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.At the door is a hunk of perfection, and I step back to let Flynn in.“Morning beautiful”“Flynn.”My dreary morning has just brighten up.And as I watch Flynn swagger into the living area I refuse to move my eyes from the tight clasped denim firm backside.“Cassie, Cassie.” The reproachful tone and gleam in Flynn’s brown eyes has me smiling.“Eyes up Cassie, I am more than a piece of meat.” Oh and what meat he is.Flynn’s visit has me wondering what he wants.For the last month Flynn has become my confident, giving me an insight not only to himself, but to the club and to Linc.“Would you like a coffee?”“No thanks.I’ve just come to say bye.”“You’re leaving.When?”“Today.”“No you cannot.” We need give Flynn a going away party.Without hesitating I reach for my phone and with Baby Blu’s help we soon have everything organized.“One more night will not hurt Flynn, and I want to say thank you for your support.”“Cassie you will have me blushing.One more night.Then I have to go.Look, here’s a couple of tickets for my fight.Come and watch.Bring Linc with you if you want.”Yes, I am going to miss Flynn and when I get my hands on the skank who did him over.I aim to kill the bitch.When Flynn first came to Comfort Springs I wondered if there would have been anything between us.If things had not work out with Linc.This idea soon evaporated, when I discovered between us, we would have too much baggage for any kind of relationship, but friendship.Impulsively I give a bear hug to my friend.I am going to miss him and our chats.“I will always be on the end of the phone for you Cass.”“Go Flynn before you have me crying.I will see you tonight.Yeah?”“Yeah.”DCMC“I think you’re drunk Cassie.”“You only think? Angel more tequila.” I have to shout over the crowded bar for the overworked girl to hear me.“I will fetch it for you.” Rayven offers.Before she disappears into the crowd to join Angel behind the bar.I need a better view of the party, and what is going on, and so I climb on to a table.The table is not too steady and Sundance braces it with his hands.Seems to me as if Sundance got the short straw on this run, and has being put on Rayven sitting.From my advantage point, I spot Flynn with Amber and Kitty who both have their bodies wrapped round his.The mixture of alcohol, and music has my body swaying rhythmically, and when Rayven brings over the bottle of tequila.I grab her hand to pull her up to join me.It’s not long before Flynn catches sight of our scantily dressed bodies and joins us.Flynn’s scorching gaze penetrates me to the soul and with Rayven’s help, we begin to give Flynn a tabletop dance.Taking it in turns to sway our tushies in his face.“What the fuck!” Tabby’s bellow has everyone turning towards the doorway where he is standing with Linc.“Hi Tabby.Want to join us?” Unable to hold back my giggle.I laugh out loud at the look on Linc’s face, who is following Tabby.Unbelievably the patrons’ part like the red sea, letting the two angry men get closer to us.“Do you think we should run?” I giggle into Rayven’s ear.“Watch Cassie.” Rayven’s words have me perplexed until I see her step agilely on to the next table and she begins to undulate her hips, raising her arms above her head.A flash of flat stomach is exposed to the room and Tabby stops short.His eyes narrow as he watches the dancing nymph.Taking my cue from Rayven, I kick off my shoes and lock eyes with Linc.Slowly I begin my own undulation, rotating my hips round and giving my breast a shimmy, causing them to jiggle.Linc’s eyes are fastened on to my body.And as the beat of the music takes over.My body moves faster, gyrating and swirling until my backside is in Linc’s face.Another slow twist of my body has me bent forward, and I can practically feel Linc’s nose in the crack of my ass.To drive him a little more insane.I bend over till my hands have clasped my ankles.My panties are exposed to Linc, and to everyone in the room, due to the short length of my green skirt.Linc and I, are face to ass.His tongue flickers over his lips.I am positive that from his view point he can see the wet patch on my panties, and smell my arousal.The throb in my clit is heavy and painful.Linc has had enough, and he’s grabbed me by the legs and I’m hanging over his shoulder.Not one to give up easily I turn to Flynn.“Want to join us.” Fuck did I just say that.Flynn’s laughter and the resounding smack I receive from Linc fills the room.“No he does not.”“Shit.Linc that hurt.”“It’s meant to.” With me in his arms, Linc bounds up the stairs as the world spins on me.“Fuck Linc, slow down or I am going to puke.”Another swat lands on my ass.“You do girl and you will clean it up.”None too gently and without any consideration to my condition.Linc drops me on to our bed where the room persist to spin.Painfully I open one eye to study the man I stupidly love.“Linc you planning on having your dirty way with me tonight.”Fuck his body is glorious.Abs that ripple from beneath his chest, finishing at the hips.A waist that dips in, begging for my lips to taste the flesh there.The tantalizingly Harley Davidson with Marilyn Monroe laying across the seat sexily ink design on his muscular thigh has me salivating.Crawling up the bed, I trace the ink.Marilyn may have his leg, but I have got his heart.Slowly my eyes raise to his biceps where there is a tattoo of a skull and Celtic cross on one of them.From my kneeling position I trace my fingers over Linc’s chest until I come across my image.“He did a good job.”“Who?”“Ant.I love that ink Linc.” Linc had commission Ant to do the ink shortly after we had married.“Cassie stop thinking and talking about other men when you’re in my bed.” With a gentle, push Linc has me flat on my back.“Unless you want Flynn to join us.”Happiness seeps through my body as I trace the contours of Linc’s face.His indigo eyes, hot with lust as they sear in to my soul.“No” I whisper before turning over and closing my eyes.I only need one man to satisfy my hunger.And the man lying next to me is man enough to handle my wants.DCMCThe gentle stoke of a hand caressing the crest of my breast brings me awake.In no rush to move, I lay there while Linc plays with my body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]