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.The fierce expression softened as Sir Galado once again got hold of his original body.With the evil spirit gone, he had full control of himself again.“Sherman!” he rasped.“Forgive me!”Sherman saw the recognition in Galado’s face and held onto him.“It’s not your fault, Wilfred.You were possessed!”Galado shook his head.“I stopped him, Sherman.But in so doing, a spirit far more powerful has taken the warlock’s body! You must stop it.It will destroy us all!” Sir Galado gurgled and blood appeared at the corners of his mouth.“I - I have caused all this trouble just to give you the sword.You forgot -,” his voice faded and Sherman gently laid the soldier down.“You did what you thought was right, my friend.It was I who forgot the sword.It was me who caused all this to happen.”Sir Galado raised a hand to touch Sherman’s face.“Stop the warlock.Then all will not be in vain.” He coughed once and his hand fell to his side.His eyes glazed over and he breathed his last.Sherman closed Sir Galado’s eyes and then closed his own to hide the pain.“I will stop the warlock, my friend.You can count in it.”No one noticed as the evil spirit who once controlled Sir Galado moved over to the ogre on the ground nearby.With unusual stealth for such a large creature, the ogre rose and drifted off into the night.The rest of the companions had been too busy fighting the orcs who had come upon them.They were just finished dealing with that threat when Amelia spotted Sherman’s wound.“Sherman!” she cried, running over to him.She only spared Galado a brief glance before tending to his wound.She immediately applied a salve and chanted healing spells.Then she wrapped the wound in some cloth from the clothing of the sword-woman Sherman had killed earlier.“Now what?” asked Harran as he wiped the gore from the orcs off his axe with more cloth from the sword-woman.“We should give Galado a decent burial,” said Sherman.“He was a good man.”“With all the problems he caused?” asked Olag.Sherman glared at him.“You mean the evil spirit who controlled him.”“Is the evil spirit dead?” asked Harran.“I’m not sure,” said Sherman.“It might have left Sir Galado’s body before I killed him.The sword didn’t react like it did with the others.”“The ogre is gone,” said Harran, looking around.“Then the quest is not finished,” said Zylor.“That spirit must be slain.”“The spirit is still out there,” confirmed Amelia.“How do you know this?” asked Olag.“You didn’t consult your orb.”“The orb is gone,” said Kazin.Amelia nodded.“In a manner of speaking.When the two spirit blades clashed, the orb exploded.Now it seems the orb lives within me.I can see what it shows me.I can see bits and pieces of the future.It seems we can correct the future if we act quickly.There is still time.”“Then we will continue until the threats to history are eliminated,” said Kazin.“But first I’ll see to it Galado’s body is not disturbed.” He chanted a spell and Tyris appeared within his orb.“Tyris, I need you to guard Galado’s body.Can you do that?”“Of course,” said Tyris.“I will send some of my fiery minions to do the job.They will be there momentarily.”“Thanks,” said Kazin.He looked at the others.“We’ll begin our search for the evil spirit once Tyris’ friends get here.”“No,” said Sherman.“The evil spirit can wait.We must stop the warlock.”“Is that part of the mission?” asked Olag.“It is,” answered Sherman.“Sir Galado told me before he died that an even bigger evil spirit controls the warlock.”“Sherman’s right,” said Amelia.“The warlock should be dead now.Every minute he lives he has the power to change history even more.”Zylor regarded the transformed red-haired mage suspiciously.“Then we will have to destroy the warlock.”Amelia smiled at the minotaur.“Zylor, in order to make things right in the future, we will need to split up once again.Because Sherman is in no condition to travel on foot right now, he can ride on Kazin with me.After Tyris sends her flame creatures here to guard Galado, you will need to lead a group to track Galado’s former evil spirit into the battlefield.Because you are a minotaur, you will not be hindered by the orcs.But be aware - the evil spirit will not hesitate to control numerous different bodies as it goes.”“How will we find it?” asked the minotaur.“We no longer have your orb as a guide.”Amelia pointed to Galado’s sword.“The spirit blade the evil spirit has been using will sense its presence.The spirit was bound to it since it came from the time travel place.That same blade will seek to send the evil spirit back to where it came from.”“Why couldn’t my spirit blade do that?” asked Sherman.“It’s the same blade.”“Your blade was newly created,” said Amelia.“It hasn’t encountered the evil spirit yet.It won’t for generations to come.”Zylor picked up Galado’s spirit blade and held it aloft.Sure enough, it had a slight blue shimmer to it.The glow deepened when Zylor pointed it a certain way.“It’s brighter in this direction,” he said.“That’s where to begin your search,” said Amelia.“How did you know that?” asked Harran.“I see how things are going to happen,” said the mage.“Some things, anyway.”“This should definitely make the job easier,” said Zylor.“I’ll go with you,” offered Harran.“It might be easier if you used the invisibility ring,” suggested Kazin.“You’ll find it easier to pass through the enemy ranks if they don’t see a dwarf wandering around.”Zylor passed the ring to Harran.“I get to play with this for once!” said the dwarf happily.He slipped the ring onto his finger and disappeared.“Interesting!”Zylor turned to Olag.“Coming?”Olag was taken aback.“You want me along?”Zylor grinned.“Sure! I could use a good back up on this job.”“Uh, OK,” said Olag.He looked a bit embarrassed.Tyris’ flame creatures were seen running in their direction, burning some orcs in the process.“That settles it!” said Kazin.He transformed himself into a dragon and Sherman and Amelia climbed onto his back.“Good luck!” called the dragon as he lifted off.Chapter 35The warlock took delight in the wind as it whistled past his ears.Below, the battle had commenced in full force.Though it was still dark, he could see torches and fireballs on both sides and could tell that his forces were more numerous and in a good position to win the war [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]