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.Selfish as it was, Annie hated the thought of being separated from him again.Of course, like many riders, Luke might decide to continue to ride injured, and not take the time off to rehab or get reconstructive surgery.That was a whole other issue because even though riders competed with injuries all the time, this was her rider.It would be much different watching Luke in pain.She entered the medical room to find Luke already seated on one of the examining tables, stripped of his boots, chaps and jeans.Luckily for the station, and her own sanity, the hem of his shirt hung long enough to hide his underwear and the outline of anything beneath it that shouldn’t be shown on TV or to many people wandering around back here.Carl slung the camera onto his shoulder, about to flip it on for a live feed to the control booth.Annie held up one hand.“Can we hold on for just a second?”He raised one brow, but nodded.“Sure.”She took one step closer but still stayed a good distance away.After all, to everyone except perhaps the meddling Mustang and Slade who knew more than they should, she was supposed to only be a reporter, not Luke’s girlfriend.“You okay?”It was obvious by the set of his jaw he was in pain and trying to hide it.“I’ll be fine.” He tipped his chin toward Carl.“Go on with your shot.It’s okay.”“You sure?”He nodded, gritting his teeth as the team of doctors prodded his knee.Annie gave Carl a nod and the red light on the camera came to life.As JW and Jim discussed the situation over the live feed of the sports-medicine team working on Luke, Annie wouldn’t have to talk.Eventually, when the doctors knew more she’d have to interview them, but that wouldn’t be for a little bit.That was good.She needed time to regain her composure.Though what she really needed was time alone with Luke to both comfort him and convince herself he’d be okay.Annie eventually got her wish.Before the short go, after the red light had gone dim and her interviews with both the head of sports medicine and Luke were over, she pulled out her earpiece and shoved it in her pocket.“Can we take five, Carl?”“Sure thing, Annie.I gotta hit the head anyway.”Thank goodness for Carl’s small bladder and love of soda.“Okay.” She waited for Carl to turn the corner, then she and Luke were alone for the moment in the dressing room.He was fully dressed again, sitting on the bench with his leg up.She leaned close and kept her voice low so anyone walking nearby wouldn’t hear her acting more like a girlfriend than a sports reporter.“Are you sure you want to ride in the final round?”“Why wouldn’t I?” He frowned.“Because you’re injured.” Annie glanced pointedly down at the knee with the brace on it.Knowing bull riders, she knew her statement sounded ridiculous to him.“The doc said I’m okay to ride, Annie.” He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.“I’m okay.”Deep down, Annie had hoped the doctor wouldn’t clear Luke to ride, but he had.This sport was dangerous enough as it was.Riding injured made it even more deadly.She sighed.It was also very likely that Luke wouldn’t agree to get his knee operated on or even take some time off from competition to rest it and let it heal.Not now anyway, when there were competitions every week and either option would mean missing months of the season which would take him out of being a contender for one of those all-so-important top-ten spots in the rankings.“You heard the doctor.It’s torn.It can’t get any more torn.If I can’t do more damage and I can stand the pain, then why not keep riding?”Why were bull riders so stubborn? Annie sighed.“Luke, you should really just get it taken care of.Why won’t you consider it, please?”Luke’s expression turned serious.“Because if I can’t ride because I’m recuperating, I might fall so far behind I could get cut from the tour.”“I understand that.But you’re good.You’d work your way back up again fast.” She nodded, understanding but still not agreeing with his decision.Only the top riders could participate in this particular series of events.Riders in Luke’s situation had been sent down to lower divisions until they rose enough in the ranks to qualify them again.“It’s not just my rank, Annie.It’s us.” The expression in his eyes clearly showed his concern.“I’m afraid it will be the end of us if you’re traveling with the tour without me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]