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."After he was bitten by one of their test subjects and turned, a few of the doctors in Malcolm's employ jokingly called him Dr.Brainiac, Dr.Cerebrum, or Dr.Synapse.Cruel men, they led him around like a prize pony until they tired of their games and experiments on him.Then they tossed him in with the others and forgot he ever existed.Not that it mattered, he didn't care about anything other than to satisfy their ever-present thirst - it was what they all wanted - it drove them on and was always foremost in their collective thoughts.Although he wasn't as needy as the others, but he could feel the beginning pangs of thirst stir within him.He knew where to go to find what they needed, but at that moment the others were attracted like lethal magnets to the people all around them, so he relaxed and let them have their way.For now.Chapter 14Charlie and Mick exchanged worried glances as they moved at a snail's pace down the poor excuse for a road.Charlie knew if they didn't pick up the pace the zombies were going to cut them off.Daylight was slowly fading, within the hour it would be dark and they needed to get off the mountain before then.He was startled from his thoughts as Sean opened fire on two zombies standing by the side of the road.One fell straight to the ground while the other spun in a lazy circle before dropping."Nice shooting," he muttered."Thanks," Sean replied, his eyes never leaving the zombies in the meadow.The truck suddenly came to a screeching halt, throwing Charlie into Sean and sending them both sprawling onto the truck floor.Sean had the presence of mind and the training to keep his rifle pointed up and away from them.He rolled to his side and immediately crouched back down next to the tailgate.Charlie followed his example by rolling over and he quickly took his seat again.They heard the driver's side door open and Scott quickly dropped the tailgate."Zombies on the road ahead, we're going on foot so we can avoid them.”Without a word, Sean jumped out and turned to help the others while Scott kept watch.Once everyone was out, Scott turned toward them."Stay really close, try to not make a sound, and no talking - we need to sneak past these guys if we're going to make it out," he said in a low voice."We don't have much time until it gets dark so let's see how much distance we can put between them and us before then."Mick stepped forward."Do you think we should chance a walkie call to your Mom? Let them know what's going on here?""Dad, I'd love to, but we can't," Scott said with a shake of his head."If Malcolm's men hear our conversation, they'll know we're on to them and that could cause them to attack the town sooner.We want our people ready and waiting for them so they lose the element of surprise.""Gotcha," Mick said forlornly.He didn't want to admit it, but he needed to hear Cindy's voice, wanted to hear her say everything would work out."Okay, line up in this order - Brooke, Jimmy, Dad, Jenny, Jake, and Charlie - with Sean at the rear," Scott said as he maneuvered them around like they were puppets on a string.Once they were lined up he grinned."Do you feel like you're in grade school again? Sorry 'bout that, but there's a method to my madness.Okay, let's go."Scott turned and began to walk quickly down through the trees and Mick realized that with a little luck they should come out right by the pickup.Taking a chance, he scurried up to his son."I know you said to stay in place and no talking, but if we keep going this way we'll run into the pickup and we can take it out of here," he said in a loud whisper as he tried to match his son's stride through the woods."Awesome," Scott replied."Will try to head right for it then, now you better get back in line before Sean decides he needs to come up here and find out what's going on.""All right," Mick huffed and slowed his stride until he could fall in behind Jimmy.He got back into step with the group and they hurried through the trees for several seconds before they heard gunfire and shouting directly off to their right.Mick turned his head toward the sound and didn't see Scott slow down and hold up a hand.He plowed right into Jimmy, almost knocking them both to the ground."Oh wow, so sorry," he whispered, clutching Jimmy by the arm to steady him.Scott turned and trotted past them to confer with his brother again.After a few words were exchanged he motioned for everyone to join them.Once huddled together, Scott nodded in the direction where shots were still going off."I think we've got a problem," he began in a loud whisper.He looked up over Jimmy's head to make sure they were safe before continuing."We don't know where the zombies are now and we're almost in total darkness until the moon comes up.Sean and I think it best if we go on our own.We haven't gone too far off the road, so we will drive up here then come and get you.""Where do you suggest we go?" Charlie asked in a low voice."I don't see any place that we would be safe [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]