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.Rigo suspected that within the Guild there would be some, and they probably attributed their magic solely to their ability with the symbols, not realizing what they really were.“You can really perform your magic without the symbols?” Lyes asked as the group assembled to leave.“I can do basic things, but nothing on a grand scale, and certainly I’m not able to make a Doorway without them.”“That’s because your abilities have not been fully unlocked, nor have you been passed the knowledge of inherent magic.That can be changed.We might be able to share.You are said to know some things that we would like to learn.It’s something to discuss back in the Three Kingdoms.”Rigo made a Bypass to the village of Slipi.It took them some time, but soon enough they were able to locate Fen’s family, and with Mitty’s help make them understand he was well and where he wanted to be.Fen’s father, Olar, elected to come with them and see for himself.From Slipi, Rigo opened the Bypass that would take them deep into the Ruins to the oasis.A short time later they stepped into the common area of the castle, where Lyes spotted Fen speaking with an older man he didn’t recognize.Fen screamed out a greeting, and ran to his father.The sound of their arrival brought Queen Rosul out of her room.Because of the time difference, it was still early afternoon in Sulen, and by the time evening arrived, Rigo had made a trip to the Outpost to speak privately with Nycoh.He already had Jeen’s agreement, and so when he returned to the castle, he was able to offer Lyes something he’d never dreamed possible.“You are able to release my full potential?” he asked excitedly.“It will take some amount of time before everything settles down, but you will notice a significant increase in strength by morning.I will also be able to pass you much of the knowledge required to perform magic in the manner we do.” Rigo intended to hold back certain abilities until they were certain of this group, but he suspected that was a caution that would prove unnecessary.A short time later, Lyes, Stev, and Arnad submitted to the short procedure.They would be the first capable wizards Sedfair had known in thousands of years.Chapter 68After activating the nodes of the three novice wizards from Sedfair the previous evening, the group had divided up.Jeen would stay at the castle, which was her home.Mitty, along with the Queen and King of Sedfair would remain as well, although it was obvious that Mitty would have liked to stay closer to Rigo.The rest, including the new wizards they had brought from the island, all returned to the Outpost.There were more facilities there, and there was much to show them.Since Ash’urn, Fen, and Fen’s father Olar, were returning as well, that left no one who spoke the language of Sedfair in Sulen, but Rigo planned to return in the morning.At the Outpost, Rigo had provided the newcomers with a tour, but soon enough it was clear that Fen was enjoying his status as the first from Sedfair to have come to the Three Kingdoms, and he was openly proud to be carrying a staff just like the others.Fen and Ash’urn took over the duties of showing everyone around, and soon Rigo excused himself after agreeing to meet them first thing in the morning.Burke would return Fen’s father to Sedfair a bit later, with a more extended visit with the whole family expected before too long.“That’s remarkable,” Lyes said early the next morning after he had made his first Doorway without use of the staff or any other Casting symbols.Rigo had each of the newly activated wizards attempt the same feat, each making a Doorway between the test area outside the Outpost and the castle grounds they had visited the evening before.Those were the only two locations in the Three Kingdoms they had visited thus far, so options were limited.Then he walked them through several other magical skills to show what they could do.“Your strength will continue to grow over the next couple of weeks,” Rigo explained.“Your ultimate capability will depend on your inherent ability, and we have no way to be certain just what that will mean.You will each also have areas where you are stronger, and some where you are weaker.I am very limited with healing skills, and more capable with combat magic.”“We won’t be needing the staffs much longer?” Stev asked.“Unless the staff allows you access to magical spells that your inherent magic doesn’t,” Rigo replied.“We haven’t learned much about the staff, so we don’t know just how it might augment our own magic.”Rigo took the opportunity offered by the discussion of alternate magic to question Lyes about his ability to mask the endpoints of his Doorways [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]