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.I dug the heels of my boots into the dirt and pushed back on his hand.The pain speared through me and his cold fingers intensified the nerve-fraying effect.I clamped my eyes shut and rode the movement of his hand as he spread me open, that undeniable emotion clawing at me now, a clamour in my head of memories, of Armise’s body under mine, my tongue on his sweat-slick skin, of my cock driving hard and fast into his ass until all thought except him was wiped away.This claiming wasn’t enough.I needed—I wanted, fuck, so desperately wanted—more than this.I opened my eyes and spoke before I had time to stop myself.“Fuck me, Armise.”Armise’s gaze became predatory in a split second.He moved his fingers harshly inside me, forcing my body to open to him.This was uncharted territory for us.I’d never allowed Armise to fuck me, and only one other man ever had.I’d rarely trusted anyone enough to allow them to control me like that.But at that moment I wanted Armise to possess me completely.I wanted to fucking let go for once.To have control ripped away from me.To feel what Armise felt when I took him.His fingers were gone for only a breath then his cock was pushing inside and I felt like I was being torn in half.The sensation was overpowering—too full, too harsh, too foreign—but I gripped his hips and drove him deeper.I accepted the pain that rent through me and let all control go.The agony melding with pleasure, morphing, roaring through my blood, making my hearing fuzz out until all I could do was hold on as Armise pounded into me.He lifted my hips, setting my legs over his thighs, his thumbs and fingers digging into my flesh.Each pressure point felt like an ice-cold brand on my skin.He wrapped his hand around my cock.The balm still coated his fingers, and the easy slide of his fingers over my dick was gentle in comparison to the harshness with which he fucked me.It made my head spin and I had to clamp my eyes shut to keep from coming right then.But I couldn’t block it all out.Armise was everywhere—his body coiled around me, his hands bruising my flesh, his cock driving deeper inside me with each thrust.His moans filled my ears, ricocheted through my brain, shredding all restraint, imploding my barriers like the blast of a sonicbullet.I panted, begged, knew I sounded as desperate as I felt.And that just made him take me with more force.I didn’t know how much more I could take.This was torture and desire and fear and lust and I wanted to scream for more, but I didn’t know what else he could possibly give me.My release slammed through me without warning, with a cry ripped from me that made my throat raw from the intensity.I saw stars behind my eyelids, a whitewash of brightness, and I could feel Armise’s eyes on me even if I couldn’t see them.Even if I couldn’t find the will to look at him as he took me apart.I barely registered the stuttering of Armise’s hips, his cock buried to the hilt in my ass, then he collapsed on top of me, his black and silver hair brushing against my chin as he kissed my chest.He rolled to the side with a gruff exhalation of breath.Armise turned on his side, resting his head on my shoulder.Putting his left hand securely around my hip.The thought that this was too intimate skittered through my clearing head as I remembered who we were and what we were tasked with accomplishing.I tried to restrain the urge to curl into his body.I tried to shut myself down.I couldn’t.* * * *We’d known our job would become harder after the first three kills.But we’d had no idea how quickly the remaining Committee members would scatter and disappear.Months passed, countries and continents blending into each other, informants all beginning to look the same, to sound the same—whiny, desperate and cowardly.As my frustration built, the need for revenge became my only driving force.I had been able to put the image of Sarai out of my mind when we were tracking the first three kills.To forget for a time about that stadium and the hundreds of thousands who’d died that night.But now I had too much time to think and too little stimulus.I obsessed about how to get to Ahriman.I settled into the darkness of vengeance.Welcomed it.Let it consume me.And Armise didn’t try to convince me to do otherwise.We were entrenched in the bitter cold of the northern fjords of the UU—the New Year having passed weeks ago—with a half-frozen rain sleeting down on us as we trudged to another informant rendezvous point.This was the first time that Armise was going to make contact with a former co-worker, as it were, since disappearing with me from that stadium.Manny was a Dark Ops officer for Singapore and Armise insisted that he could be trusted—to a point.I was dubious.But all other avenues of intelligence-gathering had been dead-ends.Armise was hunched over, speaking in low tones to Manny, who was feeding him more intel on the supposed Committee member hiding out in the towering mountains, kilometres off track and completely off grid.It was the closest we’d come in months to any of the remaining nine Committee members.The anticipation of ticking another body off our list of kills had me hyped up and ready to move.My rifle was slung over my chest and I clicked the safety on then off, over and over again, the lever making a mechanical snick of metal on metal, until Armise whipped his head in my direction.“Fucking stop,” he ordered.Manny’s and my breath came out in billows as we exhaled, but the condensation from warmer air meeting the cold was conspicuously absent from Armise.I had no doubt that his skin would match the frigid temps of this northern clime.I furrowed my brow and put my hands on my hips.He was just as on edge as I was, apparently.Manny’s sudden appearance didn’t sit right with me.Which was why we’d chosen to meet in the middle of nowhere.The radio in my pocket crackled as Armise shifted position.Since taking out the last Committee member we had decided to keep it switched on and in our possession at all times.I heard a sound off in the distance and cocked my head to get a better read on what it was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]