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.David, this is my father, Lucifer.”David is now standing next to one of the most dangerous people in all of existence.This person was so dangerous they named a sin after him.He was banished from heaven for that very reason.Lucifer was one person that David wanted not to meet.David was hoping that Alfonzo’s father was actually someone else.“David Turner.Why does that name ring a bell?” Lucifer thinks for a second then snaps his fingers.“I know; you’re the young man that lost his parents in that barn fire.I’m truly sad to hear, or you could say, that.But you must be a particularly special person if you have made it this far in life.I mean that you are standing next to my daughter… my little princess… is the best part of all.She hasn’t eaten you yet.Usually she has tortured her victim by now then started to feast on their cooking corpse as a light snack.”“Daddy, stop it.You’re not scaring him at all,” Alfonzo pushes her father away from her and David.Lucifer smiles at Alfonzo and walks away from them with his back to them, “Did you know that a djinn will show his true colors or being by what harsh experience they have had or will have done to them?”“Daddy, you’d better not do what I think that you are about to do.”“You did want me to help young David out, right?” Lucifer points at David.“Wasn’t it the point of bringing him was to help him solve a problem he has?”“Yes, but not this way, Daddy.”“In what way? How are you proposing to help me?” David steps forward as he joins in the conversation.“How about a friendly duel between two people of questionable powers?” Lucifer replies holding out his hand.“And, since you are my daughter’s guest, I promise not to cheat.”“A friendly match? No cheating?”“Daddy, stop.You are not going to hurt him!”“Whoever said anything about hurting anybody? All I am suggesting is a friendly duel between two friends.No cheating of any sort.Just two buds, pals, old friends, having a fun quarrel between themselves,” Lucifer says as he dances around like a cage fighter getting ready for a fight.Alfonzo shakes her head at David to warn him.David looks back at her, questioning her intentions.She reaches for David as he smiles back at her.David quickly spins his head towards Lucifer.“Let’s do this.I want this.”Alfonzo’s hand swiftly drops as a feeling of despair comes over her.Chapter 57“It was already written, broken soul, that you would return for a second time.You are too easily controlled by fate.”The three ladies do not show themselves to Devan.He looks around to pinpoint their location.“If you knew that I would be back, why not tell me the answer that I seek so this would not happen?”“Because it is not up to us to write history.It is only up to us to make sure that it does happen.”“Then answer my question.Who is this hybrid soul? What is their name? Where can I find them?”“You should pick only one question to ask.Then ask only that question.Choose quickly before your time runs out.”“Their name, what is their name?”The ladies whisper in Devan’s ear as they stand behind him, “The one that you seek is named David Turner.David is the hybrid soul that will bring you to your knees crying begging for mercy.Now leave before your time runs out.”Devan bows and leaves without looking back at the ladies.He walks back through the portal knowing what he has to do next.Chapter 58“First the rules.First person to say no more loses.After that, the only thing that you are limited by is your imagination.That means if you can think of it you can do it.” Lucifer comes closer to David to stand toe to toe, “Fair enough?”“My imagination, only my imagination…”“Only your imagination.”“Fair enough.When do we start?”Lucifer smiles and punches David in the chest, knocking him back a couple of feet.David rubs his chest and gives Lucifer an okay you got me look.Lucifer smiles back at David and notice him charging at him.David welcomes Lucifer invite and runs full speed into Lucifer.A loud thud echoes throughout the great hall.David collides with Lucifer's body then hits the floor with all of the momentum that he used to hit Lucifer with.“Now why didn’t you knock me over? Is it because I thought of myself as one of the hardest substances known to man? Maybe.”Lucifer walks over to David and puts out a hand to help him up.David takes the hand and feels a little bit sheepish.Coming to his feet, David quickly realizes that this is a different kind of fight.“Or maybe you’re not what I think that you are.”“What do you think that I am?”“I might be wrong, or I might be dead on.I think that you are one very rare individual, so rare that you could be a god or just a human posing as a god.In the end, it’s not what I think but what you believe.Your belief is what makes you; what molds you.It is the foundation of you.A mind is the most powerful weapon that an individual, an angel, or even a djinn can weld.”Lucifer puts his hands on David’s shoulders, “I can show you the universe, but until you believe in yourself, I cannot help you.”David nods his head.“Lets start again shall we.This time I want you to hit me in my nose.”Lucifer backs away from David as he makes both hands into a fist.Lucifer waves David on.Charging Lucifer with everything he’s got, David swings straight at Lucifer's chest.As Lucifer slides out of the way, he taps David on his nose.David immediately spins around to hit Lucifer again but this time in the head.Lucifer dodges and taps David’s nose again.This only makes David more frustrated.With every punch or kick that David throws, Lucifer dodges and continues to tap his nose.“Quit treating me like a dog, damn it!”“Stop thinking with your fist!”“What the hell do you want me to do?” David waving his arms around like a flag thrashing in the wind.“First, stop screaming at me.Second, I need you to quiet yourself before I can speak to you.Then I will help you to free your mind from your flesh.” Lucifer waits for David to calm down before proceeding to the next level.“Are you ready to begin?”“Yes,” David says after he takes a deep relaxing breath.“I want you to let go of everything that has just happened in the last couple of minutes.Let go of frustration and hate that you were just feeling.I want you to picture anything in your mind and then tell me about it.Tell me what you see.”David stands still as he lets his mind drift.After a couple of minutes, his hand twitches and makes a fist.“When I was a little boy, it poured down rain so strong one afternoon that it looked as if God was trying to flood the world once more.On that day all I wanted was to go outside and play.My father told me no and then said good things come to these that wait.But I told him that I didn’t care.I didn’t want to wait.I told him that I wanted him to make it stop raining.He replied I am sorry David, but I cannot control the rain because I am not God or mother earth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]