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.Megan chuckled, put her palms on his chest, and shoved lightly.“Now that we’ve had dessert, I think we should have some breakfast.”“Well, I guess I did promise you fine dining and even finer company.”“Yeah, but you left out the part about fabulous sex.”He chuckled.“At Brady’s Diner, sex is also served twenty four hours a day.” He eased himself from the circle of her arms.“You wait here, Sweetheart.It would be my pleasure to serve you breakfast in bed.”Megan’s throat tightened.That considerate gesture did the weirdest things to her emotionally.Looking sexy, warm, and rumpled, Brady climbed from the bed.He tugged on his jeans and disappeared through the door.Here was one hell of a guy, she thought.After he left, it suddenly occurred to her just how much she liked him.Did she really think she could keep her emotions under wrap with an amazing guy like him?A guy who could easily be the poster boy for, “too good to be true,” she reminded herself, yanking herself back from fairy tale land.Chapter FiveBrady’s thoughts were preoccupied as he paced restlessly around the firehouse kitchen.The last time he saw Megan was when they’d made love yesterday afternoon and it was making him totally fucking crazy.After they’d gone shopping for supplies¸ he’d dropped her back at Nick’s place.Her hectic schedule left no time for them to get together.And that just wouldn’t do, because with time being of the essence, he needed to talk to her, to touch her, to love her, and to discover if he’d broken through her defenses.He glanced at the clock and clenched his fingers.He didn’t expect to hear from her at all tonight.No doubt Cassie’s bachelorette party would run until the wee hours of the morning.His body clenched in frustration.He might be a patient man, but his patience to hold her and kiss her and tell her how he really felt about her was growing thinner by the minute.“Hey, Brady, want to play a hand?” Dean called from the card table.“No,” Brady bit out with much more anger than was necessary.Dean climbed from his chair, crossed the room, and put his hand on Brady’s shoulder.“How about a game of twenty-one? You look like you need to let off a little steam.”Brady nodded, needing some way to expel his energy.He made his way to his locker to grab his ball.Just as he pulled it open, their special phone rang.His pulse kicked up a notch.“I got it.” With long strides, Brady made his way to the phone.When he glanced at the caller ID and spotted Megan’s name, his heart leapt, warmth spread over his skin.The second his fingers closed over the receiver, he felt the tension ease from his body.“Hello.”“Brady?”Her sensual voice flowed through his veins and had him aching to lose himself in her again.Need and desire seared his insides.“Yeah, it’s me.”“Oh.” He detected disappointment in her voice.He furrowed his brow.“Were you expecting someone else?”She hesitated for a second and then said, “No, it’s not that.”Brady sat on the edge of his bunk and rested his elbows on his knees.His hunger for her was consuming him completely.“What is it then?”“Nothing.How is your evening going? Any emergencies?”Brady shifted, aware of her strategy to redirect the conversation.“Things are quiet here.Why aren’t you at The Hose?”“I was, but after the dancer left, Cassie brought all her friends back here.We sure have a houseful.” Her voice was low and sultry.“And I…I knew you’d be at the station so I just wanted to call and say hi.”Everything in him reached out to her.“I’m glad you did.How was the bachelorette party?”“It was okay, but every time I looked at that stripper, all I could think about was that private dance you promised me.” A tinge of amusement laced her voice.A low chuckled rumbled in his throat.“Yeah, well, I can’t stop thinking about that basketball game and how I won you for a whole hour.”“Hey,” she said, “we didn’t even get to finish the game.”“It doesn’t matter.I still won.”“I don’t-”He cut her off.“Megan, I want my hour right now.”He could hear a sound in the background, like she was licking her lips.“Right now?”“Yeah, right now.Right here.”“What about the party?”Music and shrieks of laughter came through the phone and reached his ears.“It’s only for an hour, and from the sounds of things, no one will even notice you’re gone.”“I suppose-”“I’m on my way.”“No, I can take Cassie’s car.She’s partying up a storm and isn’t going anywhere tonight.I stayed sober in case anyone needed anything.”Brady glanced at the clock.“I’ll see you soon.” With that, he hung up, his mind sorting through all the wickedly wonderful things they could do for the next hour.As his imagination kicked into high gear, he knew exactly how he wanted the night to play out.A short while later, with a plan formulating and taking shape in his mind, Brady took a long shower, shaved, then made his way to his locker to grab his basketball.He found Dean and Christian in the kitchen.“Hey, you two, do you think you can make yourselves scarce for an hour?”Dean quirked a brow.“What’s up?”“Megan just called and she’s on her way over.I want her all to myself.”Christian chuckled and nudged Dean.“An hour?” He shot Brady a look and pulled a face.“That’s all you need? One hour? Poor Megan.Maybe we ought to stick around and show him how a real man does it, Dean,” he razzed.Brady grinned at the rookie, noting how well he fit into the brotherhood.“When you do it right the first time, Christian, you only need one hour.”Both Dean and Christian laughed out loud.Brady tossed them the basketball and pointed to the door.“One hour.”As Dean and Christian stepped outside, Megan made her way inside.Brady’s heart nearly failed as he perused her.She looked as sexy as sin dressed in a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a snug T-shirt that showcased her beautiful breasts.Her eyes lit when they met his.“Where are they going?” she asked, nodding toward Dean and Christian.His eyes moved over her face.“Outside, so we can be alone.” He pulled her in close and felt the quiver that rolled through her.He raced his hands over her curves, unable to get enough of her.“So I can do delicious, scandalous things to your body for one whole hour.”She pushed against him and slid her hands over his bare arms.Her intimate touch nearly dropped him to his knees [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]