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.Somehow purring wasn’t the same any longer.She’d stretched her boundaries and tried his patience, but at the end of the day she knew who was in charge.Wiping up her mess, she calmed her nerves and picked up both glasses, heading into the living room.Seeing him standing by the CD player selecting something he enjoyed was simply breathtaking.Wearing charcoal linen pants and a crisp white shirt, his long dreads cascaded past his shoulders and from where she stood she could clearly see his muscles rippling through his shirt.Cocking her head, she wasn’t entirely certain whether she adored his carved butt or his long, muscular legs more.Then there were his full lips, perfect for kissing, and God the man could kiss like no other.Swallowing hard, Jessie realized she was panting.She almost took a sip of wine and growled inward at her faux pas.Inching toward him she heard him exhaling slowly.“Don’t just stand there gawking, kitty kat.I would like a taste of wine.”His voice was authoritative yes but tonight she detected a hint of playfulness.Still, there were certain things he liked and even thought this was her birthday, she wasn’t going to disappoint him.When she walked closer, she could see a colorful package with a red bow placed on the coffee table.Handing him the wine, she glanced down and couldn’t help but smile.He loved buying her treats -- lingerie and even handcuffs as surprises.Yet, he always made her wait to open her prize.“Here you are, sir.” Still, her eyes were drawn to the package.“I see you’ve been writing in your journal,” Luke said, his eyes flashing in admiration.“Yeah, I mean yes, sir.I like opening up and talking about my feelings.I think I really know more about what I want.Who knows what I might do with my poems.” And she really did enjoy expressing herself.After the months of learning, there was still so much changing in her, emotionally and spiritually.The journey was ongoing.“I’m pleased and I have a surprise for you.I see you eyeing your present.”“Yes, sir.I…” Why did she feel like a kid at Christmas?Tipping his head back, Luke laughed.“Go on.This is a special day for you.I’d love for you to open your present.”Jezebel rose onto her toes to kiss his lips, savoring the sultry scent of his cologne before reaching for the carefully wrapped package.The gold embossed foil and red velvet ribbon indicated something very special indeed.As she held the weighted piece in her hand, she fingered the bow and darted glances into his eyes.There was more than just mischief behind them.There was also so much love she could almost not drag her eyes away.But the call of the present won out.Very carefully she pulled the ribbon.“Beautiful.”“Just like you are.”When she finally had the paper removed, she stared at the black velvet box for several seconds, brushing the tips of her fingers back and forth across the top.She knew what was inside and for some reason stars flashed across her field of vision.This was the moment.This was what she’d longed for.This was the ultimate level of trust between them and meant much more than a diamond ring.Her hands shaking, she opened the box and gasped.Luke set his glass down and slid his hand down the length of her back.“Will you accept my collar?”Glancing into his eyes, tears slipped from hers.“Yes, sir.God, yes!” As the silent beads rolled down her cheeks, she was filled with joy and a powerful feeling of belonging.The stunning piece was sterling silver and the heart, signifying a lock, held a single large ruby in the center.“I am so honored.”“You are the only woman for me,” Luke whispered he took the box from her hands.Pulling out the necklace, he unfastened the actual locking mechanism and held the collar out for her to see.“There may be other styles I’ll have you wear, but this is your dress collar so that you know and never doubt our connection.Others don’t have to know.Only I can remove your collar and I hope that is something I never want to do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]