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.‘Arsehole,’ he spat down the phone.‘Him, not you.’‘Do you have to keep calling him that?’‘Well, he is.I mean look at you Ellie, you’re … you’re stunning, your body’s …’ I heard him suck in through his teeth as my stomach started fluttering.‘You’re the personification of every man’s wet dream, Ellie.How could he be that close to you every night and not want you physically?’‘You seem to be managing ok,’ I whispered as my mouth went dry.Dan really felt that strongly about me?‘Trust me Ellie, I’m not.I’m not managing at all.Being this close to you, knowing you want me too … it’s fucking hard,’ he groaned as he reflected back exactly how I was feeling about him.‘It is for me too,’ I confirmed.God damn it, what was wrong with two single people with off the charts attraction just giving into their desires and fucking wildly?‘Did he refuse when you asked or tried to initiate things between you?’‘Yes, he always had a headache or he was too tired.’‘Fucking arsehole.’ He almost yelled it, and it was laced with venom this time.I chuckled to myself, I seriously hoped Zac wouldn’t find out where I was and come looking, as I had a feeling Dan would eat him for breakfast.‘Yeah, he is, isn’t he? But it doesn’t make me feel any better about all of this.’‘I told you he didn’t deserve you, Ellie.As a species men are pretty shit at not realising what’s important in life.’‘You treated someone badly once too?’‘So you weren’t using protection with him anymore?’‘No, I didn’t think I needed to as I’m on the pill.’ I realised he’d totally ignored my question, I know we’d agreed that he’d only talk about the things he wanted to, but I was getting beyond curious.I wanted to know everything about him, his background, why he was here in the middle of nowhere, but most of all why he was single.For God’s sake, a man like that, with that face, voice, body, and pure male sex appeal should never be single.‘So, is there a clinic you can take me to?’‘I can’t come with you I’m afraid, but I can drop you off in the town on my way out and pick you up later.Would that be ok?’‘Yes.Thank you.’‘Can I do anything for you now?’ he asked softly.I could think of a million things I’d love for him to do to me right now, but we’d already agreed they weren’t an option.‘No thanks,’ I sighed.‘I’ll be fine.’‘Come to me for quarter to one and dress warmly, the forecast’s for heavy snow for the next week.If you think you need anything I’d buy it today in case we get cut off for a while.’‘Ok, I’ll see you in a while.’ I smiled.I couldn’t help it, I just felt happier when I had him in my line of sight, even if I couldn’t do anything about it.I headed up and got dressed in my thermal leggings and pulled my jeans over the top, a thermal vest and thick black jumper and got out the boots I’d purchased specially.I sorted out my scarf, gloves and a wool beanie hat ready to grab when it was time to go, then went and sat at the desk.So much for writing every day, I thought as I looked at my laptop.I opened my iPad and smiled to see a message from Brooke.You realise you ask how Maisie is, more than you ask how I’m doing, right? But you totally made up for it by telling me you’re looking forward to our nights out and some seriously great sex, I knew I’d swing you to the girl side sooner or later ;-) Speaking of, I’ve been a naughty girl :-( Well naughty, but very nice!! I’ll fill you in on that tomorrow over wine.You’re seriously writing a novel about two gay guys’ sex lives? That’s one book I won’t be reading, thanks! xxI looked up out of the window at the falling snow and was stunned again at the view.I took a picture and attached it to Brooke’s reply.You didn’t tell me about Maisie again, Brooke Hanson! I’m starting to worry that you’ve hurt her.Please let me know she’s ok, and if she’s not I’d rather know as it’s not like I can shout at you in person, is it? I’ve invited Dan to come for dinner every night, so we both have some company.Christ, he can eat like a horse.I made enough meatballs for four or five meals and with the exception of my portion he ate the lot.I’m going to have to get more food in and some industrial sized pots ;-) I’m leaving the island today to go to a local town so I’ll send you an update later.xxAs I was just putting the iPad to sleep another email came in, from the Captain.HR have drawn up the proposed contract for you, I think you’ll find it’s a very generous package [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]