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.He climbed behind the wheel, turned the key and the engine purred to life.He looked at me and smiled and I put my hand on his thigh.As he drove towards the gates, he pressed a button and they magically opened and he roared out of the drive.I looked at him and felt my stomach flip again.As if he weren’t sexy enough as it was, Gabe all confident and in charge, behind the wheel of a car was just awesome.I just enjoyed watching him drive, saying nothing and every now and again he would look over at me and smile.He pulled up on the street outside my front door and left the indicator on and the engine running.‘So, am I seeing you after your girls’ evening with Lexi?’‘You learned my schedules fast stalker,’ I teased.‘I assumed we’d be having the night off.Don’t you have practice and what about your boys’ night out with Doug?’‘I don’t want the night off Mia.I’ll go to practice, have a few drinks with Doug and meet you somewhere later.Are you going to Fazeleys again?’‘I don’t know.Let me check what our plans are and I’ll text you later.’‘Call me, before six.’‘God its déjà vu of last week bossy pants.’‘Go or I’ll be late.The thought of you in just your bra and knickers under that coat has made me hard.’‘You could skip a class and come to bed with me,’ I said with a smile and a hopeful face.‘Don’t tempt me, I’m behind with my studies as it is without skipping more lectures.Go.See you later baby.’ He leaned over and kissed me and I put my hand behind his head to make it last a bit longer before breaking away and sighing.‘Thanks for an amazing evening and my new favourite bracelet, I love it.’‘I love you, now go, please.’I climbed out and he passed me my bag, blew me a kiss, revved up his engine and pulled off as I waved him goodbye.I rummaged for my key and made my way upstairs, 15 minutes earlier than planned.‘Lexi,’ I’m back, Are you up and ready?’‘Yes, how was last night?’ she called back from her room.‘Tell you on the way, I need to change and have a quick coffee.You didn’t reply to my text, you ok?’‘Yeah good as I can be.I was sick again this morning, but I feel ok now.Shout me when you’re ready.’I grabbed my coffee and gulped it down as I put on a very low cut pair of knickers, my loose hipster yoga pants, trainers and a sweatshirt and met Lexi in the hall.‘Right let’s walk and talk, you first Lex.’‘Nothing to tell, I watched some TV, had a curry and an early night and slept through until sickness this morning.So dish.’ I didn’t quite give her a blow by blow, more a précis of the evening.It took longer than expected, as she couldn’t stop laughing at the thought of Austin Senior seeing me in my Basque, suspenders and heels.She loved my bracelet.‘God you’re so bloody lucky finding someone like that, you’d better hang onto him.I’d imagine amazing sex, as well as kind, romantic and considerate, don’t come in one package very often in your life.’‘I intend to hang onto him Lexi, starting with this, which seems a seriously stupid idea now we’re here,’ I said, as I looked up at the sign over the door which read ‘Inked Up Tattoo’s’.We walked in and a guy came out with a beanie hat on, piercings poking out of his lips, spears in his ears and complete tattooed sleeves up his arms.He voice was really soft and kind, which was so not what I was expecting from his visual.‘So you have something in mind?’‘Yes, it’s a really small one.’ I sketched out what I wanted and handed it to him.‘Well that’s not going to take long.Where are you wanting it?’‘On the front of my left hip, low down.’‘Ok give me a few to set up,’ he said as he disappeared into the back room.‘Shit Lexi, I’m really nervous.I can’t believe I’m having a tattoo done when you don’t even have one.I’ve gone completely crazy this last couple of weeks.’‘You have, but isn’t it fun?’ she grinned.‘Why haven’t you got one? You’re always having outrageous haircuts and colours and your piercings are growing, why not a tatt?’‘When I have one it’ll be something I’ve thought long and hard about, something that I can live with.All of this stuff is removable, re-growable or re-dyeable,’ she said, as she indicated her head and face with her hand.‘That’s why I’m happy to do this.It’s small and can be filled in if it ever needs to be.’‘So what is it? Why won’t you tell me?’‘I’ll tell you when I can show you,’ I smiled.‘Tease,’ she grumbled.‘Ok Mia, tattoo table’s all set up, follow me through, I’m ready for you now.’‘Good luck mate.’ Lexi gave me the thumbs up and I walked into the back room, where he’d laid out a portable bed which was covered in paper towel and cling film.‘Nervous?’‘A little,’ I smiled.‘You’ll be fine, it’ll be over before you know it.’ He talked me through the process, applied a traced copy to my skin to check I was happy with the position and I watched as he pulled fresh needles out of a packet and put on some gloves, that was reassuring.‘Ok I’m going to start the machine to get you used to the noise, then I’ll do a small line first and make sure you’re happy before I carry on.I promise we’ll be done in minutes.’The noise made me jerk, thank god he did that first, jumping while he was tattooing me definitely wouldn’t be a good move.I felt his fingers holding my hip steady and took a deep breath.I felt the needle touch my skin and waited for a searing pain and was surprised that it felt more like a light scratch.‘Huh.’‘Ok?’‘Yes it’s better than I thought.’‘Good I’ll get on then,’ he smiled.I was amazed, the noise was worse than the actual tattoo itself, there again I was having a tiny one done, maybe all that colouring in was the worst part.‘Ok [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]