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.You gotta watch this girl, she has the bark and she will bite.” He winked and waved at us as he headed towards the guys, who were across the room.***The Brittle Souls were onstage and I was on the side checking out their set with Lucy and Pauly, her bandmate, when Cale tapped on my shoulder.He took my breath away.He was dressed in a long sleeved white t-shirt that clung to his abs and his arms in just the right spots.His designer jeans reminded me of the first time we had lunch at Lozano’s together and I had thought he was darn good looking even then.Deep breath, Bryn, it’s just Cale, I had to remind myself as he rocked back and forth on his feet, appearing nervous.“Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked quietly, pointing towards the door to outside.“Yeah, of course,” I replied.I followed Cale as we maneuvered our way outside and as far away from ear shot as we could go.I was starting to feel a little scared since we were a little ways away from the building and I didn’t want anything to happen to us.“Is everything okay?” I asked as he started to look down at his feet.Lifting his head up, he locked his eyes onto mine.“I just have something I really need to tell you.I’ve been thinking about this all day long today…”“Okay?” Now I was really worried.He took my hands out of my pockets and intertwined our fingers.Letting out a sigh, he said, “You have no idea how I’ve missed this between us, Bryn.I know I kept my secret from you and you said you couldn’t do us anymore, which I understand, but you will always be my girl.No matter what.”I didn’t know what to say.This was Cale in his vulnerable state, and I wasn’t sure what bomb he was going to throw my way.“Do you feel this?” Cale’s voice cracked as he positioned my hand on his scar inches from his heart.“This should hurt me,” he said.“But you know what? It doesn’t anymore.I would do anything for you, Bryn Schaefler.” He paused, tears starting to fill up his eyes.“Anything.I took a bullet to save you.I got stabbed and beaten to a bloody pulp.But I would do it again because you are everything to me.And I’m the luckiest guy in the world because I can say you’re still mine.”He held my gaze, not blinking for one second.“Now feel this.” He moved my fingers so they now lay across his beating heart, which pounded under my hand.“This right here, beats only for you.Just for you.This is why it is killing me to let you and the guys go for a while.But I have to get help.I can’t hurt you or my brothers any longer.”Our fingers separated and I latched onto him as if my life depended on it.I dug into his shoulders as we stood there and cried.I cried because the love of my life finally decided to get the help he needed to get his life on track.His grip on me tightened as he whispered how much he was going to miss me when he left, how much he loved me.“It’s only 90 days,” Cale whispered as he kissed my cheek.“I’m calling tomorrow to sign myself up and I’ll leave after the tour is over.”“I love you,” I murmured, leaning up to kiss him.“I’m so proud that you decided to do this.”“I love you too, Bryn,” Cale responded.“Just promise me one thing?”“Anything.”“Promise me that when I get back, we’ll pick up where we left off before you broke up with me?” His eyes were filled with hope as he wiped away the wetness under them.“Yes, I would want nothing more.”Epilogue:Bryn- June30 more days until Cale comes back! Yes I’m writing everything down in a journal because I want to be able to remember all the things that have happened since he left for rehab.So here’s a long rundown: First thing’s first, my parents have been trying to get a hold of me non-stop ever since they heard their daughter was in a band whose album just went platinum.Apparently some of their money deals had gone wrong and they had to declare bankruptcy on their house, resulting in a filing for a second mortgage.This explained why my mother left those voicemails and was trying to get me to come home.I did go see them once.That was the first place I went after I dropped Cale off at the rehabilitation center.The childhood home that I once grew up in was in shambles.My mother was throwing bottles and anything else in sight against the wall.I took one look at her when I walked into the door and threw down a wad of cash.I haven’t heard from her or my father since.I also paid Louisa for the months that I was gone on tour, for her keeping up with the place.I had enough money now so I got a nice 3 bedroom house not too far from Cale’s mom’s place.I fell in love with it the white picket fencing, the privacy with trees surrounding majority of the property and could see myself living there with Cale for a very long time.But he doesn’t know about the house yet.I’ll surprise him when he comes home.Gina and Bethany are going ahead with starting a music magazine and found an office in Detroit to start a business.They told me Everlasting would be the first band on the cover and I promised I’d frame it forever.Raptor and Luke moved down closer to a suburb of Detroit to be closer to Gina and Bethany.Both couples are going strong and I told them to keep a close eye on those two girls, because they can get into trouble.Tyler and Vince stayed in the apartment the five guys used to share, and were sure as Hell happy that they had more space for their things after all of the years they lived together.My time has mostly been spent with those two, going to movies, writing songs about whatever came to mind, and every once in a while a karaoke night at Crabby Pete’s.To CaleI can’t wait until you get back from rehab.I’m so proud of you for doing this not only for yourself but for your family and for me.I’ll be waiting for you when you get out and I’ll always be yours.You are strong and will make it through.From my heart to yours.Love always, BrynTHE ENDAbout the Author:Breigh Forstner is the author of the “Straight from the Heart” series.She currently lives in a border town in Southeast Michigan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]