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.He gazed at her as though she was something precious.Lydia sighed as his long fingers removed a pin from her hair.“One shade the more, one ray the less,Had half impaired the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress,”Her breath caught as he twirled a lock of her hair.“Or softly lightens o’er her face;Where thoughts serenely sweet express,How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.”His hand crept up to caress her cheek, his intent gaze never wavering.“And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,The smiles that win, the tints that glow,”His lips curved in a sensual smile as he concluded.“But tell of days in goodness spent,A mind at peace with all below,A heart whose love is innocent!”For an eternity, they stared as if peering into each other’s souls.His fingers slid past her cheek and threaded once more through her hair, sending the remaining pins scattering into the grass.“Lydia,” he whispered.Then his lips were on hers, warm, silken, teasing.Her limbs melted.Intoxicating heat unfurled low in her body.Lydia reached up to pull him closer, to demand more.Vincent pulled back before she could grasp him.He took a deep, shuddering breath.“And that is your most important lesson in courtship, Lydia.Never allow a man to get you off alone, especially if he desires to recite poetry, and particularly Lord Byron’s verses.”A strangled gasp caught in her throat at his duplicity.It had all been part of the game! “You…you…”He held up a hand.“Now slap me with your fan in retaliation for taking such liberties.”Reeling in outrage, she fumbled in the pockets of her cloak for the ineffectual weapon.Vincent shrugged, undaunted at her ire.“That is why you should keep your fan at the ready.”Seizing the bundle of cloth-covered sticks, she smacked him soundly on the arm, much harder than Miss Hobson had instructed.“You are lucky I did not have my gun,” she hissed.How could he?To her vexation, he chuckled.“No, a kiss such as that, indiscreet as it was, is hardly a dueling offense.” His eyes narrowed, and he stalked closer.Lydia thought of the time he’d told her the story of the wolf.Vincent looked just as predatory as he had that night.“However, if a man kisses you like this…”With lightning speed, he seized her, pulling her against his body as his lips came down on hers with brutal force.One hand ruthlessly gripped the nape of her neck, while the other grasped her bottom, urging her hips against his.Though it was still part of the game, Lydia was unable to prevent herself from responding.Molten desire flooded her body, flaring brightest within her core.His mouth ravaged hers, his tongue darted in, sliding across hers, coaxing it to tangle with his in a primal dance.A low moan escaped her throat as she ground her body against him.His hardness pressed, insistent upon her most secret place, making her ache for something only he could give.With a low growl, he broke away and thrust her from him.His breath came in harsh gasps.“If a man kisses you…like that,” he said roughly, “then I shall see him dead.”Panting with need, Lydia met his savage gaze in challenge.“What if I want him to?”Vincent moved forward.Her lips parted in anticipation.Then he stopped and sighed, running a hand through his hair.“You must save such things for the marriage bed, else you’ll be ruined.”“But, Vincent, I want—” He stopped her before she could say, “you.”“This must not happen again.” His voice was firm, containing an edge of a growl.“I will escort you back to the castle, and then I must go for my walk.”As they walked back, Lydia felt his arm vibrate with tension beneath her hand.Those kisses had affected him as deeply as they had her.She knew it! Why would he not admit the fact? Her thighs trembled with unfulfilled desire as her mind raced with the truth of her heart.Not only did she want Vincent’s kisses, she wanted his heart.She did not want or need to go to London to find the man she would love and marry.She’d already found him.***With a smile, Miss Hobson watched Lydia flee up the stairs.At first, as she’d observed Deveril’s stiff stride and turbulent countenance, she’d thought the two had quarreled.Then one glance at Lydia’s flushed cheeks, mussed hair, and swollen lips confirmed the earl had finally given in to temptation and stolen a kiss.She looked back out the window.Her smile deepened at the sight of Deveril stalking off angrily into the night.Miss Hobson would have wagered a guinea that he was cursing himself for his lapse in propriety.Ah, yes.Things were progressing along quite nicely.TwelveVincent walked among the vampires gathered within the stone circle.A full smuggler’s moon gleamed on the tall gray rocks and moist emerald grass.When all seventy-six were accounted for, he motioned for silence.“As you all know, I am leaving for London tomorrow.Emrys will be in charge in my absence, and Bronn will act as his second.” Giving the younger and more unruly vampires a stern look, he added, “I will also be coming back frequently to check on you.”The blood drinkers under his care bowed deeply.However, Kenan and Daveth, two younglings of about a quarter century, exchanged glances smacking of mischief.Vincent made a mental note to tell Emrys to keep an eye on that pair.The Siddons sisters stood together under Bronn’s subtle guard.Vincent was pleased to see that they’d lost much of their wariness.It seemed their time working with Lydia was helping them readjust to social interaction.“Are there any concerns or grievances before we adjourn?”A few vampires raised their hands, and Vincent spent the next half hour patiently settling disputes on hunting territories and giving advice on land purchases.When all was at peace, he adjourned the meeting, confident that Emrys and Bronn would take good care of his people.As the vampires departed the circle to return to their homes, Sally Siddons stepped out from the shadows, her lower lip quivering with uncertainty.“Is all in readiness for our journey as well?”“Yes, I will be bringing horses shortly after dusk to fetch you, so be sure to feed quickly.And the Lords of Exeter and Bath have kindly offered you and Maria hospitality for your day rest.You should arrive at the town house I leased for you within four nights.”Maria strode forward, visibly trembling in eagerness to set off.“How long shall we be in Town?”“As long as it takes to see my ward wed, which shouldn’t be too long, given her beauty and the magnificent way you’ve dressed her,” he told her sincerely even as he prayed the pair wouldn’t cause mischief once they arrived.“Again I must thank you for all your hard work.”“It was an honor as well as a pleasure,” Maria said, walking up ahead of her sister.“Miss Price is a delightful young lady and a fine painter.”Vincent regarded her with narrowed eyes.“Ah yes, I am well aware of your scheme to throw her in the path of Sir Thomas Lawrence.”Sally shook her head vigorously.“It is not like that, my lord.We do not want him seducing her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]