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.”“I think the first time I realized that I loved you, Alexandria, was when you ran away.I was frantic trying to find you! You had complicated my life, and I didn’t want to love you, but I was helpless against your charms.”“You didn’t want to love me because of the way you felt about Morning Song?”“I suppose that must be true.”“I can understand the way you felt about her.I will never try to take her place.I realize there will always be a part of you that I will have to share with her memory.”Tag rested his face against her cool cheek.“I think it’s time for me to put your fears at rest, my love.What I had with Morning Song in no way compares with how I feel for you.Her ghost no longer haunts me.Because of the kind of person Morning Song was, when she was dying she set me free.When I avenged her death, it released my heart, Alexandria.”“I’m not sure I understand.”“Alexandria, I now know that what I felt for Morning Song was what one would feel for a dear friend.Her memory will always be sweet to me, but I can admit that I didn’t love her with the all-consuming love that I feel for you.I think she always knew that we weren’t right for each other.Had she lived, I would soon have realized it also.”By now, tears blinded Alexandria, and she wiped them away with the back of her hand.She had never thought she could compete with Tag’s memory of his dead wife.He was telling her now that she didn’t have to compete.How was it possible that he loved her?“Alexandria, you have become my life.I don’t think I could go on if you didn’t love me.Walk beside me as my friend, Alex…stay beside me as my wife, Alexandria…come to my bed as my love, Xandria.I desperately need all three of you, my little wife.”Alexandria reached up and touched his face.Her heart was too full of happiness to speak.She thought of the baby she carried and knew Tag would share her happiness when he learned she was with child.“I will always walk beside you, Tag.No man has ever been loved the way I love you.I love you so much that if you wish to stay here with the Blackfoot, I will make my home here with you.I will do anything that will make you happy.”She looked at Tag’s face and saw what appeared to be tears in his eyes.Surely she was mistaken—a man with Tag’s strength would never cry.Her hand moved up to his cheek and touched the wetness there, and she felt the answering tears in her own eyes.“My love,” he whispered, as he crushed her in his arms.“Because of you, I am a whole man.By loving me in return, you have set me free.I am touched by your devotion, but I will not ask you to live in the Blackfoot village.We will return to Philadelphia and make our life together there.”“Are you quite sure, Tag?”“Yes, although I will want to return to the Blackfoot village sometimes…will you come with me?”“Yes! Oh, yes, Tag!” she cried.He brushed the tumbled curls out of her face and smiled down at her.“You have put me through hell, and you have also led me out of my hell, Alexandria.With you, I have found the true meaning of happiness.What more can a man ask for out of life?”“Tag, I will be a good wife to you, and a good mother to Danielle.You have my word that I will treat her as my own daughter.I will love her as much as the baby I now carry.”Tag looked at her quickly, and she saw joy spread over his face.“You are with child?”“Yes.Do you mind?”He bent his head and found her lips, giving her a kiss so sweet that it brought renewed tears to her eyes.Alexandria was vaguely aware that he lifted her into his arms and laid her on the blanket.When he came to her, he lifted her nightgown over her head, and then pulled her against him.She gloried in the feel of his hard body pressed against her soft curves.He seemed in no hurry to make love to her, but was content to kiss and caress her for the moment.As the wind rustled in the trees and a breeze cooled their overheated bodies, Tag made love to Alexandria slowly and lingeringly.“Alexandria,” he whispered against her lips, as his hands moved across her soft breasts and down over her smooth hips, pulling her closer to him.“You are the most enchanting and exciting woman I have ever known.”Since the ground was hard, and he feared he would be too heavy for her, Tag rolled over and moved her on top of him, whispering her name again and again.Alexandria could feel the raw strength of his body and she melted against him.She wondered vaguely how such a powerful man could be so gentle, and she marveled that such a strong man could have such a loving heart.No longer did Alexandria envy Morning Song, because she now held Tag as the Indian girl never had.“I love you, Tag,” she whispered, sprinkling kisses over his face.“Always love me, Alexandria,” he groaned, as he plunged deep inside of her, causing her to grab hold of his shoulders.Wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body as he moved his hips slowly forward and back.Alexandria felt him move forward and moaned softly.Tonight she had been handed man’s greatest gift to a woman…Tag had given her his heart!As Tag experienced the beautiful feelings of being united with the woman he loved, his body began to burn with a slow fire.He could feel the need deep inside building to a feverish pitch as he caressed Alexandria’s silken skin.His senses were reeling as he felt the fire within him rising higher and higher.He clasped her tightly to him, murmuring her name.Her silky hair brushed against his lips, and he closed his eyes.Surely this woman had been created just for him.He wanted to explore all of her and know her mind as well as her body.Alexandria couldn’t seem to think clearly as Tag took her to dazzling heights of ecstasy.Her head seemed to be spinning as Tag thrust forward, and her body felt as if it were exploding.As Alexandria felt an answering shudder wrack Tag’s body, she knew they had both reached the pinnacle of bodily fulfillment.Slowly she became aware of the sensation that she was floating in an endless sky.Her whole being seemed to relax as Tag clutched her tightly to him.“My love, my love,” he whispered in a deeply moved voice.“I could not live if you were to take this away from me.”“Never, Tag [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]