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.There is a rumour regarding a prophecy, which affects the emperor’s House, the emperor’s men question people about birds and bird song just as a song about a bird which mocks the emperor rages through the peasantry and across the land.These incidents cannot be unconnected.”Master Tanyeu was frowning at the news.“I cannot believe the emperor has allowed such a song to continue, the loss of face…but it is only a song.Surely they cannot be connected.”Unable to restrain his enthusiasm Guang leaned forward, pleased to demonstrate his superior knowledge to Master Tanyeu.It would all be common gossip shortly but for the moment it remained a tasty morsel.“It is a curious thing but the more the emperor’s men have attempted to still the song, the more popular it becomes.When the emperor’s guards first heard of it they went to the town where it was being sung.A town of six thousand people and they burned it to the ground.Over a thousand were put to the sword or burned in their homes.” Tanyeu was nodding at the punishment, seemingly proportionate, as Guang turned his palms upright.“The Great House of Wah which owned the town was outraged and demanded to know why their town had been torched by the emperor’s guard.They were told it was in punishment for a lack of respect shown the emperor in allowing the song to be sung.Rather than quell the song it instead increased people’s interest in it.I believe a further three villages were burned to the ground and many more killed, before the Great Houses which owned them threatened to defend against the imperial soldiers if any further action was taken against them.It is now so ubiquitous in the provinces that every village in the Wing-Ho province would need to be burned to quell it and still it spreads outwards, as quick and relentless as the wind to bordering provinces.”Master Tanyeu sat back considering what he would do if his own tied villages and towns were to be systematically burned to the ground by the emperor’s soldiers.He would resist.The villages and their peasantry were the source of his wealth.Without their crops and other produce his estates would be driven into famine and his house in to penury.An example was one thing but multiple clearings would become catastrophic and it was fortunate for the Great House concerned that it had a daughter linked to the emperor through marriage, probably preventing an escalation.As he came to this decision he realised Guang had been watching him carefully for his reaction before he continued.“As with the issue raised by you earlier Master Tanyeu, it is something that would unite the Great Houses against the emperor.I believe it very nearly came to battle, possibly including twenty thousand men on each side before the emperor’s soldiers were drawn back from the conflict to continue with their search.No further villages have been punished and the song continues to spread.But now it has the added interest of the emperor’s soldiers’ resentful but seemingly impotent reaction to it.I have begun to wonder if the bird’s song the emperor’s men are questioning people about is not actually a bird song but a song about a bird, this Chicken Song, and the confusion arising due to the ambiguous nature of prophecy.”Master Tanyeu was thinking furiously.“This is speculation rather than knowledge?”Guang leaned back before responding a little defensively.“Some of it is fact which I have uncovered and some supposition on my part.However, it would seem to fit well.Though how to use it to advantage not knowing the actual prophecy I cannot determine.”Master Tanyeu was sitting as still and focused as a snake waiting to strike at its prey before venturing thoughtfully.“Perhaps we do not need to know the actual prophecy to benefit from it.”Guang was fascinated to see his previous adversary face to face, pondering the problem just as he had earlier and couldn’t help but prompt.“How so Master Tanyeu?”“The cause for our mutual Houses’ conflict in the past was the river port of Sung-Lo.Both Houses expended great resource warring against each other to secure the town, only to see it annexed by the emperor to the empress’ previous House, the House of Wah, in settlement of the dispute.My House’s interest in this port has diminished over the generations as we developed alternative shipping points but I understand it would still be of value to your own House?”Guang was cautious as he confirmed.“Of course.”“The reason it has been safe over the years is because any attempt on your part to take it would be countered by my House.Similarly, if I attempted to recover it your own House would seek to prevent me.” Master Tanyeu was cautious as he committed his thoughts to words [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]