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.Somehow encouraged by the look of horror on her face, Liam came right up along side of her and started rubbing himself on her hip.That was it.“Michael.Michael, can you hear me?” She saw him look up and nod his head as he laughed.“He just rubbed his junk on my leg.What do you think about that?” The smile immediately left his face.Grace breathed a sigh of relief when Michael slammed the phone onto the bar top and catapulted himself over the top of it.She folded her phone shut and counted the seconds until her rescue.Liam, completely oblivious, continued gyrating against her hip.Michael stalked over to where they were dancing while Grace glared at him.“It’s all fun and games until some creeper rubs his penis on my leg, huh, Michael?” He didn’t say a word.He simply bent over, wrapped his arms around Grace’s knees and hoisted her over his shoulder.She could feel the blood rushing to her head as she dangled mid air, screaming in surprise as her hair fell into her face.Even upside down, Grace had no problem hearing Michael’s parting words to Liam.“Stay away from her.Don’t look at her; don’t even think about her.If she appears to you in your dreams, wake up and punch yourself in the face for me.Come near her again, and I’ll cut your nuts off and put them in a jar on my mantle.Do we understand each other?” Liam, too stunned by the threat to say anything, simply stood there looking dumb.Grace looked up as Michael turned and gave Liam a lame parting wave as they disappeared into the crowd.A man on a mission, Michael walked past the bar and continued down the hallway until they came to a door.“Where are you taking me? Put me down!”Grace demanded as she kicked her legs wildly.All he did was laugh and tighten his grip.When they were in a small room with a couch, a television, and a coffee machine, her feet finally hit the ground.“Thank you for the caveman style rescue,” Grace started to sneer, but then she realized how incredibly close Michael was standing to her.“Are you going to say anything like ‘Sorry I left you out there with a creepy guy, Grace’ or ‘I’m an idiot, Grace, please forgive me’? How about ‘Grace, are you all right?’ Any of those would be a great place to start.” The more enraged she got, the wider he smiled.153V I C T O R I A M I C H A E L SFinally, he moved toward her and put his hands on either side of her face.“Grace, are you all right?” His voice was deep and husky, and the seductive tone of it set her body on fire.She tried to stay mad at him, but the longer he looked at her with those piercing, sexy eyes, the harder it was.With him so close and smelling so good, it was damn near impossible.“Yes, I’m fine.Just completely grossed out, that’s all,” she said with a smile.“Do you have any hand sanitizer handy?”“What am I going to do with you? Every time you try to dance, you have a run in with an uninvited man.” He smiled and brushed the hair out of her face.“Well, it’s only happened twice.Once it was horrifying, but the other time it was … pretty great.” Grace sighed as his thumbs gently caressed her cheeks.She took a moment to enjoy the sensation of his hands on her face.“Do me a favor.Don’t move,” he whispered as he looked down at her.Grace’s entire body froze.Unable to even breathe, all she could do was stare into his mesmerizing eyes and wait.He crept closer and when he was an inch from her face, she closed her eyes.As she did, Grace felt the explosive warmth of his lips on hers.Every part of her body was tingling as the adrenaline raced through her bloodstream.He held her lips tightly against his for a second, and then as quickly as the innocent kiss began, it ended.“Impressive,” Grace murmured, her eyes still closed, their foreheads touching.“Thank you,” Michael laughed.“Are you still mad?”“If I said yes, would you kiss me again?” she asked coyly.“I can kiss you like this whenever I want, Grace.It’s allowed.”“Then kiss me again, please [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]