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.He swallowed, obviously not sure what to do.Matty turned back to me, but this time the glare was full of anger.“What the fuck is your problem? Didn’t have fun on your date so now you’re ruinin’ my night?”I didn’t move my hand.I’d seen him a lot worse and sure as hell wasn’t going to back down.Trying another angle, I leaned in closer, making my voice soft.“I’m worried about you.You’re a fucking mess right now.”He scoffed, but set the glass on the bar.“I’m just havin’ a good time.” Then, he turned back to me, voice sarcastic as he spit the word, “Babe.”I laughed bitterly once.He really thought he had an option here.Fuck being nice.“Were having a good time.Now you’re done.” I saw Dean twirl his finger at the prospect, motioning him to fill up the cup.I wasn’t fast enough, but I snatched it away before he could half-fill it.Glaring at the kid, I tried to sound as threatening as possible.“You give him any more, and I swear to Christ, I will kick your ass.”I blocked Matty’s attempts to reach the drink as I slid it down the bar, away from him.“Come on, honey.Let’s go sleep it off.”“Fuck off!” he spat as icy blue eyes filled with indifference turned to me.“Why are you even heah right now?” His voice was filled with emotion.“You left me, Jo.So, no.You don’t get to worry.You don’t get to ask how much I’ve had to drink.And, you sure as hell don’t get to take my glass away.Honey, whiskey is alls I got.”I leaned in close, pushing my face into his.“I’m not sure if you’re talking about tonight or last summer.” My anger rose with each word.“But, I didn’t fuckin’ leave you, you giant stubborn ass! I’m right here and I’m not leaving until you do.We can go now, or in a few hours, but either way, you’re not drinking another fucking drop tonight.”“I’m not your fuckin’ constellation price!” he sneered, jutting out his chin and moving his shoulder to push me away.I swallowed my smile but felt the corners of my mouth quirk.“No, Matty, you aren’t the consolation prize.You’re the real deal—the whole fucking package.”He held my glare, mistaking my amusement, and I could see the fight he was forming in his mind.If I couldn’t calm him down there would be lots of yelling and broken bottles—and whatever damage Matty could do in response to mine.He wet his lips with his tongue and inspiration struck.Last time, we’d both been married to other people and I hadn’t been able to use sex to persuade him to leave the bar, but I knew it would work.Now, he was mine.He wanted me as much as I did him, and I would use whatever tool I could.My hand slid from his knee up the inside of his thigh, massaging gently.He inhaled sharply and his whole body tensed.“Come on, Matty.” My voice was as low as I could get it, eyes pleading with his.“I’ve missed you.I need you to take me to your room and show me how much you’ve missed me.” I bit my lip and closed my eyes, the way he loved.Then I leaned in, nipping at his ear.“God Matty,” I moaned seductively, or at least I hoped it was, and then kissed his ticking jaw.“I need you right now!”He groaned, a noise so raw and filled with pain that it physically hurt my heart.I could see the struggle, his brilliant mind trying to fight through the Jack Daniels fog.His pupils darted back and forth in crazy rhythm, desperate to figure out if I was sincere.Then, he pushed himself up and stumbled towards the hallway, grabbing my hand and yanking me roughly.I followed him, hurriedly, looking over my shoulder to see if I could find Rob.Instead, my eyes landed on an obviously irritated Rebel, hand on her hip, hatred clear on her face.I’d been too worried about Matty earlier to pay any attention to her, but I had a feeling I’d see her again soon.Get in line, I thought bitterly, he has a fiancé, too.Matty’s room looked just like Rocker’s, or at least what I could see of it was the same.Matty hadn’t turned on a light when he pushed through the door, and I didn’t try to look for the switch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]