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.“I saw this movie once where they ate people.Can they do that?”She laughed hard.“You watch way too much science fiction…but you know I saw that movie too.It was good.” She looked up at him.“You already know half this stuff don’t you?”“I know a little, but not a lot.You’re educating me…but yeah, I know they don’t eat people.”“Well, you never know.One day what they eat might be scares and they’ll have to change direction.”“Oh God no.Changing direction is not always a good thing.”She smiled at the worried expression on his face.He was holding up with gun toting men hunting them, but a little thing like flesh eating locust scared him? Now that was priceless.“Did you see the movie with the worms?”“Honey, I lived on science fiction novels and movies as a kid.Other than studying everything I could on nature, hiking, surviving the wilderness, science fiction definitely kept me entertained.The one with the ants got to me though.I can’t even see an ant without wanting to kill it.”She wasn’t sure which movie he was referencing since there were so many.“You know the scary part is that that really could happen.There are ants that when in a swarm can and will take down large animals.When we survive this you should come to dinner with me and I’ll tell you more.” She had just, in a very strange way, asked him out.Why was she still nervous around this man? Clearly he liked her—at least a little anyway.“Dinner—yes.Talk of man eating ants—no.Sorry honey but that’s a real mood killer for me.”She snickered.“Well we wouldn’t want to kill your mood now would we?” She heard the sound before she felt a sting in her shoulder.“Cody?” She felt her body going numb and her eyes closing.She felt herself falling and the last thing she remembered was hitting the ground and seeing Cody run away from her.He left her.Chapter SevenCody took cover.It wouldn’t help for both of them to end up unconscious—assuming this guy had two darts in that gun.Since he had used a dart on Sahara that told Cody she was right, they wanted her alive for some reason—and all the reasons that came to mind were nothing good at all.He had to leave her so he could avoid being shot himself.He darted for the trees because he could run with them serving as his shield.The one thing he counted on was the man would be too busy savoring his first catch that he wouldn’t see him coming up from behind him.He would not leave Sahara behind.“Hey sweetness,” he heard the guy say.“I’m Jed and since I bagged you you’re officially my prize.Dad only let me come this way because I wanted you when I saw you.I gave up a lot of prize money to bag you, doll.Chris would have won the competition anyway.I might as well get the best prize out of this game.Don’t worry, doll, I won’t mount your head on my wall—yet.Keep me happy and you’ll stay alive.” He patted her on her behind.“Jed’s going to start right here, baby.”Cody came from a side angle, knocking Jed to the ground which caused his gun to skid out of his hand.“Like hell you will,” he said as he did what he always did well—fight.It didn’t take long for him to get the upper hand and while he wasn’t military like his friends and, he wasn’t at ease with taking a life, he had no problem taking this man’s life.The only way to save Sahara and himself and the rest of his friends was to take this guy out of the equation—one by one he had to make sure they wouldn’t get up to kill again.Tying them up would have been great if he had something he could be sure would keep them, plus he couldn’t bank on keeping this guy’s family from releasing him.So when it came down to that one final moment, the moment where he had to choose between releasing his arm from around the man’s neck and continuing the pressure until he crushed the man’s windpipe completely he chose to keep going until the threat was exterminated.Cody let Jed’s body fall to the ground and then he went to Sahara.The tranquilizer dart was still sticking in her shoulder so he carefully extracted it.The last thing he needed was for both of them to end up unconscious and immobile.He went back to pick up both guns Jed had with him, an AR-15 and a Sig—“not your typical hunting weapon,” he said.“Unless you planned to hunt human game.” He secured the weapons in ways that allowed him to hoist Sahara over his shoulder.He couldn’t leave her there and she clearly couldn’t walk out on her own.The only option he had was to carry her.This kind of carrying wasn’t in a way he wished to carry her—draped over his shoulder instead of having her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her to a bedroom—his bedroom.Jesus! They were being hunted like wild animals and he still could fathom a fantasy that had him growing more erect by the second.Adrenalin, a hot woman consumed him.Biological chemistry and needs sure did know how to pick the worst possible time to take control.Parker didn’t have to rush anybody because by the time the other guy started shooting at them they were moving triple time.Keeping everybody organized was the issue.Stacey stayed close while Riley tried to go wide.Shell and Don were nearly leading the pack and Georgia and Jack were still going strong with the group too while Julian and Debbie had gotten separated from each other and from the pack.He remembered seeing Julian run one way after Debbie fell.Parker had gone back to help her up, but he had to keep moving too because they were all his responsibility.He told her to keep moving, but he would guess he should have added a sense of direction because she split east while everybody else had been moving west [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]