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.Cyra wasn’t certain what to do.If the cave was open anything could come in.She didn’t want to be too far from Cage, he was an ass but he was a scary ass, she doubted anything would take him on.Cyra padded over to the side near his bed but out of his reach.She sank to her knees shivering, not wanting her bare ass on the cold floor.Goose bumps dotted her arms.She would have taken a fur but there were only two huge thick black furs.One under Cage, the other over Cage.The wet skin would have to do.She huddled over and wrapped her arms around her knees cuddling her body tight.She began shaking, her teeth chattered.She was clean and miserable as hell but she wouldn’t give in to tears—that was something she needed to take control of.“The clacking noise you make is irritating.”Cyra gazed up at Cage who stood naked before her.For a second her gaze settled to where he wore a jock strap—except he wasn’t now.Cage’s cock was huge even at rest.“I’m cold.”“Then why aren’t you in bed?”“With you? No way.”Cage growled.He yanked Cyra to her feet and snatched the wet skin from her.She squealed as he plopped her onto the bed and climbed in beside her.The massive fur on the bed was overwhelming, and heavy when he threw it over her.Cyra groaned as her elbows batted the weight.She bent at the knee and stuck her hands straight out.Within moments her legs buckled and she was pinned spread eagle.“I can’t sleep like this,” Cyra complained.“The fur is too heavy.It’s going to smother me.”Cage wrapped his huge arms around her and pulled her to his chest.His shoulders and hips kept the bulk of the fur off her.Cyra didn’t know how he could stand the weight—and all night.She’d look like a pancake come morning without his aid.“Stubborn female.It’s nice to know humans don’t stink all the time.Go to sleep, and don’t pee.”Cyra wasn’t scared.She was annoyed.She had never encountered such arrogance.As she fumed, she warmed.Before long she realized it wasn’t her anger making her blissfully warm and sleepy.Cage was a furnace, in a nice way.The air was cold but the fur bed was too warm.Wiggling Cyra stuck her foot out from under the fur, then up to her knee, where she cooled down immediately, perfect.She heard Cage chuckle.“My mother slept the same way, it must be a female thing,” he mumbled.Every reference Cage made was to his mother, and Cyra wasn’t certain if she should be weirded out.Then she realized Cage had no sisters, no aunts, no grandmothers, there had only ever been one woman in his life—ever, until now.There was no one else to compare Cyra to.Cyra seemed to do a lot of things his mother did.That was weird.Warmth permeated her skin.Cage’s breath was even.“Cage?”“Hmm?”“What if something creeps in and tries to kill me?”Cage pulled her closer, her ass rested against his cock until she shifted.“If something did,” he began gruffly, “which it won’t, you had best look the other way.Once I’ve gutted it into a million pieces, I’ll want to return to my warm, dry, bed.”Cyra knew he wasn’t joking.He would kill for her, the idea was baffling.She was his prisoner, not his wife.Cyra had other males to compare him to.There was only one man in her life who would’ve killed for her, and her father was gone.Cyra gazed out into the bleak darkness, her mind took flight with fears and she scooted back into Cage’s cock.She shifted again until he held her still.She didn’t feel right sleeping naked beside a male commando.“Cage, where are my own clothes?”“Gone.”“I can’t ever go anywhere then.I’d be too embarrassed and scared to wander naked around so many males.I really am a prisoner.”Perhaps it was the sadness in her voice that made Cage get up; Cyra groaned when the weight of the fur pinned her again.Imprisoned by a dead animal, ironic, nicely played dead animal.Cage went to a rock shelf and returned with something he handed her.It was her panties.She could see they were clean.Cyra battled to get a hand loose and wanted to yell triumphantly when she wiggled her fingers in the air.“Something tells me you’ll need these.It’s too bad we can’t pad and supersize them.” She wasn’t certain if it was disdain or sarcasm, or both, she heard in his words.It was a small token, but Cyra grabbed them and donned them, again battling the fur until Cage sighed and held it off of her.Cage climbed back in beside her and again pulled her into his arms.The small barrier at her juncture was useless, but it made her feel comfortable enough to close her eyes and ponder sleep.“Cage?”“Hmm?”“Thank you.”“If you really want to thank me, keep them dry.”I’ll try, but you try sleeping with a nightmare.* * * *The human female had been his prisoner for two days, and Cage still wasn’t sure what to make of her.Cage watched Cyra wander around his room.Her long hair swished at her ass that peeked out from under the wrap she insisted on wearing.Every once in a while she cast him a woe begotten look [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]