting 23 kilos, not the 20 he usually got.Yea Brianna had fucked up and to his benefit, Hakeem thought.There was no way he was going to pull her coat to this error.She would have to learn this one the hard way.Hakeem threw everything into his trunk and proceeded to his next destination.Once he pulled up to the house in Charlotte’s north side.He drove the car around to the back of the old broken down duplex.Hakeem’s workers were waiting in the back to greet him.“Pull three of those out for me and put them in the back seat.A nigga got a little blessing today!”“Get all this shit broke down and I’ll be back later to check in.Nigga’s Onyx on me tonight!”All the guys started cheering.They knew how Hakeem balled and they knew that night would be off the chain.He got back into the car just as his phone was ringing.He looked down and saw it was Brianna.“Damn had she realized her mistake?’ he thought.Either way it was no way he was going to admit to it, she was on her own.“Yo what’s good babe?”“Nothing I was just making sure you were still coming by today.”“Hell yea I’m in route to you now.” Hakeem responded.“Well hurry up I’m already wet just thinking about you.I want you naked before you step in my room.”“Damn that’s how you feel shawtey? I’ll be there in twenty.”“Well I’m already in the bed waiting on you and I’m leaving the door unlocked.”Hakeem hung the phone up and pressed on the gas pedal harder.He made it to Brianna’s house in what seemed like ten minutes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]