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.It brings out the beast in me.Also, to make it worse, that shot has just started to take effect in my system, making me brave.Placing my palms on his chest, I push as hard as I can."If you love me then leave me alone!"Everyone is staring around us.Great, we seem to have become the focal point of the entire party.He bounces back and comes toward me, but Briar grabs him by the arms."Dude, you need to leave her alone for a while or you're going to do more damage.Don't make her hate you.Let her cool off.Trust me." At least someone gets it.Breyson stands there for a few more minutes staring at me, pleading with me, but I won't budge.He owes me an apology if he wants me to listen.I am not some child.I'm his girlfriend, his equal and I will get respect one way or the other.He storms off and before Briar goes after him, he looks at me."Please think about what you're doing.He really does love you, ya know."Turning back to Simon, he has a smile on his face that I kind of want to slap off."I want another shot.""Whatever you want sweetheart." He winks at me and for the first time around him I feel uneasy.Three shots down and the liquid toxin is flowing through my blood.Adalynn and Braxton have been by my side the entire time.Braxton went after Breyson at first but came back shortly after.I'm not sure if it was for Adalynn or to watch after me.I'm completely relaxed and having the best time.It makes me wish I would have tried this before.Pulling on Adalynn's arm I whine, "Adi, come dance with me." I give her my pouty face and she begins laughing."You don't have to use the pouty face, silly girl.It doesn't have the same effect on me as it does Breyson." Speaking of, I haven't seen Breyson since I told him to leave me alone.I'm not sure where he is, but at the given moment I don't care.I just hate that I upset him to get my point across.We get to the middle of the makeshift dance floor and the hip hop music is blaring.Adalynn is in the middle with Braxton behind her and me up front like a train.Raising my arms in the air, I let the music take over my mind and body.I think of nothing; just let my body sway to the rhythm of the music.I close my eyes and get lost in the sensuality of the words.Two hands snake around my waist pulling me closer to the front of a body.I don't even take notice that it's a male and no longer Adalynn.It doesn't matter because I'm having fun.Holding my waist, the body behind me begins to grind against my rear, allowing me to feel his excitement through his jeans.Leaning my head back against his chest, I go along with his rhythm.Time is no longer being calculated as the alcohol has taken over my body.It's just me and the music.Slowly the world begins to fade and nothing processes through my mind.I can't think about anything.I can barely control my actions much less stop them.Everything feels so good until I'm suddenly unstable on my feet by the absence of the prior, present body keeping me upright and I hear a loud thump.What in the heck?Turning around, I see Breyson punch Simon across the jaw.Simon goes down on the floor before I can process what is happening before me; major buzz kill.Breyson straddles him and starts hitting him over and over."Breyson! Stop! You're going to kill him!"Blood is flying out of his mouth and he is barely putting up a fight.I've never seen Breyson look like this.He looks like he's out to kill."I told you to fucking leave her alone Simon.You can't stand it; you have to go after what's mine.I warned you and you didn't listen." He's still hitting him repetitively and he sounds like he's not even thinking of what he's doing.My reflexes react before my thought process, compliments of the alcohol in my body.I push Breyson off and get elbowed in the rib, stumbling backward and hitting the floor."Breyson! Stop dammit you just hit Kinzleigh!" Braxton is shouting, trying to pull him off when he sees me trying to get off the floor.Rushing over to me, tears are pooling in the corner of his eye."Baby, I'm so sorry.Why would you do that? Please forgive me.I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose."Simon begins sitting up, spitting blood from his mouth.I can't even look Breyson in the eye right now.I don't even know what to say.I know he would never hurt me on purpose, but he let his jealousy and rage take over, blinding him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]