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.Servitor shells blasted from the upper platforms, turning possessed machinery into thrashing monstrosities that tore through walkways and support columns with their monstrous claws.Transuranic rounds punched through the infernal plate of forge fiends, newly crawled from their spawning iron.Deka’s ruststalkers had charged.The Sicarians flushed the underforge in a murderous machine wave.The spindly assassins swept through warpsmiths and their heretek hench-units, their transonic blades and chordclaws a blur.Stabbing.Shearing.Cleaving.Decapitating.The ruststalkers tore through the degenerate tech-priests, their spoiling flesh and the fell radiance of their inner workings.Hench-units smashed the cybernetic assassins down into the flooring but within moments, Deka’s killers had powered up out of the cratered meshing.With hydraulic slickness, the ruststalkers dismembered wicked appendages and slit throats.Thrashing through malevolent magi with their shivering blades, the assassins lopped off warp-fuelled weaponry and kicked rancid servitors back over railings and into the thundering forge.Firing their galvanic rifles, Stroika’s skitarii leapt down from their platform and into the slaughter in the underforge.Servitor rounds slammed through the armour plating of daemon engines, turning mounted weaponry into detonating appendages.Still the monstrosities charged on.Bereft of their warpsmith handlers and knowing only pain in the short time since their daemonic birth, the infernal machines rampaged through the underforge.Blasting about them with the raw interface of weaponry, while tearing at the walls, floor and twisted architecture like demented machines, the daemon engines unleashed their abyssal fury.As Haldron-44 Stroika moved through the havoc, leading his vanguard skitarii, he blasted things of monstrous, mechanised evil with alternating streams from his arc pistols.The underforge was a vision of rancorous devastation.Struts and support girders spun through the smoke of the chamber.Walkway wreckage rained down upon the battle.Molten iron splashed, raged and blasted forth from channels in curtains of scalding fury.Phrenos~361 bobbed, weaved and swooped through the carnage, leading its master and the skitarii that followed towards the magnelevator on the other side of the forge level.Stroika’s skitarii were dying.Biometric readings faded on his filtered overlays, telling of the terrible price the Machine-God’s holy soldiers were paying for facing the temple’s daemon engines.Vanguard skitarii were blasted apart by huge, hunched walkers that still dripped with molten iron.The butcher cannons of the daemon engines decimated the soldiers, shredding through cybernetics and war-plate.Siege claws thrust forth through the furnace mist, impaling Stroika’s vanguard troops.The walkers’ weapons revolved horribly, hurling limbs and appendages in all directions.Monstrous crawlers came forward on their stabbing, spidery legs, shearing through skitarii combat chassis as servitor shells and transuranic bullets thudded through hellforged armour plating.Bringing their infernal flamers up, the defiler engines added to the unnatural fires sweeping up through the forge.Blasting hellfire up through the platform grating and catwalks, the daemon engines turned rangers into thrashing shapes whose base organics were roasted within their war-plate.Mauling engines decked in thick, barbed plate charged through throngs of Sicarian ruststalkers.The quadruped abominations thundered their diabolical fury as their metal, cloven hooves trampled the spindly assassins.As the ruststalkers were smashed aside and torn appendage from bionic appendage by the passing barbs, one machine beast reared and stamped down on the armoured shells of Sicarian heads.Ruststalkers swept in under magna-cutters and the daemon engine’s lasher tendrils.Drawn to weaknesses between the clinkered plates, Nalode Deka 871 and his assassins closed on the monster, stabbing and goring the metal beast.Haldron-44 Stroika yelled, sliding down onto the forge floor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]