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."And I thought it was past time that I tried out this sword-dance youhave been teaching me," she casually replied."Do you have the stones ready?""We will not need them."The determination in her voice bolstered the ranger, even brought asmile to his face.The goblins circled, trying to get a measure of these two.Their manydead companions lying about them vividly reminded them of theconsequences of any foolhardy attacks.Still, they outnum-bered Pony andNightbird by more than five to one.One creature hooted and rushed ahead, launching a spear at Pony.Upflashed her sword, at the last moment, deflecting the weapon high, overher shoulder, and taking most of its momentum.Pony hadn't cried out atall, but she didn't have to, for Nightbird, feeling her muscles againsthis back, recognized the movement as clearly as if he had made it.Hehalf turned as the spear rebounded over Pony's shoulder, and a quick snapof his hand snared it.In the same fluid movement, the ranger brought thegoblin spear past him and heaved it hard right into the chest of anothergoblin that had ventured too close."How did you do that?" Pony asked, though she had never even glanced back to see the movement.Nightbird only shook his head, and Pony sensed it and went quiet, aswell, the two of them settling more comfortably into their defensivestance.They felt an amazing symbiosis growing be-tween them, as thoughthey were communicating through their very muscles as clearly as if usingopen speech.Pony anticipated every twitch, every bend, of Nightbird'sstance.The ranger felt it, too, and was surely amazed by the intimacy.Despitehis logical fears, Elbryan knew enough to trust in this strange extensionofbi'nelle dasada.He did pause and wonder if the elves even knew thatthe sword-dance could be taken to this ex-treme.But his musing lastedonly an instant, for the goblins were getting edgy, some skitteringcloser, another readying a spear as if to throw it—though the goblinsacross the way, having witnessed the first disastrous attempt, weren'tpleased by that prospect.Pony understood that Nightbird wanted her to go out to the left.A quickglance that way told her the reason: a particularly bold goblin needed tolearn a swift and painful lesson.She look a deep breath, eliminating alldoubts from her thoughts, for she knew that doubt would bring hesitation,and hesitation would bring disaster.This was the real meaning of theirmorning ritual, she realized, a dance as intimate as lovemaking, and nowwas the real test of their trust.Her love wanted her to go out to theleft.Nightbird felt the tension in her back, then the sudden lunge, and asshe moved, he moved, rolling around, off her back foot, a complete pivotthat took the two goblins rushing in at the apparent opening completelyby surprise.The closest goblin was prodding out at Pony with its spearwhen Tempest slashed down, taking both its arms at the elbows.The second goblin at least managed to get its club in the way, thoughthe ranger merely slapped the blocking weapon aside and stabbed thecreature hard in the belly.Now Pony was moving, rolling over Nightbird's trailing foot, as he hadgone over hers.And again, those goblins coming in at the apparentopening Nightbird's movement had caused were caught by surprise, and byPony's slashing sword.One fell to the ground, grasping at its tornthroat, while two others leaped into a short and hasty retreat.And Pony and Nightbird were back-to-back again, crouched, in perfectdefense and perfect harmony.* * *From the tree line, Belli'mar Juraviel watched in satisfaction asSymphony ushered the riderless Greystone to safety.Many times the elfhad witnessed the intelligence of Symphony, but every time, as now, hewas thrilled and awed by the display [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]