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.Awesome.“Justin—”“Don’t, Della.Just go home.It’s where you belong, not out at some frat house.”“But I—”“No.”“C’mon.” The officer, whose name was Richards according to his uniform, pulled on my elbow, shutting the door behind me to cut off all conversation.I looked over my shoulder as Richards escorted me to my front door, and Justin’s eyes were anywhere but on me.If that’s how he wanted to play it, then fine.I was done, so done.Done with men forever.All they did was cause heartache and problems, problems that I didn’t need in my life, now and really ever.Justin Parker had made it perfectly clear that things would never happen again for us, and I guess I had to live with that.“SO THAT WAS your girl, right?” Ty asked as he slammed the door shut.He sat in the driveway while we watched Della fumble around in that big ass purse of hers before she finally found her keys, kicking the door open and slamming it shut behind her.I could tell she was pissed, and I didn’t blame her, but I’m sure the anger that she felt was nothing compared to what I was feeling.I never expected to find Della at that house, especially with Mia.Those two didn’t get along at all, and really, Della didn’t need to be involved with some of the shit Mia got herself into.But she looked to be having a fucking fantastic time when we showed up, and that idiot next to her had some real balls with his hand on her leg like that.But that wasn’t even the kicker.She mumbled something about Nash being a dad.Well, last time I checked, they were together, so that would make her fucking pregnant.Pregnant? I couldn’t even think about…I didn’t want to, but there was no way I could get that thought out of my head.Was Della trying to self-destruct or something? I knew all about her past and the abortion.Was she trying to do the same thing this time, too? I had seen a beer in her hand and she’d clearly been smoking something judging by her red-rimmed eyes.What in the hell was she thinking?“She’s not my girl,” I corrected Ty, but left it at that.She most definitely wasn’t my girl, and she never would be again.I still held onto the hope that maybe there was a chance, even with Nash in the picture, that maybe she would come to her senses and see that us together just made worked.But not now.It wasn’t even a possibility anymore.We finished out our shift, and by the time I got home, I was pretty much ready to collapse.The past few days of drinking and waking up hung-over had definitely caught up with me, and there were four workdays to go before I had a day off.I checked my phone before crawling into bed, seeing that a message from Mia had come in.Mia: Thanks for ruining all my fun 2night! Asshole.Still hanging out Wednesday?Me: YupI decided not to ask her about Della, and why she was with her tonight.I didn’t need to care anymore, even though it was hard as hell not to.I’m sure she would tell me all about it on Wednesday anyway.My friendship with Mia was a little strange to say the least.I thought at first I was just using her because of her connection to Della, but Mia was genuinely a fun girl to hang out with, though that was all I saw her as—a friend.I could tell Mia definitely wanted things to go a whole lot further than that.I mean, she had the balls to flirt with me when I was still dating Della.I was honestly surprised she hadn’t tried to jump on my dick yet, even though she hinted at it a time or two.I just brushed it off as a joke and then she would laugh along with me.I think I needed to give her a push into Nate’s direction; those two might possibly be made for each other.They both never seemed to stop going, barely ever leaving time to sleep, before they were up and ready for the next night’s adventure.On second thought, one of them might end up in the hospital by trying to out-party the other, so it probably wasn’t such a great idea.IT HAD BEEN a week since I saw Della and I tried to keep reminding myself that was a good thing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]