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.You gave me sweet; you gave me sass, and you gave me a fuckin’ headache from wanting you and tonight you gave me you, I’m holding you to that.”He raised his hands to her face, and both thumbs caressed her cheeks.Hope closed her eyes at the pain she saw in his eyes and tried to steel her nerves.She started shaking her head no, her bottom lip trembling with emotions, “Please,” she whispered, “Please let me go.”“Baby, I’d rather cut off my right hand than let you walk out that gate.”Nic leaned down to kiss her, but Hope stepped back, blanking her face, setting the lie in place so he’d believe her.“I’m sorry, Nic, but the attraction is one-sided.You’ve been wonderful to me; everyone has, but it’s time to move on before it gets messy.”Staring at her, his face unreadable, he gently shook his head in disbelief and then bent to pick up her bag, and then replied, “You’re a shit liar.” She couldn’t reply without crying, so with her stony expression in place she put out her hand to take her bag.With Hope’s bag in his hand, Nic raised it up, tossed the bag further away, then grabbed both her arms, and spun her behind the covered patio blocking them from prying eyes.Hope gasped, dropped her other bag and put her hands on his chest to shove him off, but he leaned in pinning her to the wall of his garden.“What are you doing?” Hope shouted and then struggled to get free.Panic rose up her throat, memories of violent hands on her creeping in.“Explaining something to you,” he rumbled in a low graveled voice and then leaned his whole body into her.”“Just say it,” she begged, needing to get away, far away.Nic didn’t say a word; he grabbed her face and slammed his mouth over hers as she inhaled in surprise.His hard body kept her pinned as he kissed her, stoking the fire that had been simmering below the surface since he left.She tried to resist, knew she had too or she’d never leave, but he was relentless.He was making a point, proving her the liar she was and with her shields down, she gave up the fight.She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave in cursing her weakness for this man.Nic groaned in satisfaction when she gave into their lust.He couldn’t get close enough, wanted to sink himself into her, hold her to him, and keep her from leaving.He deepened the kiss, moaning as he reached the warm recesses, tasting her, claiming her, making her moan in return.His hands moved from her head to her T-shirt and with no regrets, he tore his mouth from hers, grabbed the hem and ripped it up and over her head.She stood in the rain, water glistening against her pale skin, the swell of her breasts spilling over her tan lace bra and he’d never seen anything so beautiful.She was panting; her eyes filled with hunger as he raised his hand, pulled down her bra and cupped her breast, the weight of it hardening his cock even more.“So fuckin beautiful,” he whispered.As he rubbed his thumb across her pebbled nipple, her head fell back, a soft whimper spilling from her lips.Leaning down, he drew her nipple into his mouth and bit down.“Nic,” Hope gasped her legs about to buckle from the feel of his mouth.Sucking her nipple deep, he then released it and then flicked his tongue across it once more.He returned to her mouth, biting, sucking—claiming her lips.Then from the depths of his throat, he growled as his need for her body escalated to a savage level.“You’re not going anywhere,” he groaned when Hope’s hand grabbed his cock through his sleep pants, rubbing down the length of it as it swelled to the point of pain.Rubbing himself against her hand, he moved his own to the shorts she wore, flicked the button open and with both hands pushed them down while never leaving her lips.He removed her hand, pulled his pants from his hips and then lifted her up, and wrapped her legs around his waist.He looked between them as he slid her down on his aching cock, hissing in pleasure as her heat surrounded him, sucked him in, made him burn.“Bon Dieu, ma douce amour,” Nic gritted out, breathing deep to keep from exploding.She was tight, almost too tight for his large size.Her velvet, hot skin caressed him, drew him deep into her, and he surged forward, pulled back and then slammed her back down again, both moaning when he seated himself all the way in.Too much, it was too much, too many feelings spiraling in Hope at the same time, and she couldn’t hold back.She held onto Nic’s neck as he pounded her, built her to the coming crescendo at a speed she’d never known.“Oh, God,” she cried out, feeling her climax building to a pinpoint clarity.“Jesus, I can’t get enough of you,” Nic growled and then watched as he pulled her up his length and then sunk her deep again.He brought a hand to her apex, found her throbbing clit, rolled it and then watched the beauty that was Hope exploded on him, milking him with her climax.“Jesus, you’re fuckin beautiful when you come,” Nic whispered as her eyes slid closed, her mouth half open in ecstasy.The desire on her face, the tightening of her core all sent him over the edge, and he spilled his seed deep inside her, grunting his pleasure as he fully claimed her body.His body jerked as he slowed his strokes, and Nic moved to her neck nipping and biting as he found her ear.Then he let her know, in no uncertain terms, “You’re mine now, you don’t fuckin’ run from me again.”“Nic—”“I protect what’s mine, whoever is after you, they won’t touch you,” Nic told her still buried inside her sweet warmth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]