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.”“What is it, Smithy?”“He said he can’t talk to you now, guv, and get this, we’re to stand down!”“What the hell is he playing at?”“What do you want me to do, guv?”Alec thought for a long time before answering the question, and when he did his stomach turned.“If the commander says that we are to stand down then that’s what we’ll have to do.”Chapter Sixty-TwoMI5There was a feeling of outrage running through the law enforcement teams working on the case.Confusion, frustration and resentment were running high.There was no communication coming down the ranks as to why there was a stand down ordered at the airport.It was as if someone pulled the plug on the entire investigation at the last minute.If they’d identified which flight the bombers had boarded, then they could have had them arrested at the other end.Alec Ramsay couldn’t fathom the reason why.Alec was shell shocked by the decision to stand down, and not being able to explain it to his troops made things worse.He’d demanded an immediate briefing with the commander when he finally returned his calls, which was granted, but he was told it would be the following day and that he was to go alone.He hadn’t slept a wink that night, and his long-suffering wife Gail kept him supplied with coffee and organic sandwiches as he made call after call to his high ranking colleagues, digging for information.Either no one knew anything, or they weren’t saying anything.He dressed in his best navy blue suit and chose a tie to match.If he was to be kicked off the case then he would step down as the head of the Major Investigation Team.Gail said she would stand by him, whatever decision he made.The drive to work took forever, and the charcoal clouds reflected his mood.He went directly to the top floor without calling into his office; it was better not to see his own officers before he’d had the briefing with the commander.The lift seemed to take forever, and when he stepped out of it, he needed to pee.He pushed open the door of the gents, where thick black marble tiles covered the floor and walls, complimented by white porcelain sinks, and stainless-steel fixtures.Agent Spence of the MI5 was using a urinal.Alec stopped in his tracks and shook his head in disbelief.Who else could have blocked his request for information from the airport apart from MI5?“Superintendent,” Spence said without turning his head.His face blushed red and Alec didn’t think it was because he’d seen him pissing.“Agent Spence, are you here to shed some light on my investigation, or are you loitering with intent in the executive toilets again?” Alec thought about smashing the agent’s face into the tiles.“Oh, I didn’t realise that investigations were owned by individual officers, no matter how high up the food chain they are.”Agent Spence shook it dry and tucked himself back into his grey trousers, before leaving without saying another word.He wasn’t wearing a suit jacket, which told Alec that he’d been there for some time already, and it was only nine o’clock in the morning.Alec finished and stood in front of a basin.He looked into the mirror and frowned at what he saw.His blond hair was greying fast, his worry lines were firmly entrenched around his forehead and eyes and spreading rapidly.The fact MI5 had an agent on the top floor didn’t bode well for the meeting he was about to have with the divisional commander.Chief Carlton wasn’t invited either, which worried him further.He washed his hands and splashed his face with cold water, and then headed for the commander’s office.“Commander.” Alec knocked and opened the door at the same time.His superior was sat behind his desk, and he didn’t look happy.His face was dark with worry.“Alec, come in,” the commander said.He left the formalities aside for now.“You and Agent Spence are familiar with each other by now, so let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?”“That suits me,” Alec closed the door and sat opposite the commander.He positioned himself so that he could look both men in the face without moving.The commander coughed nervously and cleared his throat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]