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.I glance at Drew, but allow his arm to stay snug around my body.“Wow…” I mumble a little shocked at our surroundings.I am truly in awe right now.I have never seen anything like it before.“What is this place?”“I don’t know if it really has a name, but some folks call it Celestial Lookout.Mainly because you can come here and see just about any heavenly body that’s visible to the naked eye.”“It’s gorgeous!” I murmur, glancing at the nighttime sky.I look up at him and see him gauging my reaction.“Thank you for bringing me here.”He nods.“Thank you for trusting me.” He leans down, brushing his lips gently against my temple, squeezing my body against his in an attempt to get closer.This would be the perfect moment for a kiss if I felt ready for something like that to happen.Unfortunately, my heart is saying one thing and my head is saying another.I look away from him, choosing to go with my head.“We should probably head back.I would hate for Alexis to send out the FBI.”“She said she wasn’t going to wait up…remember?” I nod.It's true, but I also know that if I spend another moment in Celestial Lookout with him, I will succumb to him and that won't be fair to either of us.“I’m teasing.I understand if you want to get back to your dorm.It is getting a little late.” He reaches down and grabs my hand again as we head back through the woods.When we get back to the car, he pauses before opening the door.“Tomorrow night, the band is having a party.Sort of a Welcome Back to Radford party.I want you to come and bring Lex…” he hesitates and smiles, “if you want to, that is.”There is no hesitation on my part because I really want to see him again.Especially after tonight.I smile and nod.“Sure.I would like that.”He opens the door.Before I get into the car, I lean up and brush a kiss on his cheek.I don't want him to think that I didn’t enjoy my time with him tonight.He smiles as I get into the car, and I feel a little giddy inside.I am already counting the minutes until I can see him again.RyderI pace the living room carpet back and forth, telling myself that I'm not waiting up for him, but the truth is…I am.It seems like Drew has been gone all night.I don't think tonight was a date, but when I saw Drew before he left, nervous about going out with her, I thought maybe I was wrong.I glance at the clock, 10:15.I don't know what my pull is to her, and I sure as shit can't explain it.I barely know her, but when I think about her, I suddenly stiffen.Is it her piercing green eyes? Or the fact that her perfect body makes me stand at attention? Her body was made for fucking and her lips were made for sucking.She's fucking gorgeous."Fuck," I groan already feeling myself harden from just the thought of her body laying beneath me.I was mesmerized each time I saw her—from the moment I broke her fall to the night that our band performed.Just having her in my presence is enough to make me feel shit I haven’t felt before.This is not me.I do not get hung up on chicks.They get hung up on me.So, the fact that I am at a complete loss shows I am fucked when it comes to Chloe Evans.As I am putting my books away, I hear the front door open.I look up praying Chloe's not with him and see Drew walking in alone.Thank fuck! He glances at me and nods.“What’s up, man? I thought everyone would be out.”“Not me,” I say a little too hastily, putting the rest of my things away and laying my bag to the side.“How’d it go?” I ask the question, kicking myself for caring.Drew is right; it isn't like me to stay home on a Friday night.I should be out, having fun with whatever chick is available.That's how I am.Everyone knows it, especially Drew.“What? Oh, you mean the little get-together with Chloe?”I want to laugh.Get-together? It sounds so clinical and definitely not what I was expecting.I know that if the situations were reversed… she would definitely know it was a date, and I would be sure to point that out all night.“Uh…if that’s what you call it,” I simply reply shaking my head.Drew glances at me, his right eyebrow arching up slightly like it does when he knows something is up.“It was good.She is fun, easy to talk to, genuine, sweet…” Gorgeous, sexy, hot…I can think of a few more adjectives to describe Chloe.However, I see the smile on Drew’s face.He lights up just speaking of her.“It was a pretty amazing…” he hesitates.“Get-together?” I complete for him.He glances at me and nods.“Yeah, it was probably…let me change that, it was definitely the best damn get-together I could have ever hoped for.”My face falls, so I turn away to mess with my books once again.I don't want him to see how much his words piss me off.I don't even know why they affect me so much.“Glad you had a good time,” I reply, hoping it comes across genuine.“Thanks, bro.” He starts to leave the room but stops before reaching the hallway.“Oh yeah, I invited Lex and Chloe to the bonfire tomorrow night.”“You did? What happened to keeping it strictly juniors and seniors?”Drew shrugs and smiles.“Roll with the punches, man.Lex is family and well…Chloe, she’s cool.You’ll like getting to know her.” Drew winks at me and then disappears down the hall.I sink down to the couch.How in the world am I going to keep my thoughts and feelings at bay when it is obvious my best friend is already developing feelings for the only girl who’s ever made my pulse hum?I throw some more beers into the cooler.I keep myself occupied with the little jobs so that I don't stop long enough to think about seeing Chloe tonight.The backyard is already filling up with people, but there is no sign of either Chloe or Lex.As I glance around the backyard, I do see a few of the females that I've entertained a time or two.I cringe, realizing how badly things could go tonight.That’s when one of the girls head my way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]