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.I hated being bored and decided I should take a shower.I quickly stripped off my clothes and started a warm-ish shower and stepped in.As I began lathering myself up, I swore.I was pretty sure I had forgotten to lock the front door because I had been distracted by the kids with the firecrackers, which led to me thinking about the upcoming holiday on Sunday…I was about to turn off the water when I heard the door to the bathroom open.I gasped and tried not to panic.The only weapon I could find was a long plastic loofa scrubber my mom had gotten me for Christmas last year that I never used.I scrubbed the water from my face and gingerly peeled back the yellow shower curtain and saw Riley standing there in just his BDU pants that he was beginning to unbutton.His brown T-shirt was already on the floor.“Oh, my God, you scared me, Riley!”He grinned wickedly at me and stripped off the rest of his clothes, and I stood there watching him from the corner of the shower curtain like the pervert that I was.I sucked in a breath when he was all the way down to his birthday suit.He opened the curtain on the other side and stepped in, sidling himself up behind me.I was all soapy so his hands slid effortlessly down my stomach, brushing my hip bones as he kissed my neck and ear.I turned to mush under his touch and dropped the loofa and reached my arms up behind his head and grabbed his neck.I moaned as he continued his exploration of my slippery body and I could feel his desire as it pushed almost painfully into my tailbone.His hands were exploring my soapy breasts now and I turned around and grabbed his head, pulling him towards me and kissing him with everything I had.Pushing me closer to him with both hands on my hips, I groaned as his manhood pushed against my belly.“God, Cara, I want you so bad,” he whispered in my ear.I shuddered and said, “So take me, soldier.”He kissed me again, almost violently, and with his strong, muscular arms picked me up under each thigh with ease.I grabbed the built-in bar that was bolted to the wall (I think an old person may have lived here before me) and with my help, he impaled me right on top of him and I let out a squeal and a huge moan.We stayed like that, just kissing as the water cascaded over both of us until it started to turn cool.I cranked the handle to the off position, and Riley carried me out of the bathroom and onto the bed where our wet bodies continued their dance until we were both gasping for air.Afterward, I went to the bathroom to grab a towel to dry off my hair and then wrapped it around me.“So what are you doing here so early?” I asked him as I brushed out my hair.His blue eyes twinkled at me.“Get your ass back in bed.”I stopped brushing mid-stroke and forced a straight face.“Excuse me?”“Please?” he said, smiling and opening the sheets with a flourish.I stripped my towel off and slid between them and up against his warm body.He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck while lightly running his fingers up and down my arm.As I drifted off to sleep, it occurred to me that he never answered my question as to why he was here earlier than expected, and decided I’d ask him tomorrow.Saturday came and went, and when Sunday rolled around, I was giddy with excitement.Riley wouldn’t tell me what our July 4th plans were, only that he had a surprise for me and was doing an annoyingly good job at keeping it a surprise.With the GPS set on his phone, we left around one p.m., and after an hour of driving, we pulled up to a huge amphitheater.The sign outside read: Tim McGraw Live in Concert!I looked at him with wide eyes.“Seriously, you are taking me to a country music concert?”He looked over at me after he parked the car and turned off the engine.“Yes.You will love it, I promise.” He leaned over and kissed me on the nose.Over the last month or so, I hadn’t fought him on the radio, and I had to admit that the music was beginning to grow on me… a little.But I wasn’t sure I was ready to sit through a few hours of it without any alcohol.But then I decided that this was a nice gesture on his part, and he did it because he wanted to make me happy, so I shut up and rolled with it.The concert was fabulous.This guy was very entertaining in concert and he really kept my interest.You could hear the soulful heartbreak emanate from his voice during the ballads, and the raw excitement during his fast-paced songs.Riley seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself, and a couple of times he leaned down to kiss me.He held my hand and had his arm around me the whole time.I had a great time, even though I did see his eyes wander a few times.I tried not to let it bother me, and told myself, as I always did, that he’d be gone soon anyway.At the very end of the concert, a huge fireworks display was put on by the band and Tim sang the Star Spangled Banner in such a way that there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.Cowboy hats and baseball caps were placed reverently on the chests of every man there and the sight of the fireworks lighting up the faces of the concertgoers made my eyes misty.It was truly one of the best times I’d ever had.On the way home from the concert, he pulled my car out of the parking lot and found the interstate, and I was staring at him.He had a nice profile and I especially loved it when he had a fresh haircut.“What?” he asked, looking at me sideways as he watched the road in the dark.“Thank you for the concert.That was my first.”His eyebrows raised.“That was your first concert – like, ever?”I unwrapped a piece of gum and popped it in my mouth, shaking my head.“No.I went to a few of those summer concerts during high school where they have all the popular artists together, you know? But I’ve never been to a country concert.”He chuckled.“Of course you hadn’t.You were still listening to that Top-40 crap until I showed you the light.”I shook my head again.“You’re insane, Riley Forrester.”He put his hand on my bare thigh and slid it up my jean skirt until I gasped a little.“And you’re hot as hell.”I bit my lip and put my hand on his.“You’re a bad boy, aren’t you? I bet you’ve got a girlfriend in every port.”He laughed and then almost choked.“I’m not in the Navy, so don’t ever, ever compare me to a squid ever again.”I was confused by this and just stared at him with my brows furrowed together.“Squid?”“It’s what we call the Seamen.I don’t have a girlfriend in every port because I don’t use ports to travel.We go by air, baby.” He made a motion like an airplane with his hand and I laughed.“Uh, ok.Ok well, then you must have a girlfriend at every airport.”He snorted.“We don’t use airports either.Okay, well sometimes, but we fly out of the bases [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]