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.Any job she obtained now would allow her to put him in a nice home, but one where she’d have to compromise something in exchange for affordability.Like most people in the world, she had no choice.She wished she’d accepted the truth from the beginning, but she’d been in such a panic, and his illness had progressed so unexpectedly fast, she’d turned to Marshall and the life her father had taught her.She couldn’t regret her choices, because without those, she wouldn’t have met Mike.And how could she regret him?Amber showered and dressed for the day.There wasn’t a thing to eat in the apartment, so grocery shopping was definitely in order.Amber didn’t mind the ordinary routine, but it made her realize just how alone she really was.More than once she caught herself talking out loud, expecting Edward Corwin’s muttered answer.She hoped Mike had taken her advice about his father’s mental health to heart.Maybe she’d call Clara and find out how things were going.Amber reached for her cell phone, then paused.She’d needed to make a clean break.By keeping in touch, she was only prolonging her agony.Instead of people from Mike’s life, she ought to be contacting people from her own.She reached for her cell again, flipped it open and saw an incoming text message she hadn’t noticed before.A glance at the number caused her heart to race.Mike.Her hands trembled as she struggled to press the buttons to bring up the note.Finally, she was able to read Mike’s message: Circus Circus, Adventuredome, Canyon Blaster.Noon.If you’re willing to take the ride of your life with me.He was here? In Vegas? Now?She glanced at her watch and saw she had just one half hour to get to his assigned destination.All the while, she struggled to breathe as she contemplated what this meant.Because Amber knew the coasters in Vegas like the back of her hand.The Canyon Blaster was the world’s only indoor double-loop, double-corkscrew coaster.She told herself not to hope.She found it impossible not to.MIKE GLANCED UP at the huge double loops and wanted to vomit.He’d rather face a bullet than buckle himself into that death trap, letting some stranger push a lever that sent him soaring into oblivion.Being with you, though it’s fun and exhilarating, it’s also like a roller-coaster ride, he’d said to Amber.He hadn’t meant it as a compliment.And she hadn’t taken it as one.So Mike stood in front of this monstrosity now, waiting to see if Amber would put her trust in him one last time.He could think of no other way to prove he was willing to give one hundred percent to their relationship, and to her.Assuming she showed up.Mike needed a drink to calm his nerves, but he was afraid to put anything into his stomach before going on the ride.Unlike the last time, he wanted to be stone-cold sober for this particular meeting in Vegas.He recognized her from far away, the long legs, flowing blond curls and the determined stride as she came closer.He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms, but her shoulders were back, her gaze wary.“I wasn’t sure you’d come,” Mike said.Helluva greeting, but he didn’t know what else to say.She smiled.“What can I say? I’m a gambler.But you already know that about me.” She paused, then added, “You know everything now.” She didn’t break eye contact.There were no more secrets, lies or omissions between them.He knew who she was.What she was.And he loved her for all of it.He extended his hand.“Take that ride with me?” he asked, not surprised his voice was low and rough.He wasn’t scared of a future with Amber, but he was petrified he wouldn’t survive the nightmarish ride that awaited them.“You don’t have to do this for me,” she said, her gaze warm and soft.He appreciated the gesture and leap of faith.“Maybe I have to do it for me.”Without another word, she placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the roller coaster that went fifty-five miles per hour.He hadn’t missed that fact in the online description, either.She didn’t let go of his hand as the ride took off and raced toward nothing.His heart lodged in his throat as they climbed the loop, higher and higher, upside down, then he was flying in a downward spiral.He didn’t remember if he screamed or remained quiet, shut his eyes or watched every last moment.His body vibrated with the motion and thrill of the ride.And with Amber by his side, it was a thrill, Mike realized as the cart finally, blessedly, came to a halt.He didn’t know how he stood up or walked off without falling over or making an ass of himself.He only knew he’d not only survived, he’d conquered the Canyon Blaster, a ride that had lived up to its name.Having proved that to himself, he grabbed Amber’s hand and led her to a quiet corner.His pulse still raced, but for positive reasons.Good reasons.Solid reasons.“Amber—”“Mike—” she said at the same time.He laughed.“I’d like to say ladies first, but I really need to tell you something.”She grinned, her smile easing the knots in his stomach.“You traveled three thousand miles and a double loop, double corkscrew.Somehow I think you’ve earned it.”“I appreciate that, but first—” He reached out and cupped her head in his hands, pulled her toward him and covered her mouth with his, the way he’d been dying to since the moment he saw her again.Amber didn’t hesitate.She kissed him back, looping her arms around his neck and aligning her body with his.The kiss went on and on, his tongue delving deep into her mouth, devouring her as if they’d been apart years instead of days.He couldn’t get enough.Would never get enough.And he didn’t want to.She piqued his arousal, his interest, she tugged at his heart and found a place inside him forever.It wasn’t easy, but he broke the kiss, leaving her panting.His own breath wasn’t steady.“I was such an idiot,” he told her.“Pushing you away when you were everything I ever wanted.”Amber’s throat filled.Her heart swelled.But fear still managed to work its way through.“What about that little problem with you and roller coasters?” she couldn’t help but ask [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]