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.What was going to happen next? It should have been enough that she’d found a wonderful, gentle man whom she adored, who had taken her into his care.But her controlled life had gone topsy-turvy over the past week.She felt bombarded by the sudden changes that had brought her here.Bryan kept telling her not to think of herself as his slave, but she didn’t know how else to define herself except in relation to him.She might not be Bryan’s butterfly, but she wasn’t the Sylvia she used to be, either.Who was she now? And what possible function could she serve except as a man’s plaything?Bryan didn’t need her depending on him financially.She must think about what kind of work she could do, and that required going back out into a world she’d turned her back on for five long years.Could she function in a normal workplace—even a job as simple as fast food service? How could she help Bryan get back on his feet after he’d given up everything he had for her? Gary probably wouldn’t pursue his intent to ruin him, not as far away as Arizona, but still Bryan was starting over with nothing because of her.She gazed at the black square of window over the kitchen sink until it shone pearly gray and then dusky rose.She checked on the rabbit then tunneled back under the covers and Bryan’s arm.Once settled in, she examined his sleeping face—the strong bones, the soot-black lashes and sensuous mouth.Although she’d known him such a brief time, his features were dear and familiar to her.She touched her fingers to his lower lip.His mouth moved in response and he muttered something.Her chest ached with the sudden depth of her emotion, and in that moment, with the early morning sunlight illuminating Bryan’s sleeping face, Sylvia knew she was in love.This feeling burning inside her was more than just gratitude to a man who had saved her.It was purer than lust for his body, and stronger than her desire to be possessed and controlled.The deep sense of connection must be real love, because she’d never felt anything like it in her life.Just then his dark eyes opened, their blackness catching a glimmer of light and shining at her.It took a moment for him to focus then a slow smile curved his mouth.“Morning, she'at'eed.”She grinned at the endearment he’d taught her yesterday.My girl.“Good morning.” She lifted her face for a kiss, and he didn’t disappoint her.His warm mouth settled lightly on hers, bestowing a series of little, nibbling kisses before he pulled away.“Mm.Sorry, I need to use the bathroom first.Be right back.” He climbed out from under the covers and walked across the kitchen.She watched his tall, lean body, naked but for a pair of jersey shorts, which clung to his ass.His broad shoulders and narrow hips, the long line of his back, the sinews of his thighs, calves and arms, his flowing black hair—every part of him turned her into an aching puddle of want.When they’d both crawled back into the warmth of blankets, Sylvia nestled her head in the crook of his shoulder.She turned her face toward his chest to breathe in his scent.“What are you going to do today?” she asked.“Roof’s finished.Guess I’ll replace the front steps.Just a few rotted boards, so maybe three hours tops.After that, the chicken coop needs some work.I should give Grandpa’s car an oil change, too.”“There’s a lot of work to do here.I wish there was more I could do to help out.”“You’re doing fine.” He kissed the top of her head.“Cooking and cleaning are important.Besides, you have that rabbit to take care of, right?”“Which I should check on.” She started to sit up, but he pulled her back down.“Bunny can wait.This won’t take long.Damn, I’ll be glad when we have some privacy and can really take our time.There are things I want to do to you…” He let the thought trail off suggestively as he kissed her throat.A delicious shiver of anticipation tingled through her.There were things she’d like him to do to her, given a length of rope, a four-poster bed and plenty of time.But they didn’t have the leisure for intensive play right now.A quick joining before Janice or Naomi came into the kitchen was all they could manage.Bryan rolled her to her side, facing him.The length of their bodies pressed together, legs tangled, arms wrapped around each other.He pushed up her T-shirt and cupped one of her breasts.The pad of his thumb pressed flat against her nipple and made agonizingly slow circles.She shivered at the tension that ran straight from her breast down to her pussy.Leaning into Bryan’s chest, she found his hardened nipple with her mouth and latched on.Her hand roamed restlessly up and down his arm, feeling the biceps beneath her palm then hooking over his massive shoulder.She licked his areola and nipped his nipple until he hissed and shifted.She had to burrow deep to find the other one.Bryan turned his body to allow her access to it.Again she licked, nipped, sucked until he groaned softly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]