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.‘Sir?’He turned at the top of the stairs to see Jane walking up towards him.When she was standing beside him she finally looked up, meeting his eyes.‘Why didn’t you tell me, sir?’ she asked.He realized there was more than anger in her expression.She was upset.Disappointed.He would have done anything at that moment for a time machine or a hole in the ground, anything to get him out of this.This was worse than facing Roger.She stared at him without blinking.‘How did you find out?’‘You weren’t in the office yesterday afternoon, so exhibits called, spoke to Roger and he told them to send the full DNA report to me, sir.It didn’t take much to get a list of residents,’ she said, a trace of her own guilt visible in her eyes.‘I had to tell him.’He debated his answer before holding up his hands and saying, ‘I’m sorry.’ He found himself staring at his hands like a naughty schoolboy.He had never apologized so much in one day.Jane dropped her head and sighed.‘You don’t have to apologize to me, sir.I.I just don’t understand why you couldn’t tell me, considering what you know about me and Peter.’It was then that it struck him.Jane wasn’t upset with him for withholding the evidence.She was upset about Bobby, questioning why Lockyer hadn’t trusted her when she had trusted him.He had almost told her so many times, when they were alone in the car, or cooling their heels at a crime scene.‘I honestly don’t know, Jane,’ was all he said.She seemed to compose herself at that, standing up straighter, snapping on a pair of gloves.‘It doesn’t matter, I guess I just thought that we’d.never mind.Where have we got to, sir?’‘Jane, there’s no way my brother is involved, it’s ludicrous and a total waste of time.SOCO have been here since 07.00.there are a million prints, of course, so we’ll need to print the residents to eliminate them, but hopefully we’ll find our suspect in the process.’ He made it sound so straightforward, as if none of this was a bother, just a minor inconvenience.‘I’ve got to help one of the nurses print my brother now and take a sample for DNA.’ He closed his eyes.He felt ashamed.How could he do this to his own brother? Bobby would never and could never understand all this.A circus had invaded his sanctuary and there was nothing Lockyer could do to stop it.‘Have you told the team?’ he asked as he started to walk down the corridor.‘No, sir.I figured you’d tell everyone in today’s briefing,’ she said from behind him.‘Where do you want me?’He turned and looked at her.He should thank God that he had her, that she was so loyal.‘Can you help the SOCOs get fingerprints from the rest of the residents and staff and then start the questioning?’ He still couldn’t believe he was here, doing this.‘I’ll be along in a minute.after I’ve sorted this,’ he said, pointing to his brother’s door.Alice was already inside, waiting for him.His heart felt like it might explode out of his chest as he pulled back the emotion that wanted to come.‘You’ll do fine, sir,’ she said, touching his arm.‘I’ll speak to SOCO.We’ll get everyone out of here as soon as possible.’‘Thank you, Jane.’ He watched her walk away before turning back to his brother’s door and knocking three times.‘Come in,’ Alice called.As he pushed open the door he thought he was going to be sick.Fingerprint dust seemed to cover every surface; the air was thick with it.Why hadn’t they cleaned up after themselves? He could feel his blood heating, but then he saw his brother.Bobby was standing by the window, looking out at the garden.There was no sign that the invading guests were distressing him.He was fine, untroubled.Although for how long Lockyer wasn’t sure.The fingerprints, they would be tricky, but it was the cotton swab in Bobby’s mouth that was going to be the real test.In a way it made him feel worse.The SOCOs weren’t bothering Bobby.The dozens of police officers combing through his precious garden wasn’t disturbing him, but what Lockyer was about to do would.The lengths to which he had gone to protect his brother; had they all been in vain?‘Come on,’ Alice said, giving his arm a gentle nudge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]